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Ictfc Official Bebo Page


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Hi there everybody,

I just thought I would let you know that we have finally launched a Bebo page to keep you guys up to date with all events happening in the Stadium or in somecases outwith!

It contains info on whats available, how to book and prices.

We are interested in past events you have attended and events you would like to see at the Stadium. Also you can see whats coming up throughout the year and book in advance for all major events

I would love it if you guys could check it out and feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.


Edited by tabs75
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Excellent, this shows that the club have at least listened to us re the lack of communication. I wont be using it but a step in the right direction.

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Excellent, this shows that the club have at least listened to us re the lack of communication. I wont be using it but a step in the right direction.

No no it just shows that Tabs loves Bebo.

On the point of communication it always amazes me the number of questions that get asked on this site when the answer is already on ictfc.com

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Guest Murdock

Does anyone over the age of 15 use Bebo? Seems to be frequented by neds who like to put videos of them drinking Buckie and harrassing grannies.

Facebook has a far more sophisticated audience!

edited to add: Although I do agree it is a step in the right direction

Edited by Murdock
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Does anyone over the age of 15 use Bebo? Seems to be frequented by neds who like to put videos of them drinking Buckie and harrassing grannies.

Facebook has a far more sophisticated audience!

edited to add: Although I do agree it is a step in the right direction

i tend to use both facebook and bebo. spen alot of time away so its good way of keeping in touch. i quite often use the oficcial site for things like post match stuff and fact checking.

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I am currently working on a page for Facebook for those who prefer that site.

This page is not for infor on the football side of things for example: results, whos playing etc. It is soley for us to tell you what is happening events and tickets wise at the club and for you to be able to voice your opinions on theses events or events you would like to see.

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Does anyone over the age of 15 use Bebo? Seems to be frequented by neds who like to put videos of them drinking Buckie and harrassing grannies.

Facebook has a far more sophisticated audience!

edited to add: Although I do agree it is a step in the right direction

um....yeah! I do

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I am currently working on a page for Facebook for those who prefer that site.

This page is not for infor on the football side of things for example: results, whos playing etc. It is soley for us to tell you what is happening events and tickets wise at the club and for you to be able to voice your opinions on theses events or events you would like to see.

The comments section could also be a great way of organising a wee skirmish with opposition neds away from the stadia, so hard to get a decent fight going in or around stadia these days. :rotflmao:

This post should keep the Inverness anti-hooligan squad something to do, "stake out CTO they've moved on from anti-Brewster banners."

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I am currently working on a page for Facebook for those who prefer that site.

This page is not for infor on the football side of things for example: results, whos playing etc. It is soley for us to tell you what is happening events and tickets wise at the club and for you to be able to voice your opinions on theses events or events you would like to see.

My two-penneth

I dont use BeBo so cant comment on the actual site, but would have thought that the official site is the place to get things announced.

We already liaise with Darren on events and put them both in the calendar which is shown on the forum index as a forthcoming event, in the calendar page if you choose it from the menu, as well as in the club news forum. We can and do also provide a platform for discussion of those events on here.

There are already several facebook groups related to ICT. dont see why a new one is needed. Could you not use a pre-existing one and ask the "officers" to make you an officer? I would certainly look favourably if you made that request of the CTO group on facebook.

We (CTO) are also developing a facebook application that will use the Facebook Connect service to allow you to login to this site using your facebook profile/login and pull things like status and profile into your forum profile. This will come in IPBV3.0 which is currently in beta but the potential for integration with facebook (and potentially myspace and Bebo) is looking quite exciting.

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Have to agree with Scotty. We already have CTO and the official site, so I'm not sure we need facebook and bebo too. I think it's just more work for people to keep them updated. I'm sure the facilities that we currently have in place are sufficient.

New features sound interesting Scotty, looking forward to seeing the new software

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Good idea, It keeps the youngsters in touch with ICT more on their level, which cant be a bad thing.

The mods may take slight offence on this site but youngsters are never off of bebo and the more youngsters that get introduced to our world the better.

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I take no offence whatsoever and I'm actually of the opinion that clubs can benefit from having a presence on the social networks.....which we have already, I just don't think they should be trying to do anything "official" in the manner they are.

What made me cringe when I saw the page was the fact that it looks like it's been thrown together by a 5 year old with a box of crayons and doesn't portray the professional image that the club should be showing (I have a similar opinion of the Official Website). I also wonder how they're going to manage the comments etc. One of the main reasons for CaleyThistleOnline.com going "unofficial" was that the club could not take the risk of things being said on the forums which they could be held accountable for. With a Bebo page people can leave whatever comments they like and it's tough to police....can you imagine what will happen the moment young fans (or otherwise) of other clubs get a sniff of an "Official ICT Bebo Page"....yup, it'll be open season!!!

If they're looking for feedback then, as others have suggested, they could approach those who operate existing ICTFC Fan Social Networking pages and offer to work with them....as well as making use of this site here and the Official Site.

I appreciate the idea as it shows an ability to think outside the box and that's a welcome sign of progress....not to mention it being some of the first signs of the club being willing to embrace the Internet.

I also apologise if my comments upset the person who put the page together, that's not my intention, but I really do think that if the club are going to persist with this idea then they need to work on the skin to get it looking crisp and professional. I'll even put my money where my mouth is and offer to do a skin for them based on whatever design/look they are after.

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Guest GotheTshirt

?100 to watch the Champions League??? I'd want to play in it for that price!

I agree with CaleyD. It's very unprofessional looking for an 'official' site. And whats with the capital letters for I and C but not for T?

How about they concentrate on getting the official website up-to-scratch, starting with the online shop?

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With a Bebo page people can leave whatever comments they like and it's tough to police....can you imagine what will happen the moment young fans (or otherwise) of other clubs get a sniff of an "Official ICT Bebo Page"....yup, it'll be open season!!!

They can always set to so that they have to accept the comments if people are posting crap

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?100 to watch the Champions League??? I'd want to play in it for that price!

I agree with CaleyD. It's very unprofessional looking for an 'official' site. And whats with the capital letters for I and C but not for T?

How about they concentrate on getting the official website up-to-scratch, starting with the online shop?

Is that not how it's meant to be? :rotflmao:

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Whats wrong with the online shop GotheTshirt?

I could give you a list if you want .... but the biggest issue for me is that it should be a part of the official site rather than something farmed out to a third party provider. It should also have a URL that is something like www.ictfc.co.uk/shop or shop.ictfc.co.uk rather than http://uk.born.com/merchant-home/1217243021079091300/

If the club or PremiumTV dont have the means to provide such a platform, then at the very least, if you are getting a third party to supply the site for you (and you are allowing them to cream off commissions etc) then you should choose a provider based on a number of categories, one of which would have to be their ability to customise your site so it at least looks like it is integrated into your own site. For an example see http://caleythistleonline.com/features/cto-shop ...

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