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Highland Cuts

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With the government looking to make cuts, it looks like it could hit the Highlands more than anyone else. There have been reports that Golspie and Tains Gym and Leasure complex' will be shutting down. Also Alness pool. That would leave people from those areas severly lacking in sport facilities. In a time where the Government is pushing for Healthy living from young and old alike, and in a time where the young of the Highlands are asking for more things to do, they end up taking away. I can fully understand making cuts, but not to things which mean so much to Highland communities. In our school, we need to travel to Golspie to go swimming. With that and Tain shut, where are we to go? Its a descrace. If they did not spend millions on creating more needless offices ect in Golspie and the likes, then such severe cuts would not be needed. The HC need a boot up the arse.

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With the government looking to make cuts, it looks like it could hit the Highlands more than anyone else. There have been reports that Golspie and Tains Gym and Leasure complex' will be shutting down. Also Alness pool. That would leave people from those areas severly lacking in sport facilities. In a time where the Government is pushing for Healthy living from young and old alike, and in a time where the young of the Highlands are asking for more things to do, they end up taking away. I can fully understand making cuts, but not to things which mean so much to Highland communities. In our school, we need to travel to Golspie to go swimming. With that and Tain shut, where are we to go? Its a descrace. If they did not spend millions on creating more needless offices ect in Golspie and the likes, then such severe cuts would not be needed. The HC need a boot up the arse.

It's not just Highland Council, Aberdeen and Moray are in the same boat not to mention other Councils.

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With the government looking to make cuts, it looks like it could hit the Highlands more than anyone else. There have been reports that Golspie and Tains Gym and Leasure complex' will be shutting down. Also Alness pool. That would leave people from those areas severly lacking in sport facilities. In a time where the Government is pushing for Healthy living from young and old alike, and in a time where the young of the Highlands are asking for more things to do, they end up taking away. I can fully understand making cuts, but not to things which mean so much to Highland communities. In our school, we need to travel to Golspie to go swimming. With that and Tain shut, where are we to go? Its a descrace. If they did not spend millions on creating more needless offices ect in Golspie and the likes, then such severe cuts would not be needed. The HC need a boot up the arse.

It's not just Highland Council, Aberdeen and Moray are in the same boat not to mention other Councils.

Well the Scottish Government then.. or whoever the hell is at fault.

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Blame the party in power at the minute. Not the one responsible for the Edinburgh tramway but the one that controls spending and taxation etc. Local authorities have been ordered, in the interests of creating a false economy, not to increase council taxes and to make cuts in spending. Election run up and all that. Without the proper level of funding things must suffer. So what do we close? A school, a hospital ward or a swimming pool in Golspie? Think of that when it comes to voting in May.

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Much as I might be tempted to take a swipe at politicians, I don't think this is actually anybody's fault, with the possible exception of the likes of Fred Goodwin. Simply we are (hopefully) emerging from a recession and part of that cycle is severe restriction of public finances. For instance Greece is almost broke.

Outwith the Council Tax, the Councils get their money from Holyrood which gets a block grant from Westminster which is having to cut back on everything for the reasons stated above.

One worry is economists. One large group is saying cut NOW, another is saying don't cut for another year. Two questions arise. To what extent are these groups of economists simply singing from the hymnsheet of their chosen political party? And do economists in general actually have a clue about what the hell is happening if they are as divided as that?

Salmond and his mates, of course, take every opportunity to use this as an excuse to pick another fight with Westminster because it is in their political interest to make another attempt to make Westminster look bad.

Basically there is no money about whatever party would be in power wherever and I suppose the public concern has to be that the cuts which Highland Council have to make will in fact be made as painlessly as possible and in areas where the least loss of amenity results to the smallest number of people.

Edited by Charles Bannerman
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Much as I might be tempted to take a swipe at politicians, I don't think this is actually anybody's fault, with the possible exception of the likes of Fred Goodwin. Simply we are (hopefully) emerging from a recession and part of that cycle is severe restriction of public finances. For instance Greece is almost broke.

Outwith the Council Tax, the Councils get their money from Holyrood which gets a block grant from Westminster which is having to cut back on everything for the reasons stated above.

One worry is economists. One large group is saying cut NOW, another is saying don't cut for another year. Two questions arise. To what extent are these groups of economists simply singing from the hymnsheet of their chosen political party? And do economists in general actually have a clue about what the hell is happening if they are as divided as that?

Salmond and his mates, of course, take every opportunity to use this as an excuse to pick another fight with Westminster because it is in their political interest to make another attempt to make Westminster look bad.

Basically there is no money about whatever party would be in power wherever and I suppose the public concern has to be that the cuts which Highland Council have to make will in fact be made as painlessly as possible and in areas where the least loss of amenity results to the smallest number of people.

It's not a case of Salmond picking another fight with Westminster, he is fighting for Scotland which is more than any politician of any other party has ever done in my lifetime.

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It's not a case of Salmond picking another fight with Westminster

He does it incessantly because it's in his political interest to try to spread as much discontent with Westminster as he can North of the Border. Before Holyrood came along he used to whinge away about "The English" but now it's Westminster. In this instance he quite simply tries to blame spending cuts on the "tight settlement" from Westminster. Of course it's a tight settlement from Westminster! What does he expect? There's a recession on and public finance right troughout the UK... indeed the whole world... is being similarly squeezed. It's just that Salmond can pass the buck elsewhere because he doesn't have any revenue raising powers. If he DID, then there would be no hiding place. The buck would stop with him and he wouldn't have his chance to spread discontent with the UK Government.

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It's not a case of Salmond picking another fight with Westminster

He does it incessantly because it's in his political interest to try to spread as much discontent with Westminster as he can North of the Border. Before Holyrood came along he used to whinge away about "The English" but now it's Westminster. In this instance he quite simply tries to blame spending cuts on the "tight settlement" from Westminster. Of course it's a tight settlement from Westminster! What does he expect? There's a recession on and public finance right troughout the UK... indeed the whole world... is being similarly squeezed. It's just that Salmond can pass the buck elsewhere because he doesn't have any revenue raising powers. If he DID, then there would be no hiding place. The buck would stop with him and he wouldn't have his chance to spread discontent with the UK Government.

Might I suggest you are only revealing the truths you wish to share Charles, is that also part of the "New" Labour economisation package? Yes there are cuts to be made but why are the cuts north of the border disproportionate to those south of the border? If it's all nonsense let's devolve tax raising powers to Holyrood and call his bluff then!

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why are the cuts north of the border disproportionate to those south of the border?

You mean disproportionately large like the settlement itself under the Barnett Formula?

You really are a UKIP man!!

Why is it that that when the anti SNP brigade (aka the We Can't Look After Ourselves We Have Issues Club) have something to say all the can talk of is the bloody Barnett Formula?

Never a mention of the significant exploitation of Scottish resources for decades or the fact that we are in the state we are in because of absentee rule from Westminster by the parties they support!

The SNP get some degree of power for a short period and low and behold they are to blame for everything. the fact the A9 isn't fully dualled is wee Eck's fault. Not the buggers that had decades to do something about it and did hee haw. They are falling over themselves to have a pop and it's hilarious.

I want my right to make my own decisions, my own mistakes, my own successes and my own future. Those who deny me this are the ones with the problem, not me. After all, why should we have to wait until England wants change before we can have any?

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No money? Oh there's money! Lots of it...it's all borrowed but there's no shortage of money..


42 billion on defence

31 billion on interest payments

...and who knows how much wasted by councils up and down the country on consultants, seminars, meetings, travel, etc.

Anyway, there is no such thing as good government. Governments, by their very nature, are bad. Even SNP, which I support. It is the world we have created.

Cut defence and i'm sure inverness could get a few hundred thousand quid

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If Councils concentrated on delivering the services they were funded to provide and not the "hobby horse" projects they wish to pursue then the problem would be significantly reduced. For example, loads of local authorities still spend a fortune on a "development" role despite the fact that this power was transferred (rightly or wrongly is a separate argument) to the enterprise agencies years ago.

I for one was delighted with the CT freeze as it is already like a second mortgage for many. When you don't see a pavement gritter or snowplough round your road from 18th Dec to 12th Jan you wonder what the hell you are paying for?

Until we get a proper breakdown of what expenditure councils spent on legally obligated areas and what goes on choice, I see keep the CT freeze.

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Disagree Oz and in doing so, make it clear that I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for our forces that our leaders send to ridiculous locations on ridiculous crusades.

The right wing media does a fantastic job in making us concentrate on Xmas dinners or art works when the truth is that our GDP expenditure on defence is entirely out of sync with our Western European counterparts. Just because of our so called "special relationship" with the US our leaders have decided to force our military into totally unacceptable situations at a cost, not just in financial terms, that we cannot afford to pay.

I tire of seeing body bags sent home from occupations in wars that mean little to us.

The invasion of Iraq as a revenge attack for "Daddy's" mistakes by GWB, supported by our devious liar of a Prime Minister who furnished our parliament with a pack of lies (WMD where?) has cost us and continues to cost us billions. For what? A safer world?

Maybe one time soon we will have leadership that realises that it is not our job to seek "regime change" in nations we dislike, our troops will be able to be deployed doing what they should be doing and our nation will not be detested the length and breadth of the world.

It's not just the bankers that have inflicted financial ruin on our nation. Warmongering leaders have a lot to answer for.

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Or we could stop entering illegal wars being America's side kick as they chase their oil interests

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Or we could stop entering illegal wars being America's side kick as they chase their oil interests

Correct! Say what you want Oz, the fact is we spend a needless amount of money on the military. We should cut back dramatically and we should also stop going into wars that we do not need to go into. Theres one thing being a peace keeping nation, and another being American arse-lickers.

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Sorry I've taken so long to answer, I forgot about this thread. I will not argue with any of you and your answers because I agree totally that we shouldn't be there. I've always said that in all the past threads about this subject. My point is that while we are sending our troops to these wars (rightly or wrongly) then we should be making sure they have the correct equipment and don't have to fork out there own money to buy it. They signed up to protect queen and country, OUR queen and country.We shouldn't be in this war but while we are I will and we all should support our troops.

The only point I will argue is that we spend NEEDLESS amounts of money on the military. If 1 penny of that money saves a soldier's life then it is money well spent.

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Defence spending of that magnitude isn't exactly kit, it's trident weapons systems, nuclear armaments, satellites, intelligence networks, missiles, staff, etc etc. What does defence bring the Highlands?

Ok, for some, artworks are a luxury, but they've been cut, and amount to a few grand here and there, from the Scottish Art Council, not from Highalnd Council, so not within the HC's realm...

I agree there is a lot of frivolity but defence is the largest single waste of taxpayers money. And I have had two relatives killed in war, for your information.

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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Defence spending of that magnitude isn't exactly kit, it's trident weapons systems, nuclear armaments, satellites, intelligence networks, missiles, staff, etc etc. What does defence bring the Highlands?

Ok, for some, artworks are a luxury, but they've been cut, and amount to a few grand here and there, from the Scottish Art Council, not from Highalnd Council, so not within the HC's realm...

I agree there is a lot of frivolity but defence is the largest single waste of taxpayers money. And I have had two relatives killed in war, for your information.

You're right a lot of the budget is spent on the items you mention but it is also spent on helicopters, armoured vehicles etc. things that save lives. What does defence bring to the highlands? Safety. I am sorry you have had to suffer the heartache of losing relatives due to war. I would have thought that would have made you see it from the other side, guess not.

You preach against the military spending and defence yet have a signature advocating war and a username that amongst other things is the name of a japanese battleship, strange. Each to their own.

Edited by Oz647
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Cut Defence??????????????

So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

Defence spending of that magnitude isn't exactly kit, it's trident weapons systems, nuclear armaments, satellites, intelligence networks, missiles, staff, etc etc. What does defence bring the Highlands?

Ok, for some, artworks are a luxury, but they've been cut, and amount to a few grand here and there, from the Scottish Art Council, not from Highalnd Council, so not within the HC's realm...

I agree there is a lot of frivolity but defence is the largest single waste of taxpayers money. And I have had two relatives killed in war, for your information.

You're right a lot of the budget is spent on the items you mention but it is also spent on helicopters, armoured vehicles etc. things that save lives. What does defence bring to the highlands? Safety. I am sorry you have had to suffer the heartache of losing relatives due to war. I would have thought that would have made you see it from the other side, guess not.

You preach against the military spending and defence yet have a signature advocating war, strange. Each to their own.

That quote is exactly there for the right reason. "Strike at what is weak". It does not advocate war, it is a quote of a philosopher that was also a strategist.

Im not getting into the arguments of war, just saying that defence spending is beyond reason. Of course soldiers deserve kit, they are promised it, it's a right, and they die sometimes because they dont get it. There's plenty money for every soldier to be kitted out and in the right vehicles, but its spent instead on new technology, consultants, contractors, etc. all for an industry of war. The money is there in defence already, its just spent wrongly. You could cut that budget in half, and still have enough to kit out all soldiers, if it was spent correctly. It's not spent correctly.

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Sorry I've taken so long to answer, I forgot about this thread. I will not argue with any of you and your answers because I agree totally that we shouldn't be there. I've always said that in all the past threads about this subject. My point is that while we are sending our troops to these wars (rightly or wrongly) then we should be making sure they have the correct equipment and don't have to fork out there own money to buy it. They signed up to protect queen and country, OUR queen and country.We shouldn't be in this war but while we are I will and we all should support our troops.

The only point I will argue is that we spend NEEDLESS amounts of money on the military. If 1 penny of that money saves a soldier's life then it is money well spent.

The Soldiers do need good gear. But, as had been said, we do not need to spend such large amounts on other things such as Trident.

I do think we spend needless money. Personally, i think the size of our army is bigger than it has to be. We are not an empire anymore and so do not need a large military force. We do need a force of substancial size, but not as big as it is. We change our outlook regarding Foreign policy, and we could save billions of money, let alone hundreds of lives.

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Sorry I've taken so long to answer, I forgot about this thread. I will not argue with any of you and your answers because I agree totally that we shouldn't be there. I've always said that in all the past threads about this subject. My point is that while we are sending our troops to these wars (rightly or wrongly) then we should be making sure they have the correct equipment and don't have to fork out there own money to buy it. They signed up to protect queen and country, OUR queen and country.We shouldn't be in this war but while we are I will and we all should support our troops.

The only point I will argue is that we spend NEEDLESS amounts of money on the military. If 1 penny of that money saves a soldier's life then it is money well spent.

The Soldiers do need good gear. But, as had been said, we do not need to spend such large amounts on other things such as Trident.

I do think we spend needless money. Personally, i think the size of our army is bigger than it has to be. We are not an empire anymore and so do not need a large military force. We do need a force of substancial size, but not as big as it is. We change our outlook regarding Foreign policy, and we could save billions of money, let alone hundreds of lives.

As of Dec 2009 the British army consisted of approx 150,000 regular soldiers and 121,820 reserves that gives us a total of 271,820 serving troops available for war. During WW2 we lost 382,700 troops. You do the maths and call for cuts in numbers. I agree that things like trident should be discontinued but whilst other countries have these capabilities we need them. If Iran or some other loony starts shooting missiles at us you will be thankfull for our defence system then.

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