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The derby


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Well, it's the night before the most important game ever between ICT and County. Never before has the result of this derby been more crucial. The winner may go on to take the title, the loser will be back next season for more of the same possibly. And where are all the fans? Too scared to say anything in case it all goes pear shaped. Wheres wilsononourwing when you need him? Gone are the jibes about caravan dwellers. Gone are the County Airways, the wheels on yer house, the travelling folk, the peg sellers, Brewster, Adams punching his own players even the Andy Barrowman digs have subsided.

What is wrong with you lot, give yersels a shake for god's sake, even the pope is getting more airtime than this game. We are on the eve of destruction and nobody is willing to put their head on the chopping block. We have important topics about the spelling in the programme, the Sun newspaper where the esteemed Bannerman is allegedly the dear Deirdrie columnist, or is that his wet dream, The reverend I M Jolly has apparently been heard on duty at the stadium, presumably rehearsing for funeral duty, what will the attendance be tomorrow night, as Gringo's prediction league gets undermined, Adam Rooney has been spotted as a world cycling champion, shots were heard being fired from a turnstile at The Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, smee wants to go it alone, stevico needs to know who really believed.....just say aye to a killie pie, sheep are after our striker, who, meeee, nooo, ewe, bahhhh, catering issues, apparently some people see this as a night out for some gourmet food and make the most of the delicacies on offer, or not on offer, some people want to stay in the first division, Tichy Blacks Back told us there were 11 games to go when there were 11 games left, renegade picked a team without Lionel as a left winger, wyness101 told us which ex-players scored, alimci wanted Bully in for Munro,(lol), tm4tj said please 483 times, to no avail, the Inshes Roundabout has become a huge topic of discussion, gringo junior is mad, or he missed the bus, stevie wanted to know where he can listen to fiddle and accordion music............for god's sake don't tell him, there is of course much more serious topics, like the real Leigh Griffiths blogg, word assosciation thread, most posts and some idiot even wanted to know where johndo was, he's where you left him, Johnboy tried his luck again with dogs and cats, oh dear is that the rain on again, Alex Macleod want's to know who the renegade is, why, one word scrabble is slipping down the table. However, in amongst all these little gems, Feb 8th told us all he was leaving, Johndo popped up, missict needs a tv licence and Mahonio now knows that the best place to find a rumour is in the rumours forum, I suppose if he is looking for rumours then he won't keep asking when the dvd will be sent, the revbirdog has unearthed some astonishing revelations about the County mascot, unbelievable stuff, but it gets better, Butcher is going to Rangers proclaimed a man not known for starting myths, but alternative rumours from maryhill maybe, Dream Team, Couny Bounty, Alba Telly, Darren Jarvie, Darren Jarvie, so good they named him twice, yes folks it's all in here, but if you want some info and chat about the game tomorrow, no chance..........................what game....

However, there is one constant, and one constant only, I believe that wilsononourwing believes.

Now then, what was I going to type, ach nothing really.

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What is wrong with you lot, give yersels a shake for god's sake, even the pope is getting more airtime than this game. We are on the eve of destruction and nobody is willing to put their head on the chopping block. We have important topics about the spelling in the programme, the Sun newspaper where the esteemed Bannerman is allegedly the dear Deirdrie columnist, or is that his wet dream, The reverend I M Jolly has apparently been heard on duty at the stadium, presumably rehearsing for funeral duty, what will the attendance be tomorrow night, as Gringo's prediction league gets undermined, Adam Rooney has been spotted as a world cycling champion, shots were heard being fired from a turnstile at The Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, smee wants to go it alone, stevico needs to know who really believed.....just say aye to a killie pie, sheep are after our striker, who, meeee, nooo, ewe, bahhhh, catering issues, apparently some people see this as a night out for some gourmet food and make the most of the delicacies on offer, or not on offer, some people want to stay in the first division, Tichy Blacks Back told us there were 11 games to go when there were 11 games left, renegade picked a team without Lionel as a left winger, wyness101 told us which ex-players scored, alimci wanted Bully in for Munro,(lol), tm4tj said please 483 times, to no avail, the Inshes Roundabout has become a huge topic of discussion, gringo junior is mad, or he missed the bus, stevie wanted to know where he can listen to fiddle and accordion music............

:blink: :D :D

Nothing to do with not caring, Don - I'm just saving my fingers for celebrating all the goal updates coming in tomorrow on the matchday thread...

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Adam Rooney has been spotted as a world cycling champion, shots were heard being fired from a turnstile at The Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, smee wants to go it alone, stevico needs to know who really believed.....just say aye to a killie pie, sheep are after our striker, who, meeee, nooo, ewe, bahhhh, catering issues, apparently some people see this as a night out for some gourmet food and make the most of the delicacies on offer, or not on offer, some people want to stay in the first division, Tichy Blacks Back told us there were 11 games to go when there were 11 games left, renegade picked a team without Lionel as a left winger, wyness101 told us which ex-players scored, alimci wanted Bully in for Munro,(lol), tm4tj said please 483 times, to no avail, the Inshes Roundabout has become a huge topic of discussion, gringo junior is mad, or he missed the bus, stevie wanted to know where he can listen to fiddle and accordion music............for god's sake don't tell him, there is of course much more serious topics, like the real Leigh Griffiths blogg, word assosciation thread, most posts and some idiot even wanted to know where johndo was, he's where you left him, Johnboy tried his luck again with dogs and cats, oh dear is that the rain on again, Alex Macleod want's to know who the renegade is, why, one word scrabble is slipping down the table. However, in amongst all these little gems, Feb 8th told us all he was leaving, Johndo popped up, missict needs a tv licence and Mahonio now knows that the best place to find a rumour is in the rumours forum, I suppose if he is looking for rumours then he won't keep asking when the dvd will be sent, the revbirdog has unearthed some astonishing revelations about the County mascot, unbelievable stuff, but it gets better, Butcher is going to Rangers proclaimed a man not known for starting myths, but alternative rumours from maryhill maybe, Dream Team, Couny Bounty, Alba Telly, Darren Jarvie, Darren Jarvie, so good they named him twice, yes folks it's all in here, but if you want some info and chat about the game tomorrow, no chance..........................what game....

However, there is one constant, and one constant only, I believe that wilsononourwing believes.

Now then, what was I going to type, ach nothing really.

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I believe tomorrow night is the night where WE the fans will have to play our part. THE 12th MAN.

We need to show the players and the manager our appreciation for turning this season into the most exciting season witnessed at the TCS in a long time. You have a voice - use it. Leave all negativity at home and bring to the stadium some youthful exuberance. Cast aside any self confidence issues you may have and let your voice be heard. Let the chants of BELIEVE reverberate around the stadium. Now is the time to get right behind the team, if you dont already believe now is the time to believe. Believe that you can play a part. Believe that we will win the league.

Tonight as I stand at my window looking down on the Stade De la Dreams ................. oh wait a minute ...................

Whats that coming over the bridge , is it a Gypsy ...is it a Gypsy!!!



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Hey TM4TJ, I wanted to know where to catch some Fiddle & Accordion music so that I could celebrate the fact that we were on the verge of promotion after victories over Ross Co & Raith Rov.

Honest, my enquiry was derby related ! :)

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As my signature says

"THE NAME ON THE FRONT OF THE SHIRT IS A LOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE ON THE BACK". Said with such passion by Herb Brookes; someone very few people have heard off. Well he took a bunch of nobody USA Ice Hockey players to the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid in 1980 and won gold from the Russians who were unbeaten in years

I do hope our players realise that they are playing for more than themselves. Their is a town desperate for SPL football again, a place that was so cruelly taken from our grasp. Our fingers are on that Championship trophy by a single point and 11 men + 5 subs is all that stands between us and that trophy, so i join Themann4the job in rousing the troops for the most important Derby ever.

To quote Jonny Rotten from Anarchy in the UK " GET OFF YOUR AAAAARSE".

PS i'd woul love to see themann4the jobs post is this goes down to the last game against Scumdee

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This will be the first time in derby history that we play County just before they take on Celtic in the Semi Final of the Cup and therefore it may be the last chance we have of saying good luck in the Final.

Good luck to the Staggies in the Final - we hope you win the Cup and become the first Highland Team in Europe.

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Gutted I'm missing this one, the reverend missus will be taking my place accompanied by my daughter, mini revbirdog however feels that going to "holiday bible club" is of a higher priority than the derby this reverend athiest is gutted once again. Ship only recieves FM when at sea and being on watch in the engine room it is kind of frowned upon to rig up a TV to watch sky sports so updates will be scarce. I will however be counting on the TCS faithful to roar us to victory and take one massive step towards the title.

After chatting to Bulwinkle the C*unty mascot on facebook he will not be in attendance either he says due to work commitments but I suspect that he will be more interested in the goings on in Perth than what is happening at TCS.

C'mon the CaleyJaggies.

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Hmmmm. I hear there is snow over the bridge and along the pass of tore. Not so many gypos tonight. I have heard the dont like snow on their horses hoofs.



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All I ask is that no one starts chanting "EASY EASY EASY EASY EASY" until we are 3-0 up

Bigger pitch will make the difference, keep the mistakes to a minimum and we are more than capable of dominating the tinks..

2-0 win, Proctor gets one of them. :021:

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