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Yesterdays Attendance


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I think more could have turned up but they didnt and I wont lose any sleep over it.Its money over and above a season ticket and its soon after Christmas so some may be feeling the pinch.

Full house for the next round though and as mentioned before if all fans turned up there wouldnt be enough seats to go round.

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Why are kids and wifes always an excuse for everything? It's like Rev Lovejoy's hussy on the Simpsons. "What about the Children!". ?I have a cat so I couldn't make it yesterday. I hadnt seen him in a few days. Babies are cheaper than adults to feed and clothe. You could also sneak a small child into a game under a baggy jumper. I would try it with my cat but, any new situation, and he pisses himself. It's his default 'this is unusual' mechanism.?

Dougal is right, but it's a senario that will never go away. Does anyone remember when we beat some Glasgow based Dublin team 1-3 in the cup? We brought around 7000 - 8000 down to Glasgow (using the Elgin calculator and the Seville calculator, it was probably more like 40'000) but for the next round against Aberdeen, it wasn't even a sell out, and if memory serves me correct, which sometimes it doesn't because the cat craps all over the flat, and I never clean it up, and I've now got huge problems with my health (ref : Kevin McKidd, train-spotting), there was only around 4000. What you supposed to do? Hand the home fans from the Morton game vouchers an only let them in for the rest of the season? At least one plus though would be more parents get to see their wee ones grow up, and marriages would be a lot stronger.

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I find it a bit strange that the low crowd yesterday seems to come as a surprise.

As earlier posters have mentioned, season tickets are purchased already.

The situation is we are playing against a lower level team whilst in the past three months have offered almost nothing in the form of entertainment in home games. It is noticable that teams both north and south of the border have struggled to get fans through the door for cup games in the past few years and combing this with the above it leads to a low attendance.

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Think I could well be at the QF game...............after all I'm one of those who some think not a good supporter. I only go to the big games......like Elgin City, Queens Park, Peterhead etc. For me the problem with going to other games tends to be the lack of available helicopters. But thats probably a poor excuse in the eyes of some folk.

What! You mean when a helicopter is not available you don't immediately fashion a rowing boat A-Team style and then make a bee-line for the mainland (I'm guessing u work offshore). You truly are a terrible supporter! :tongueincheek:

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As predicted earlier by myself a glamour quarter final tie is guaranteed in the shape in one of the old filth

Lets watch all the stay away fans suddenly re-appear as the clamber for tickets intensifies

Not being a season ticket i will now have to queue with thousands of these losers who couldn't be bothered to show face against Elgin or Morton and i'm not even guaranteed a ticket at the end of the day

This is an absolutely crazy situation surely the club should have announced that fans that could show that they attended the earlier rounds would be guaranteed a ticket before the public sale commenced

Maybe the supporters trust or whatever they call themselves these days could bring up my complaint at their next meeting

Rant over


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As predicted earlier by myself a glamour quarter final tie is guaranteed in the shape in one of the old filth

Lets watch all the stay away fans suddenly re-appear as the clamber for tickets intensifies

Not being a season ticket i will now have to queue with thousands of these losers who couldn't be bothered to show face against Elgin or Morton and i'm not even guaranteed a ticket at the end of the day

This is an absolutely crazy situation surely the club should have announced that fans that could show that they attended the earlier rounds would be guaranteed a ticket before the public sale commenced

Maybe the supporters trust or whatever they call themselves these days could bring up my complaint at their next meeting

Rant over


i'll tell you what dougal i will use my season ticket to get you one if you like. pm me and i will arrange it for you

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Not being a season ticket i will now have to queue with thousands of these losers who couldn't be bothered to show face against Elgin or Morton and i'm not even guaranteed a ticket at the end of the day

This is an absolutely crazy situation surely the club should have announced that fans that could show that they attended the earlier rounds would be guaranteed a ticket before the public sale commenced

Hang on, what exactly gives you the right to classify people who did not attend these games as losers (and to be clear I was at both these games and therfore miss out on having the ignomy of having to be classed as a loser).

You have no right to sit in judgement and be personally abusive to match. If someone is working for both these games, ill or simply unable to afford the tickets this is clearly undesirable but how exactly does this lead to them being a loser!

Your point regarding attendees being given a priority for these tickets is however sensible.

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Dougal, I was at the Elgin game. If I could have I'd have been to the Morton one. I will likely be at the QF and I'll probably have no difficulty getting a ticket. Many people have many different reasons for not attending some games. Personally I dont think thats your's or any other persons business. Nor do I think you have any right to rant about it. The crowd is disappointing and the club will likely have paid out more in puting the game on than they'd have taken in gate reciepts but that is no reason to slag off the people who chose not to go yesterday but still find it in them to support the club in what is the bread and butter..........the league.

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As predicted earlier by myself a glamour quarter final tie is guaranteed in the shape in one of the old filth

Lets watch all the stay away fans suddenly re-appear as the clamber for tickets intensifies

Not being a season ticket i will now have to queue with thousands of these losers who couldn't be bothered to show face against Elgin or Morton and i'm not even guaranteed a ticket at the end of the day

This is an absolutely crazy situation surely the club should have announced that fans that could show that they attended the earlier rounds would be guaranteed a ticket before the public sale commenced

Maybe the supporters trust or whatever they call themselves these days could bring up my complaint at their next meeting

Rant over


Here, like Tug says, you need to attach yourself to a season ticket holder for these games. The beauty of supporting a club like ours is you'll never miss a game if you don't want/need to.

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As predicted earlier by myself a glamour quarter final tie is guaranteed in the shape in one of the old filth

Lets watch all the stay away fans suddenly re-appear as the clamber for tickets intensifies

Not being a season ticket i will now have to queue with thousands of these losers who couldn't be bothered to show face against Elgin or Morton and i'm not even guaranteed a ticket at the end of the day

This is an absolutely crazy situation surely the club should have announced that fans that could show that they attended the earlier rounds would be guaranteed a ticket before the public sale commenced

Maybe the supporters trust or whatever they call themselves these days could bring up my complaint at their next meeting

Rant over


If you're such a big ict fan, why don't you have a season ticket?

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am i not a real fan seeing as i havent been to the tulloch since we were in the first the season we gained promotion the 1st time round??

since moving to edinburgh i've only managed away games in edinburgh due to work / family commitments.

hell, im up north next week for first time in ages and we are away to midden.


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Dougal are you on P+B? You'd get on well with all the Ton fans right now moaning about the ICT fans. Can't be fooked with fishing pish from you again. Getting quite predictable and boring. If you have such an issue with ICT fans why don't you go and support some one else.......ahh wait a minute... you probably do already

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am i not a real fan seeing as i havent been to the tulloch since we were in the first the season we gained promotion the 1st time round??

since moving to edinburgh i've only managed away games in edinburgh due to work / family commitments.

hell, im up north next week for first time in ages and we are away to midden.


I wouldn't worry about that son cos by my reckoning dougal is not a real fan either. By his own assertions a real fan goes to every game yet I believe he is away for a few weekends at a time.

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Gosh, that "Dougal" does my head in. There are plenty fans,like me, who have attended all the home games, both league and cup, (and pre season friendlies) and all the away games too. We don't come on here and praise ourselves and say we are great fans, or moan about the poor crowds at certain games - we try and encourage our friends and colleagues to come to the games but understand lots of families commitments. Strange how Dougal always moans, is he Victor Meldrew reincarnated? Has he not heard about constructive criticism. Please Dougal go and support some other team, please, we have enough moaners at the games without you, please go, or, disconnect your computer and/or mobile phone, and do us all a favour. Bye bye.

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If you have concerns regarding getting a ticket, there are various ways to jump the queue,with any of those mentioned below.

Buy a half season ticket for the rest of the season( wont be as dear as you think and will hopefully include another OF match after the split)and 10% off goods in the club shop.

Join the supporters club, will also get reduced bus travel to the away matches which will be handy as the away support swell in numbers as the split looms, may come in handy too for the trip to Hampden for the semi.

Supporters trust.

Centenary club.

Buy shares.

By joining any of the above you will be able to buy a ticket before they go on sale to the general public.

12th Man......pp.. Florence the cow

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I don't know why everyone gets so worked up about this kind of thread. You don't need to justify your support to anyone, least of all "Dougal"!!

Its like the atmosphere, if you want to sit and stay silent, thats your choice. If you want to sing and shout then do it. I really don't know why anyone gets so worked up about it!

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Cup games have had lower attendances than league games for most clubs. Aberdeen's game yesterday had 5,600 at it.

For all the hype and talk about the 'magic of the cup' cup ties have had lower attendances than league games for decades. Check out the crowds in England as well.

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