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Three years ago we were warned by those who ought to be promoting the Scottish game that the rightful placing of the team that replaced Glasgow Rangers in the lowest tier would lead to disaster for the game.


Since then we have had six national finals featuring eight different finalists with Celtic featuring in just two, precisely the same number as Aberdeen, Dundee United and ourselves with five different winners of the two competitions.


The cups have never been so interesting and competitive and the finals crowds have been impressive. This season we have even had a semi serious challenge for the league which, at least in part, due to the five league points we have deprived Celtic of, is still just about live at this late stage.


The great majority of clubs have reduced or eliminated their debts and are living within their means. Clubs are bringing on their own youngsters instead of importing mediocre foreign journeymen.


I, for one, rather like this Armageddon. Can we please sign up for at least another three years ?

Edited by Kingsmills
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If you take the start of Armageddon to be when Rangers entered Administration, you can add in two more cup finals. The 2012 league cup final, where Kilmarnock beat Celtic, and the Edinburgh Derby Scottish cup final.

So if you don't care about the old firm, then Armageddon doesn't look too bad.

Anyway, I don't get the fuss. It's not like it's the end of the world...

Edited by HawkeyeTheGnu
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