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Marius Niculae


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I totally agree that in general it has been a good debate, I only said there was one particular poster that seemed to be on a continued campaign against him. One of the great things about football is opinions , I am sure everybody is disappointed that Marius is not banging them in, bear in mind though he has come to a different football culture and how many times do we see footballers from overseas taking a bit of time to adjust to the different speed of the game. Also Marius missed most of the preseason so was playing catch up on the rest of the squad. I am confident that we will see the real Marius very soon.

The abuse button pusher continues the personalised comments.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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He is a class player . It is evident from his touches that he is well ahead of most of his colleagues.

Yes, it is unfortunate/unlucky that he has only scored twice but that is more than some!

Lets stick with him.  Anyway the options are not as good.


Good post at last - I agree.  :004:

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Well he cant do much if he aint getting played, hope Brew admits his mistake and plays Marius with Denzil from now on.

He was quick to come and condemn Rossco, wish he would come out and say what a shyte decision it was to play Bayne with Denzil.

I would have said that it was a justifiable decision at the Hill of Dung and at Castle Greyskull but it clearly should have been Marius and Denzil against Muvverwell. As i had advocated but the miserable tawts never noticed.  :001:

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I hope we do see the real Marius very soon as we definitely need someone to spark the side to life in coming weeks.

Whether he is getting assists or not as debated previously, doesnt really matter as it is clear that he does seem to bring the best out of Denzil who is banging them in when paired with MN as opposed to others.

However I am sure the fans would like to see him bang a few of his own into the net, get rid of the mounting pressure to score and be able to settle down and play like the former international player he was and future international player he wants to be.

Scotty - if ya werent across the pond ya would see fer yerself - apart from the Bairns game Marius and Denzil havent gelled - Denzil is about the only one that has benefitted from the way we have been playing Marius - possibly against many peoples wishes - especially CC  :018:

Marius has to play in our system and not us into his - Brew has suused that although it was feckin obvious from the start.

I am going to take great pleasure - soon - into revealing the real reason behind this thread.  :011:

But can i ask one more question of our panel - What has Marius done this season to suggets that he is real international class ? What has he done that has got ya wanting to stand on yer feet and applaud.

Me - three things - the uperb cross fer Cowie at Midden - a brilliant dummy run at Killie (sheer class and probably unnoticed to most) - the simple but effective turn and pass to set up the Dons goal. Anything else before I explain how to get the best out of him. Not that mny of the erseholes have the footballing know how to formulate that themselves - hopefully Brew and Parky finally have.  :029:

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Why do these discussions always have to diminish into petty bickering and points scoring???

I aint bickering - I am stating facts and passing indisputable critical criticism against Marius and the way he has been played - and that fault is at a feckin management level - but I am going to score the points - and I cant feckin wait.  :blah01:


HOW ? - Feckin easy.  :023:

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Anyway enuff of the psychological profiling - back to the thread and the question ?

What has Marius done this season to suggest that he is real international class ? What has he done that has got ya wanting to stand on yer feet and applaud.

Me - three things - the superb cross fer Cowie at Midden - a brilliant dummy run at Killie (sheer class and probably unnoticed to most) - the simple but effective turn and pass to set up the Dons goal. 

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give you a break? ha ha, you being serious? you havent given Niculae a break since the guy signed, give the guy a chance to settle in and adapt to the SPL, stikers all over the country take time to start scoring and i'm sure he'll start hitting the back of the net sooner rather than later, quite a few of our strikers have gone through barren spells and not had anywhere near the criticism Niculae has. its certainly not going to do anyone any good by continually crtiticising him. why dont you give MN and all of us a break from your continual griping!

rant over

No rant - just couldnt respond to the stats / facts so tried the personalised insults ya cowardly ****  :001: Is 12 games not sufficient ?? And if ya read my comments correctly you will find me proffering a lot of positives and the negatives are in regard to Niculae's deficits and to the way he has been utilised. I will come to that closer to the Midden game.  :023:

respond to the stats? having studied statistics i came to the conclusion that 70% of stats are complete bollocks! i'm not a huge lover of stats, fair enough they can give a general picture but they can often be misleading.

if football managers only took stats into consideration we would be in a sorry mess, and going by our current predicament very few of our squad have particularly good stats outwith Wyness.

personalised insults? where exactly are the personalised insults? how have i displayed cowardice and what exactly is a **** by the way?

personally i dont think 12 games is sufficient to warrant the criticism that has been dished out, just my humble opinion, i'm not worried by MN's lack of goals or his 'poor stats', i firmly believe he is and will be a great addition to the squad. and heyho even if it doesnt work out it certainly wont be the last time it'll happen in football.

Anyway enuff of the psychological profiling - back to the thread and the question ?

What has Marius done this season to suggest that he is real international class ? What has he done that has got ya wanting to stand on yer feet and applaud.

Me - three things - the superb cross fer Cowie at Midden - a brilliant dummy run at Killie (sheer class and probably unnoticed to most) - the simple but effective turn and pass to set up the Dons goal. 

yup back to the thread, i dont think MN has displayed his full qualities yet but that i feel is down to him adjusting to the SPL and the fact it cant be easy showing your class with so many ropey displays at times this season! personally i think he has shown a great deal of desire to help the team and often chases back to defend and for me that is an admirable quality and worthy of my applause

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Now that is better - informed debate.  :003: I agree with a lot that you say - as I have stated in other posts but peeple just see the negative comments and not the positives - I have also been blaming the manner in which the management play him. A **** is somebody who disagrees with me.  :blah01: And I suugest that you enrol in a course about Smileyography.  :001: and then ya can appreciate the influence that it has in increasing the power of sarcasm and wind up.  :023:

Perhaps yerself, the other tawts and intersested posters could consider and respond to the following personal views

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That is a bit of a feckin wind upp as weel.

Anyway - ma points -

1. Marius was signed becos of video tapes, reputation and an old friends act.

2. Marius unwittingly became the "last straw" that ended CC's mangerial stint.

3. Marius should never have been thrown into the deep end at Motherwell and Midden - I seriously feel that decison cost us six points - he was clearly VERY unfit.

4. Marius should have been put straight into a pre season type training regime and played in the reserves - we could even have arranged an extra couple of friendlies to assist him.

5. Marius deserved to be dropped and playing Bayne at Aberdeen and Ibrox was tactically understandable. Not playing him against Muvverwell is baffling.

6. Marius and Brewster was a personality clash just waiting to happen - Its a power thing.

7. I suggested that Savage, Grasser and Brewster all sat down and confronted Marius - from what I am told Brew did that himself and he aint exactly the most tactful of individuals.

8. Marius is quite clearly lacking in pace off the mark and his mobility is also well below par - Why oh why is he not been put through the mill in speed and turning exercise. Ya sort out the deficits and hey presto.

9. IMHO we tried to change our system to accomodate the Marius that was from the videos - the Marius who plays in the "hole". He does not have the pace or movement to do that effectively. Let Wyness work the line - put Marius on the last line of defenders where his touch may play and ball control may play dividends and his pace deficit is less apparent. Get him in and around the 18 yard box. Was Brew forced to accomodate Marius ?

10. Can two personalities like Marius and Brew get on together with so many outside pressures and influences on them both.


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I am being serious and inviting serious debate.

Not sure half the folk on this forum know what a debate is let alone serious debate  :blah01:

but back to your points IHE :001:

Every one of them spot on, including the Bayne at Aberdeen and Rangers but Marius should have been back for Motherwell.

Dint suppose you could pass some hints onto the tactical no hoper we have in charge  :crazy07:

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IHE--your comments this time are cloaked in mystery--that's why you got the attention of the Pimple Organisation with your veiled references to what you are about to  reveal as the main reason for this thread.

Of course we know as much as you do but a spy never reveals his sources and...besides... we want you to have the thunder  :002:

But c'mon, slip us all a few clues and I will not say a word unless you are wrong. Let's see how many ounters can guess the truth....?

Over to you dear lad... :cool04: :clapping02:

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Before I close my argument I have to prepare for the next Marius Niculae thread. I want to start off a type of "Bring Marius Back" or "I'm Backing Marius" campaign in a sort of pre Xmas revolution. I need a campaign slogan that is punchy, hits the point but has a flavour of the Xmas season incorporated in it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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