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Next England Manager


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Guest kingkojak

well that willl be him out of the running then! read earlier in the week that he said if he was offered the job before / during the world cup then he would point blank refuse it!

but then, i dont really care either..

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For what its worth, I think if Scolari takes it, England have made a good choice. None of the English candidates (McLaren, Curbishley, Allardyce) were worth a light in my opinion, and I assume O'Neil ruled himself out, so they were virtually forced to look overseas rather than settle for a very much second rate 'home grown' manager

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Guest Reefinweed

I Doubt O'niel ruled himself out,more the English FA realised his teams are full of cloggers and they don't want England playing lump up the park football

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Guest kingkojak

there seems to be a couple too many posts on this thread that actually do give a **** abut the england manager job so in accordance (and i apologise in advance if this is getting boriing but) i am going to post an additional....

who the feck cares!

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What I find rather pathetic about the 'who cares?' or 'couldn't care less' merchants, is why they even bother to read the thread in the first place, if thats what they feel, let alone waste their time in posting negative replies. They don't seem to post similar replies to any of the countless other threads accross these boards in which they undoubtedly have no interest. Is it I wonder just the good old Scottish 'anti English' mentality, in which we were all indoctrinated, showing through?

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who cares............I don't fekkin care.

I don't care who the new manager is and I don't care what England do in the wotld cup... is that OK.

I know Scolari has pulled out of the race, allegedly, but all you heard on radio five twenty four hours a day was all about Scolari.

I am pleased he has decided not to pursue this onerous task. They had questioned his ability before he even accepted the job, suppose a bit like CC here. The doubters out in force having a field day. News has just come on and Scolari is the headline for turning down the job. Now what do us Scots dislike about this. Right I'll kick off, if the Scottish Irish or Welsh managers job was vacant, do you think on national radio and national TV there would be such an outpouring of media attention. They were even discussing the Big Phil theory, what did 177cm mean in those terms etc, what a load of fun for the rest of the country, whoopee. Well done Phil, tell them to fekk off, you are better with Portugal.

I don't really have a problem with the players, or whoever manages them, but the media who think the whole of Britan want this thrust down our throats, until we vommit, are just sooo not it.

Not only does the media do this, but it seems that some people on the ICT boards think we should like it as well.

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I really dont care who gets the job either ......

Let me make this clear, this is not an 'anti-English' thing, its a complete loathing for England as a 'team' in football. I have no problem with 99.9% of English people. I know loads of people from south of the border, I am friends with many, I lived there for a while and I now regularly drink in an 'English' Pub here in Toronto ......

Like TM4TJ my indifference over how England do in the World Cup is born of media hype. You can only take so much 1966 garbage rammed down your throat at every opportunity, or comments from some of the older commentators about 'jocks', or talk about how great the side is and how it is going to win every competition it enters or how badly done by they were when knocked out ..... you can only take so much of Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish athletes and sportsmen being called 'British' by the media when succesfull while English athletes/sportsmen are always 'English' unless they fail when they suddenly become British.

I have no connection to Ireland / Wales but I have no problem cheering on Northern Ireland, Eire or Wales (unless playing Scotland) ... nor do I have any issues with supporting a 'Great Britain' team such as the British Lions in Rugby, UK athletes at the Olympics, or UK and European golfers in the Ryder Cup etc .... I also like to see Canada do very well in any sport as i live there ... but because of years of aural abuse by a small band of commentators I cannot bring myself to support the England Football Team.

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It's not goint to be Scolari as he has pulled out due to media pressure!

Good on the English media ... trip up the national manager, unsettle key players by talk of gambling problems etc, and then hound out the new manager before he has even signed. Cracking stuff!

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Currently, England do not produce the best managers.

How far down the Premiership do you have to go till you find a team managed by an Englishman?

When was the last time a Premiership-winning team was managed by an Englishman?

Incidentally, on the subject of 1966, does anyone remember the general feeling then? I seem to remember everyone wanting England to win, and being delighted when they did! (I refer to people around me in Inverness). If that was the case then attitudes have certainly changed, perhaps due to 40 years of having it rammed down our throats by the English media in a most arrogant manner.

Back then, of course, the UK was still a fairly united nation - it was only 21 years since the war had ended.

For a big country, England really have a pretty poor record of world cup wins compared to other countries of equivalent population and size!

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Guest kingkojak

i dont care but........

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

scolari hasa just pulle doot due to the english media pressure!

yet again the english have shat on their own door step! just when you thought it couldnt get any better than the news of the world setting up their national manager just a few months from the world cup they tabloids **** the FA again!

its fecking H-larious.... but then i dont really care

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*Leonardo Backs Scolari*

I was actually more interested to see that Leonardo will be working as a pundit this summer - excellent stuff! He was a brilliant player for Milan when they won the Scudetto and agreat guy as well.

The same Leonardo who in the 1994 World Cup took out his frustration on United States midfielder Tab Ramos with a vicious elbow to the head which fractured Ramos' skull and Leonardo was subsequently banned from the rest of tournament.

Aye a "great guy"!!

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