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What does your usename mean


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OK then, some usernames are self explanatory, like scotty or Alex Macleod (no imagination) others like mine display my pleasure at watching a real footballer, but others like............neksor...........yngwie..........mantis smee, what are these ones all about

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I originally started posting on the forums as Big D, which is how many people refer to me in real life...especially the ladies.

OK, so I lied about the ladies, but following a bit of a black period in my life I returned to the forums as CaleyD in order to preserve some anonymity...life moves on and so I have, but I've never really had any inkling to go back to the old name.

Despite having been pulled up by people for "promoting Caley and denying Thistle in my username" it is nothing of the sort, but it does hold reference to the team I followed pre-merger.  I can actually remember a rather large thread on SportNetwork which argued the point that users should avoid singling out Caley or Thistle on their own in a persons username and some took it quite seriously  :015:

I have also taken to using this as my Poker Handle and often find myself getting in to conversations about ICT with people from even the most obscure corners of the globe who seem to instantly recognise it and the club badge which I use as my avatar.  It surprises me just how many people will say that they are coming to the UK on holiday and intend a trip to Inverness with the hope of taking in an ICT game.....we may not be Celtic or Rangers, but people seem intrigued by us and when I get chatting a lot of folk, who have no real reason to be interested in Scottish football, they will often say that they keep an eye out for our results....and nearly all of them will tell you that their interest came as a result of them hearing about our victory over Celtic on Feb 8th 2000.

I once lost my scarf in an online poker game against a lad from Croatia who was quite surprised when I honoured the bet and posted it to him  :015:

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I could say it is ......

... the name of a software package which allows to implement site specific network management software using high-level, string-based APIs. The software is based on the Tool Command Language which simplifies the development of portable network management scripts. The scotty source distribution includes two major components. The first one is the Tnm Tcl Extension which provides access to network management information sources. The second component is the Tkined network editor which provides a framework for an extensible network management system.

or I could say

... it is an acronym for Sensible, Committed, Overseas, Troubleshooting Technological, Young-man

but really, the reason is just as boring and unimaginative as TM4TJ suggested  :blah01:

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Clacher part of my name is in reference to the area of Inverness I grew up, went to Primary School and later returned for work, its a real shame to see it still as the only reference to Clach amongst the 1,000+ usernames registered on here.

_Holiday2 part just looks good and sounds good, was installed as my username at a time when I felt a greater presence on the site was required.  I was moving quickly away from my teenage years of the Neale Cooper era/FAO board and felt as though I had to push myself into the main stream for a bit of pitch width whining, Bobby Mann baiting and taking the happy clapper f'ckers head on.  Out of all the teenagers who used the site back in the Brechin days it was important one of us raised their game.


Thinking about a name change in the new year as CH2 has probably served its usefulness, I'm turning into an old man myself, Clacher_ _____ 3 will come about at some point before the start of next season.

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Sophia, I would hazard a guess, is reference to the Greek word for "wisdom" rather than the poster's name.

Or could it be the Sophia in philosophy/religion?

"A Feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the Feminine aspects of God and the Bride of Christ, she is considered to have fallen from grace in some way, in so doing creating or helping to create the material world.

In Gnostic tradition, the term Sophia refers to the final and lowest emanation of God."

This might explain a few things. But I'm sure Sophia will be along soon enough to enlighten us.......as usual!  :004:

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Primarily as a reference to the Scarlet Pimpernel who was an English spy during the French Revolution and was distinctive  for having the ability to evade detection--and capture. Something to do with Alexandre Dumas , the  writer. "They seek him here, they seek him there, that damned elusive Pimpernel".

Since scarlet is my favourite colour it seemed a good match not  to mention the fact that the mystique of the Pimpernel, his love of a challenge, his life of risk and daring cloaked in a capacity to acquire vital information about people and things by being very observant is somewaht reminiscent of my own past life. One girl once opined to me on a hiking trip.."I think you like to live on the edge"..

Unlike the Pimpernel ,however, Scarlet Pimple being a much younger descendant and therefore  less experienced and more foolish got involved in several escapades and risky ventures in his past life which had less successful endings, the outcome of which is that he is now much older , much wiser , has old injuries coming back to haunt him, and on a more reflective note realises that life is actually very short... :023:

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I'm not Mexican really.... :001:

My 'handle' is work related. There were too many Dave's in the office so when the gaffer called out "Dave" we'd all answer him so he gave us all nicknames instead. I was called Gringo because I had a 'tash and it's a name that's followed me around for a number of years now.

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or I could say

... it is an acronym for Sensible, Committed, Overseas, Troubleshooting Technological, Young-man

And there's me thinking it might have stood for

S illy C rotchety O ld T echie T rained Y ob

Just joking!

People think mine probably stands for my original football supporting allegiances combined with where I live, but it actually stands for :-

C lever

A miable

L adykiller

E very

Y oung (or)

M iddle

A ged

D ame

I n

N ewbury

B erks

E njoys

R eal

K inky

Sex  with!

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or I could say

... it is an acronym for Sensible, Committed, Overseas, Troubleshooting Technological, Young-man

And there's me thinking it might have stood for

S illy C rotchety O ld T echie T rained Y ob

only on days with a "Y" in them  :004:

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I'm not Mexican really.... :001:

My 'handle' is work related. There were too many Dave's in the office so when the gaffer called out "Dave" we'd all answer him so he gave us all nicknames instead. I was called Gringo because I had a 'tash and it's a name that's followed me around for a number of years now.

But 'Gringo' is the word Mexicans use to describe white people. So you are a Gringo, as are most on this board I'd have thought!

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