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Contracts (merged)


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what drivel would that be mike???????????????????????????????????????????


I think it started in your first post about "the only quality player we have" and generally followed on to your rants about everyone else not being up to his calibre, ripping up the 3rd Div, management being wrong, offered a pittance of a wage, slating Dougie "1st Div" Imrie and generally being aggressive with anyone who questioned that it could have been the right decision. You then proceed to tell us all that most SPL teams, and a Europa team would be/are after him, but then to get a good season under his belt he signs for County, that's when the whole credability went, you were back peddling to cover youself. So basically, for me most of what you said was drivel! :D

first of all mike i am just informing people on this forum about what iain is doing and what he has been offered and you call that drivel. mike i think your looking for an argument here which is petty. all of what i have said is true about the clubs looking to sign iain, why would i say otherwise, unless your calling me a liar that is? Iain told me personally that his confidence has been shot big time by the lack of faith showed in him by butcher, therefore, he didn't have the confidence to go and sign for a club at higher level just yet. he feels it will benifit his career and confidence if he signs for a club in the 1st division where he knows the area and so on for the time being. so i ask you again where is the drivel, there are no assumptions being made by me, i am passing on information from the horses mouth??

secondly I personally feel iain was the only class player we had bar blackie and mmorais and that is my opinion, and as for imrie i just don't rate him. now if you had read my posts like you indicated you would realise this is my opinion of a player, im not telling other people to agree with me, so why are you getting so worked up? i don't need to back peddle, i have nothing to prove to anybody, especially YOU mike. i get all my information from very reliable sources, where do you get yours??

Just for the record i defended iain when someone insisted he was trying to suck the club dry and get as much money as possible...hmmm i wonder why i questioned that, maybe because i know iain and he wouldn't do that, so yes i will question people when they make petty assumptions about people and players they don't know, PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM TEND TO DO THAT ALOT.

Mike you talk about credability and agressive behavior, signing off a post with a icon giving me the finger really shows maturity and credability.

Edited by CaleyP
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I wish them both all the best for their future in the game, whether they "come back to haunt us" I'm not so bothered, I've seen it so many times before. As you say we might in the future look to recruit their services again, but when they have had the experience and the playing time that they wouldn't have got at ICT.

As for the icon at the end of my last post, that was a mistake I thought it just waved so I put it on and it was only when I checked back that I saw the finger, so my apologies, should really preview before I send!

As you will see I have apologised for my Faux Paus.

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secondly I personally feel iain was the only class player we had bar blackie and mmorais and that is my opinion, and as for imrie i just don't rate him. now if you had read my posts like you indicated you would realise this is my opinion of a player, im not telling other people to agree with me, so why are you getting so worked up? i don't need to back peddle, i have nothing to prove to anybody, especially YOU mike. i get all my information from very reliable sources, where do you get yours??

definately agree with that. he was the only player bar blackie willing to get the ball down and dictate the play. i remember watching game away to celtic in nov and he never once looked fazed by the stadium etc. his passing and shooting were second to none and was never afraid to get stuck into a tackle. only thing lacking is experience obviously which he will only get through games (which he will get at county unfortunately). never know, if we get back to the SPL he may be signed again

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Looks like we have our annual contract confusion/saga storyline beginning.

Just read the P&J online about Proctor's contract offer and if it is accurate it seems to contradict the info what we thought we knew.


A quick summary is that Proctor says he was only offered a new contract yesterday (June 10th). He is now going on holiday but has received 2 other offers one from an SPL club & another from a rival team in the 1st division

Confused?? You will be :rolleyes:

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Guest birdog

Looks like we have our annual contract confusion/saga storyline beginning.

Just read the P&J online about Proctor's contract offer and if it is accurate it seems to contradict the info what we thought we knew.


A quick summary is that Proctor says he was only offered a new contract yesterday (June 10th). He is now going on holiday but has received 2 other offers one from an SPL club & another from a rival team in the 1st division

Confused?? You will be :rolleyes:

I always expected Proctor to rejoin his "mate" at Dross C*unty (the rival div 1 team I assume)

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Looks like we have our annual contract confusion/saga storyline beginning.

Just read the P&J online about Proctor's contract offer and if it is accurate it seems to contradict the info what we thought we knew.


A quick summary is that Proctor says he was only offered a new contract yesterday (June 10th). He is now going on holiday but has received 2 other offers one from an SPL club & another from a rival team in the 1st division

Confused?? You will be :rolleyes:

Lets see Bannerman, Sorted and Absent Friend defend Grassa and indeed the rest of the board over this one... :rolleyes:

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Bit odd that ICT try to resign Proctor, yet sign Cox who mostly plays as a right back.

From what I can gather, Cox can play either right back or midfield. Of late he has according to the Leicester forum fans been played mostly in midfield in the reserves, and it was suggested that the fans expected him to push on into their first team in the comming season. As you point out Proctor can play defence/midfield also.

The first team squad will be smaller this year to save ???, and the idea is that having players who can play in more than one position, gives us competition for places and cover for injury, suspension etc.

Edited by kiltarlity
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A quick summary is that Proctor says he was only offered a new contract yesterday (June 10th). He is now going on holiday but has received 2 other offers one from an SPL club & another from a rival team in the 1st division

Not quite true. He says he was contacted, that's all. If he was offered contracts by them he would have said so.

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I see in the Courier Bennet says he has resigned to losing Morais. Bit of a silly thing to say IMO. Had it been me i'd have said something along the lines of "We're trying to keep as many players as possible" without naming any names, but to name a name to me seems foolish no matter how likely it is for the aforementioned player to go. It pretty much brings conotations that he'll be away no matter what so other clubs can put in a smaller offer.

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Of course Morais will be away no matter what. What would he stay here for? 1. we cant offer him anything near in wages that he'll get elsewhere and 2. he was only here to get some games and put himself in shop window. 3. He is much better than the 1st division.

There is no negative conotations, we a small club and not even in the top flight of Scottish football and Scottish league football is hardly the shining beacon of greatness in European football!!

It will also be a miracle if Foran stays! If he wanted to he would have signed by now surely, we are his last resort!

Edited by Sir C the 3rd
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Well obviously he will go, but I still wouldn't have come out and said that they were resigned to losing him. To other teams that'll look like he'll be an easy catch.

Hes free to go anyway, we wouldnt be making any cash on him anyway so it makes not odds to us, I think Its fair enough to say it was him, if he didnt say, we'd have had pages and pages of whos not signed there contract Sir Cs bang on.

As for Foran, TB's only just back from his holidays, And im sticking to my Idea going by Forans interview and him liking working under and for TB, that if he does not sign TB is not thinking about hanging around himself... if TB sees his future with us then he will tell foran to stay, if not he will tell him to go find someone else..... watch this space.

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thats because HE IS!!! He probably already has about 10 contract offers, Grassa doesn't need to come out and say it but as its SOOO obvious he's going does it matter??

Obviously there is about a 99.99% chance that he will go, but I reckon it's also quite likely Brian Kerr will go and I wouldn't be surprised to Foran away too, I just find it a little strange to come out and name someone explictly, no matter how obvious it may be.

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thats because HE IS!!! He probably already has about 10 contract offers, Grassa doesn't need to come out and say it but as its SOOO obvious he's going does it matter??

Obviously there is about a 99.99% chance that he will go, but I reckon it's also quite likely Brian Kerr will go and I wouldn't be surprised to Foran away too, I just find it a little strange to come out and name someone explictly, no matter how obvious it may be.

Is it possible, Renegade, that he was taking advantage of some free advertising to alert the market that we have a good player for sale. I realise that this is the job for the agent and no doubt he will have done his ground work but if this free publicity gets another club interested and we therefore end up with ?1000 or two more for the club, maybe it was worth a shout.

Georgeios, how you can state that if Foran is off so is Terry, beats me. Foran has a limited shelf life, he was showcased to the SPL, by TB and must now take advantage of this financially if he has any sense.

Terry, on the other hand, requires this year with us, in my opinion, to show his ability. I think this round of managers musical chairs is just too early for him - if he had kept us up however I think he would be in demand.

Maybe his short time with us is sufficient for a club to take a punt on him but I doubt it.


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Foran has at best 2 years left in him, In an interview with Setanta Foran said he liked it up here and would stay but needed to speak to a couple of trusted people first before comitting, This is oviously TB, Im guessing Foran will be wanting to finish his footballing with TB as they seem to be good friends... after all TB has as you said kickstarted his career again with his showcasing... So Foran (Im Guessing) will be asking TB what he thinks and would plan for Foran if he was to stay... TB as a friend/ and ICT Manager will be wanting to keep him on for his Tallent however with other clubs interested in Foran will be thinking.... If I stay Foran will stay and thus he'll play out his days with ICT and hopfully back in the SPL. if however TB is planning an move and Foran has signed for ICT then he will not be able to follow TB where ever he goes... and as a friend wont want to leave him behind... so as ive said.. if TB is planning a move he will tell Foran to move on now..... and get the best out of himself for the last part of his career....

must now take advantage of this financially if he has any sense << I'd take a punt at any of the team that have offered him in the SPL will have about the same Budget as us for buying in, and will all be tightning there belts with the possible loss of the tv money and also the fact that they will still be paying SPL wages to most of the older team so wont be offering the big bucks for the new signing.. I'd guess St J and the likes will only be paying about the same as us anyway....

Edited by georgeios
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thats because HE IS!!! He probably already has about 10 contract offers, Grassa doesn't need to come out and say it but as its SOOO obvious he's going does it matter??

Obviously there is about a 99.99% chance that he will go, but I reckon it's also quite likely Brian Kerr will go and I wouldn't be surprised to Foran away too, I just find it a little strange to come out and name someone explictly, no matter how obvious it may be.

Is it possible, Renegade, that he was taking advantage of some free advertising to alert the market that we have a good player for sale. I realise that this is the job for the agent and no doubt he will have done his ground work but if this free publicity gets another club interested and we therefore end up with ?1000 or two more for the club, maybe it was worth a shout.

Sorry, you have lost me here, who exactly do we have for sale?

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I think AF thinks we can sell him.... hes at the end of his Contract and thus free to go to best offers..... with no money our way... shame that but thats football.....

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It says in the Inverness Courier that TB is in Sweden doing his feckin UEFA coaching badges!!

You'd have thought he would already have these or at least have done them when he was out of work or in between international fixtures :)

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It says in the Inverness Courier that TB is in Sweden doing his feckin UEFA coaching badges!!

You'd have thought he would already have these or at least have done them when he was out of work or in between international fixtures :026:

You cannot do this licence unless you are actually working at the time as far as I know.

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It says in the Inverness Courier that TB is in Sweden doing his feckin UEFA coaching badges!!

You'd have thought he would already have these or at least have done them when he was out of work or in between international fixtures :026:

Should be a worthwhile addition to his CV in event of him moving on sometime in the future!

Edited by Johnboy
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It pretty much brings conotations that he'll be away no matter what so other clubs can put in a smaller offer.

Morais is out of contract and has already said he will not be staying (or words very close to that). The only offers for Morais will be to the player himself as he is out-of-contract, a free agent, unemployed, got feck all to do with ICT .... get the idea ?

Obviously there is about a 99.99% chance that he will go, but I reckon it's also quite likely Brian Kerr will go and I wouldn't be surprised to Foran away too, I just find it a little strange to come out and name someone explictly, no matter how obvious it may be.
Is it possible, Renegade, that he was taking advantage of some free advertising to alert the market that we have a good player for sale. I realise that this is the job for the agent and no doubt he will have done his ground work but if this free publicity gets another club interested and we therefore end up with ?1000 or two more for the club, maybe it was worth a shout.

As the player himself (Morais) has said he will be away, where is the problem in Grassa repeating it ... it is called realism and far superior than trying to spin things in the faint hope he will stay. As for "player for sale" or "?1000 or two more" ... not sure where so many are getting the idea from that we will make anything .... to re-iterate .... the player is out-of-contract, a free agent, unemployed, worth nothing in terms of a transfer fee ..... get the idea ?

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