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It's worth a few quid !

Canada Bob

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Looks like the French are in almost total disarray, and they aren't at their best when a fight breaks out.

No way of telling what will happen on Tuesday against South Africa, but the 11/2 on offer against South Africa winning the ht/ft thing looks as though it's worth a few quid being thrown at it.

Canada Bob.

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Although I think the 11/2 on the ht/ft result is ore the odds, my main bet is that Les Bleus gerrin beat.

I hope they slip up against Banana Banana, and that the South Africans make monkeys out of them, and a few monkeys for my back pocket too, time will tell, but if nowt else the odds of 9/4 against South Africa {playing at home, National pride, knowing they'll most likely go out of it anyway, but wanting to go out on a high note} that should be enough. I feel like I'm jinxing meslef the now going to post like this, but... If you were on the French Team wouldn't you {being hissed off and all that} wouldn't you have a soft spot for the home team ? What's it to France ? what's the cost to them to chuck the game!

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Agree with all of that but I don't think you are taking into consideration how poor South Africa are... there moment was the first goal of the tournament against Uraguay and I can't see them mustering anything even against a terrible french side. There is not one decent player they can rely on (Pienaar has been terrible) so unless France decide to retire at half time... I can't see it happening

Hope I'm wrong though even with money on France to win the tournament it's been hilarious watching them implode ... Domanech looks more clueless as each day passes.

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With the game standing at 2-0 at half time and with the Frogs down to 10 men that 11/2 bet is now down to 1/11 or in Betfair terms 1.09 so it is looking like "Money in the Bank" not only from the monkey I had on the ht/ft bet but a massive bet I had with Stan James at 9/4 against South Africa winning the game.

The writing looked "on the wall" to me on Sunday, I couldn't get me money on quick enough, only to see the odds go out past 5/2 this morning, but I dint put any more on, I was already up past me neck on the game.

Fingers crossed the now, and I hope that Uruguay get another, I'd like to see Banana Banana go through, after all I'm a Fan of theirs :huh:

Looking for at least one more for the home team in the second half, and maybe another sending off for France :lol:

I hope one or two of you followed me ???

Canada Bob.

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Back from the local, knocked back a couple of pints of Guinness and was quite pleased with meself, picked up a brace

of lobster on the way home, hard to leave them in the tank when they are going for just ore 3 quid a lb right now, gawd knows what they are going for over there.

Anyway, Harry, back to your first comments, much of which I agree with, {France being the better team and all that}, but the thing is, when you see a team in disarray like France seemed to be {how many times do you see that in a life time, and you get a gut feeling that this might be a bet you just can't miss, especially the 11/2 ht/ft thing, then the worst thing to do is "start thinking about it" :rolleyes:

I don't want to even think about the number of times I've talked meself out of a bet when me instinct had told me to load up on it, many a time I've thought myself out/talked myself out of a winner by doing that, it's deadly thinking too much, way better to follow yer gut feeling, especially if the odds look "favourable", and what I mena by that is...

Take the ht/ft thing on this game being offered at 11/2 all over the place, how comfortable would you or I feel if someone asked us to lay them a grand on at that price ???

If you wouldn't lay them 11/2, what would you comfortable lay them, on this game I might have considered laying them 2/1, yet you could get 9/4 against South Africa winning the game. Fact of the matter is, knowing what was going on in the French Camp, knowing the attitude, and knowing they were almost certainly out of the Comp anyway, then add to that the thought that they could have gone on the field and let Banana Banana run up a cricket score, well no way would I have laid any odds against South Africa, surely the Bookies must have been thinking the same ?

How come the odds didn't drop then, they were 9/4 against winning the match on Monday, and then amidst all of what was going on, non of it looking good for the French Team, South Africa eased to 5/2 FFS :011:

To my way of thinking by pushing the odds out the Bookies saved themselves a small fortune, maybe a large fortune. Put it this way, if the morning paper headlines the TV and the buzz around town had been...

"Massive Gamble on South African Team, Millions poured on, Bookies cut odd from 9/4 to Evens" don't you think the ragged assed punters would have followed the lead, maybe only in tenners, scores and the like, but if a million mugs with 20 quid each in their hand jump onto the band wagon then the bookies would be facing up to 50 Million quid {on 90 minute bets alone} and maybe a few Million in losses on the ht/ft thing.

Both bets looked WAY over the odds to me, I'd have though South Africa had to be Fav's for the game, never 9/4 under the circumstances, but the 11/2 against them doing the ht/ft thing was a knocking bet.

That's me finished for the Comp now, my chips are cashed in, and they are staying in, I set myself a target of when I'd quid betting, and I reached the win limit and in fact over ran it by 4 grand, with one bet still running, a grand on Spain at 4/1 before the Comp started, so that'll do for me the now.

Canada Bob.

PS... this was me first post in a while, I don't "knock on yer door bowt having something to say" :cheer01:

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Back from the local, knocked back a couple of pints of Guinness and was quite pleased with meself, picked up a brace

of lobster on the way home, hard to leave them in the tank when they are going for just ore 3 quid a lb right now, gawd knows what they are going for over there.

Anyway, Harry, back to your first comments, much of which I agree with, {France being the better team and all that}, but the thing is, when you see a team in disarray like France seemed to be {how many times do you see that in a life time, and you get a gut feeling that this might be a bet you just can't miss, especially the 11/2 ht/ft thing, then the worst thing to do is "start thinking about it" :D

I don't want to even think about the number of times I've talked meself out of a bet when me instinct had told me to load up on it, many a time I've thought myself out/talked myself out of a winner by doing that, it's deadly thinking too much, way better to follow yer gut feeling, especially if the odds look "favourable", and what I mena by that is...

Take the ht/ft thing on this game being offered at 11/2 all over the place, how comfortable would you or I feel if someone asked us to lay them a grand on at that price ???

If you wouldn't lay them 11/2, what would you comfortable lay them, on this game I might have considered laying them 2/1, yet you could get 9/4 against South Africa winning the game. Fact of the matter is, knowing what was going on in the French Camp, knowing the attitude, and knowing they were almost certainly out of the Comp anyway, then add to that the thought that they could have gone on the field and let Banana Banana run up a cricket score, well no way would I have laid any odds against South Africa, surely the Bookies must have been thinking the same ?

How come the odds didn't drop then, they were 9/4 against winning the match on Monday, and then amidst all of what was going on, non of it looking good for the French Team, South Africa eased to 5/2 FFS :huh:

To my way of thinking by pushing the odds out the Bookies saved themselves a small fortune, maybe a large fortune. Put it this way, if the morning paper headlines the TV and the buzz around town had been...

"Massive Gamble on South African Team, Millions poured on, Bookies cut odd from 9/4 to Evens" don't you think the ragged assed punters would have followed the lead, maybe only in tenners, scores and the like, but if a million mugs with 20 quid each in their hand jump onto the band wagon then the bookies would be facing up to 50 Million quid {on 90 minute bets alone} and maybe a few Million in losses on the ht/ft thing.

Both bets looked WAY over the odds to me, I'd have though South Africa had to be Fav's for the game, never 9/4 under the circumstances, but the 11/2 against them doing the ht/ft thing was a knocking bet.

That's me finished for the Comp now, my chips are cashed in, and they are staying in, I set myself a target of when I'd quid betting, and I reached the win limit and in fact over ran it by 4 grand, with one bet still running, a grand on Spain at 4/1 before the Comp started, so that'll do for me the now.

Canada Bob.

PS... this was me first post in a while, I don't "knock on yer door bowt having something to say" ;)

Alright...... alright....... it's all very well waxing lyrical after you've made money on a punt but is there any need to start talking about buying lobsters?? :009: ... lobsters??

I'm half tempted to tell you where you can stick your lobsters :lol:

To be fair, anyone winning money out of this world cup deserves some credit. Apart from san mig's run of first goal scorers it's difficult to imagine any run of results could be predicted with the form book torn to pieces over the last few weeks.

The idea of the bookies pushing out the odds to cap their losses works in hindsight because SA managed to pull off a minor miracle but the odds were at 11/2 because even a 2nd (or 3rd) French team in disaray were more than capable of winning. Although SA got the first goal I firmly believe if there was no (extremely soft) sending off France would have eventully won, if not, at least drawn.

2 ways of looking at yesterdays events,

1, you back SA because of all the media hype surrounding France and hope for the best or 2, you use the media hype as an advantage to gain better odds on what normally would be offered on a clear favourite.

If I had put money on anything yesteday it would have been option number 2 but I didn't, I would have lost money if I did, you chose option 1, won, so my logic failed, fair play to your sir.

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Now now Harry, what's the point of being offensive, one day you'll grow out of that.

Couple of points on the betting, I wasn't following the hype, I don't put my money down on hype, but when I can see with my own eyes what was going on in the French Camp who wouldn't consider how that might affect their game.

As to the odds being pushed out, there was a pile of money going on South Africa on Betfair and BetDaq, and no doubt the same thing was going on in with the Street Bookies, yet the odds were going up hour by hour rather than down. As to manipulation of the odds, how many times have you seen the odds of a horse drop like a stone say from 16's to 7/2, catches the eye of the mugs in the betting shop and they bang in on it, only to see it finish up down the field and having never been in contention. For most of them that's the last they think about it, but when you look at the reported bets on the race/horse the next day you'll see there was no money for it !!!

Bookies have been making False Fav's for generations, are you saying they don't know how to manipulate the odds for their advantage ?

As for the mention of the Guinness and the Lobster, maybe your one of them blokes who walks off a match in silence when your team just won 3-0, I'm not, a game with a good bet on it excites me, and like you I'm no short on words.

Canada Bob.

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