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Police in North Stand


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He was sat right in front of me, so I know exactly what happened.

The guy had gone out to the burger van for a smoke just after half time...lit one up, smoked half of it, and came back to his seat. Stewards came along, asked him to come for a chat, he refused, saying he payed to watch the footbball and thats what he was going to do. Next thing, the police came along and ejected him.

He was thrown out for having a smoke, where plenty of others do at half time,

Edited by davieB
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Is this another reason why folk don't to games any more? One our fans gets ejected for having a smoke whilst at the other end, the septic fans are standing, jumping about and then doing stupid Polish huddle across the whole stand. One rule for one and one for the other.

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Is this another reason why folk don't to games any more? One our fans gets ejected for having a smoke whilst at the other end, the septic fans are standing, jumping about and then doing stupid Polish huddle across the whole stand. One rule for one and one for the other.

I do think that this is a factor in dropping home attendances at the OF games personally. Whatever happened it seemed a bit heavy handed as there were 2 stewards and 2 polis talking to the guy whilst 2 another 2 stewards and 2 police watched on from the walkway.

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How many more years are we going to have to read such stories. I have been reading such tales of over zelous stewarding for year after year on here....certainly since ICT got into the SPL. The Board really need to look into this, as crowds seem to be dwindling alarmingly so and the club can ill afford to lose any more precious punters. Its a known fact, give people a little power and they often will abuse that right.

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Every home match, almost without fail, something like this happens. It's incredibly tiresome and unfair. At this rate there will be no fans in the north stand at home matches but on a more positive upside of this though, these jobsworth stewards won't have jobs to go to.

Being serious though, until something is done and the higher echelons of the club get involved, we'll keep haemorrhaging support at an alarming rate. I'm just glad the two stewards who were the first involved in this "incident" yesteday enjoyed their wee power trip and gloat.

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People also have a habit of assuming that every time something happens then it's the clubs fault and that fans could not possibly have been in the wrong and/or people should be free to do as they wish without any repercussions.

In this instance, it appears only to be an assumption that they wanted a word with him about going for a smoke. He may have done something else whilst away from his seat. Or if it was for smoking, then perhaps it is something he had been warned about in the past....who knows.

Don't get me wrong, plenty of rules/regulations/laws I disagree with, ignore or break in every day life...but when I choose to do so and I get pulled up for it, then que sera. Also don't think the Stewards are far from blameless on occasion, but sometimes it's down to individuals who need to take responsibility for their own actions.

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As I stated I just posted what I thought I saw. Wasn't involved so obviously don't know the whole story. However, whether the club like it or not, there is a perception that the home end is treated differently to the away end on certain occasions. Old ladies are not allowed to take their umbrellas in, water is confiscated, small kids are told they have to remain seated etc and we can all see the up the other end the whole support is bouncing and the walkways are nowhere to be seen. Maybe rules are rules but IMHO this is putting folk off coming to certain games. Btw I am not saying that fans are totally blameless or shouldn't take responsibility for themselves.

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Well the next game at home I'm putting a mouse trap in my pocket, first off the storm trooper told me I couldn't take my stick in, I told him to get """""", he then got a copper over who quickly told said trooper to pipe down, he then asked what was on my pockets I said nothing just my wallet and phone, I took them out to show him and he.put his hands in my jacket pockets........ I was mighty peeved...... If this happens again I will be going to the Elgin games for the rest of the season

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It is illegal for the stewards to a) search you without asking and b) put there hands in your pockets. Complain anytime this happens and not just to the head guy but the company.

From what was said above, it was the copper who checked his pockets.

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Stewards have no additional powers to you or I so cannot lay a finger on you without it being treated as an assault, be it for searching or ejection purposes, without your permission unless they are reacting in self defence and only then with 'reasonable force'. However, they do have the authority to refuse you entry to a private place of business , i.e. a football ground or a bar, if you fail/refuse to meet entry requirements without being obliged to provide a reason to you. If when you are inside said private business and are asked to leave and you refuse they are allowed to use 'reasonable force' (that grey area again) to remove you from the premises.

In practice that means whilst you are well within your rights to refuse a search when going in then they are also within their rights to refuse you admission for failing to agree, if it's in the stated entry policy. Unfortunately it also means that when they ask you to leave/'come for a chat' during the game it's the fan rather than the steward who is potentially breaking the law if they refuse and that's when the Police can become involved as I believe it is an offence to refuse to leave a private place of business when asked to by management, or agents of management as stewards are...

The old phrase 'if you pay peanuts you get monkeys' comes into play here as most security companies do indeed pay minimum wage or thereabouts, therefore... The criticism also has to be applied to the club management who will stress to supervisors and managers of the company that this is the entry policy that must be adhered to who will then stress to their subordinates that no deviation is acceptable as they ultimately run the risk of losing the contract and consequently staff lose hours/jobs.

Personally I avoid going to Hibs, Dundee and United given the way stewards have behaved towards me personally and ICT fans generally when I have visited there. I don't make nearly enough home games any more to comment on what happens now but it does seem like every week there is a gripe or a moan about the stewarding.

One final point, if the steward doesn't have a valid SIA badge on display when their on shift then they can perform none of the roles described above and have the same authority as a shop assistant or usher does. May be worth remembering and checking next time anyone is in conversation with one...

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