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How many on this thread can honestly say they expected anything other than what happened last night ?What is adding to our woes are other results at this time not going in our favour .I know before I get blown out of the water we shouldn't be relying on other results but it is what it is . We all need to pull together and get behind Richie and his team ,starting against Partick a week on Sat that will be a crucial game ...CJT are running bus to this game so please book a seat and come along and show the team we are not ready to give up on them . Bus details on another thread . 

As for fans booing Vigurs it's a cheap form of bullying and these supposed fans should be filtered out (someone knows who they are )and given a ban we don't need that disgusting behaviour .IMO Vigurs is one of our strongest players . People seem forget it wasn't his choice to leave us in the first place Butcher in his madness got rid of him .I for one am glad to have him back in our team ..... I await the backlash ,and I don't mean on the pitch !!!

Edited by izzy
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Totally agree. Ian Vigurs is not everybody's ideal player  but for some reason he has been singled out this season. Some of it deserved, some not.

But last night was not cool, in fact it just added to what was already a really fecking  miserable night .     


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1 hour ago, izzy said:

How many on this thread can honestly say they expected anything other than what happened last night ?What is adding to our woes are other results at this time not going in our favour .I know before I get blown out of the water we shouldn't be relying on other results but it is what it is . We all need to pull together and get behind Richie and his team ,starting against Partick a week on Sat that will be a crucial game ...CJT are running bus to this game so please book a seat and come along and show the team we are not ready to give up on them . Bus details on another thread . 

As for fans booing Vigurs it's a cheap form of bullying and these supposed fans should be filtered out (someone knows who they are )and given a ban we don't need that disgusting behaviour .IMO Vigurs is one of our strongest players . People seem forget it wasn't his choice to leave us in the first place Butcher in his madness got rid of him .I for one am glad to have him back in our team ..... I await the backlash ,and I don't mean on the pitch !!!

Agree to a point. I think Vigurs is an easy target. For me Polworth can be as lazy at times.

As much as I don't agree with booing our own players, but banning people who do? Slightly over the top.

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24 minutes ago, Sir C the 3rd said:

Agree to a point. I think Vigurs is an easy target. For me Polworth can be as lazy at times.

As much as I don't agree with booing our own players, but banning people who do? Slightly over the top.

Agree about Polworth sometimes wonder why he doesn't get subbed but a manager has very different views of players than fans .Maybe banning is a bit over the top a written warning may just be enough .How do they expect a player to give his all if that is the treatment they get before they even kick a ball .Im sorry if you don't agree but sometimes making an example of the mindless culprits is the answer .

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Any fans caught booing should be made to take a walk of shame around the pitch at half time of the next game and made to write Together We Believe, Together We Achieve a thousand times on a blackboard IMHO.

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10 minutes ago, Renegade said:

Any fans caught booing should be made to take a walk of shame around the pitch at half time of the next game and made to write Together We Believe, Together We Achieve a thousand times on a blackboard IMHO.

You should be in charge of the rule book Renegade :-) :-)

A lot of fans will boo their team at some point during season (I'm not one of the I would like to add )but when it comes to picking on an individual player It's time for club to step in to protect said player .This was not a one of as far as Vigurs is concerned .

Verbal warning

Written warning 


I don't think that is over the top !!!

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I expected us to get beaten, what I did not expect was us to invite Celtic to score in the manner in which we gifted a couple of the goals, and that was down to individual errors. It just makes our goal difference that we bit worse off.

Players have bigger balls than some give them credit for. It happens everywhere, I'm sure they will get over it.

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3 hours ago, forresjags said:

Would at this moment snap your hand off if you offered me 11th place. Anything better would be fantastic.

I'm no happy clapper but there's a lot of football yet to be played. I was gutted with the results elsewhere this week but, that said, all the teams below Killie are still in the mix ... and even Killie might be brought back in if Motherwell beat them on Saturday.

Going forward, the team's biggest challenge is positive mental attitude. 

They need to dust themselves down from last night and move on.

As others have said, there are no more Celtic games and, on our day, we can beat anyone else ...  

If the team can cut out the defensive/goalie bloopers and show a bit of graft, speed, finishing going forward, we can certainly make 10th.

RF has some big selection decisions to make ... including whether to drop Warren/re-introduce McCart? re-introduce Mulraney (who looked so good against Rangers)? ... and find out if anyone in the club still has Jim Calder's mobile number. 

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I am definitely NOT a Happy Clapper but agree that there is a lot of football to be played. I expected to get beat by Cellic but I was hoping for a better scoreline. Saying that it could have been a lot worse and we certainly shot ourselves in the foot. What is annoying me is that we have had two improved performances. One being a draw on a peat bog in Embra against a side on the decline and a victory over a Sevco side in turmoil at the time. So why is everybody so confident about going on a run when we have only won one game in months. Especially against a vibrant, in-form Partick, a Tinkerville outfit who are Jekyll and Hyde and against Killie who have surprisingly sprung up the league. Three sides who undoubtedly have more confidence than we have and also have impetus to win for differing reasons. I sincerely hope that we can match them in all areas but are there really signs that we are so capable of that ?

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5 hours ago, TtotheOtotheM said:

Although a huge financial risk, perhaps going down will give us a chance to build a new squad with a new core of young players and a young manager. 

Try asking the people who lost their jobs last time, or those that had to sack them in the first place that this is "for the best". Relegation cost us something in the region of £1m and whilst prize money and parachute payments have been adjusted now so the hit might not be quite as big, anything other than shooting for 10th spot or better is utter madness in my book. For us it is all about seeing a good team on the park and the idea of rebuilding might work in theory ... but theories dont buy food or pay the mortgage ! These players should be scrapping for every point and trying to ensure their colleagues have some job security come the end of the season. The players can walk away at the end of their contracts, its not so easy for ancillary staff !!

As for last nights game ... I was reasonably happy at half-time. We played well for 40 minutes and lost out to a very good strike from Sinclair. That first half team were more than holding their own against a side that had previously trampled over all opposition they have faced this season. The second half was surreal, especially the start of it. Quite apart from the blunder by OFW, why are we passing all the way back to OFW on our own kick-off in the first place??? That was idiotic. The ball did seem to take a slight bobble but it was a terrible sclaff from OFW. Our heads went down after that and Celtic just rounded out the game very easily.

On the live stream from ICT it looked like King, Cole and Polworth had decent outings. Didnt notice Polly not tracking back but the TV perhaps didnt give the full picture. Thought Brad Mckay was also decent but we are very slow now and lacking in confidence. The booing of Vigurs didnt come through on the feed but not sure what thats about ? He may not be everyone's favourite player (because of the County association perhaps?) but he was far from the biggest culprit for last night's result.  

In the end we got what we expected from this game (nothing) so its time to move on and focus on the other games. We got 4 more points than most expected from Hearts and Rangers and with 6 to go before the split they are all winnable. Aberdeen looks the toughest, but Hamilton showed it can be done.  


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There's still 11 games to go and therefore 33 points up for grabs.  Theoretically we could still finish 2nd!

Things can turn round very quickly.  Dundee may be feeling a bit more comfortable in 7th now, but if we were to win our next 3 games and they were to lose theirs, we would be ahead of them - and there would still be eight games to go!  But just as easily, Dundee could win their next 3 and we could lose our and they would be out of sight.

What often happens is that when teams feel they are safe from relegation, they take their foot off the pedal a little.  Sides are so evenly matched in the bottom half of the division that a little slacking off can make the difference between win or lose.  2 or 3 bad results and suddenly they find themselves being dragged into the mire, the doubt creeps in and that nervousness is reflected in their play and they go on a loosing streak,  Those teams at the bottom know they are in a fight. They make that little more effort which gives them the edge over those who thought they were safe, and then they develop a bit of belief as they narrow the gap.  T.  

If we can continue to play with the fight and determination we have been showing in the last 3 games we should pick up enough points to end at least 10th.  But other teams about us are also showing some real fight and determination so we can't afford to slacken off at all.  100% effort from the team and 100% support for all the players from the fans is what we need till the end of the season.

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Relegation, is the nightmare scenario. Dundee Utd have reported operating losses of over 1.5 million yesterday and that does not include the 1 million they took in through transfer fees.

Appreciate their wage bill is a lot more than ours, but absolutely no way can we contemplate relegation. The home support last night was well down on previous matches against Celtic, dread to think how many we would pull in against Ayr Utd on a Wednesday night in Feb/March. 

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Haven't read anything but page 4 of this topic but that is enough to get the flavour of what is being said.

Realistically, if we had got a draw last night, that would have been a fantastic result but I suspect most of us thought we would get beaten. Defensively, in the first half, we were good but we were helped by Celtic trying to get as many crosses into the box as they could which is easier to defend than them trying to play through us. First goal was always going to be crucial and not a lot we could do about the finish from Sinclair. Of the next 3 goals however, they were all preventable to a greater or lesser degree. Nothing to add to what has undoubtedly been said about the second goal but for the third, it was obvious where the ball was going to go and our wall was not very tall. This was partly due to our bigger players trying to match up with their opponents but still preventable. Fourth goal was where we were caught on a counter attack yet again and we had no organisation in defence to counter this. Having said all this, even if we stopped these 3 goals, Celtic created some even better chances that they should have taken. Not having seen Celtic live this season, I was a bit surprised at the physicality and height in their team. They were a big team and in Dembele, a player who can definitely play at a much higher level as can Sinclair.

Anyway, this was not the match that will define our season. We missed key players last night in Tremarco, Doran, Mulraney and Meekings and that impacted on how we played. It is critical that we get something from the Partick game both in terms of points and performance. Personally, I would bring back McCart for Warren and drop Brad MacKay for Tremarco is fit. If Doran or Mulreaney are fit, one of them replaces Cole or Polworth.

On the subject of Polworth, I am trying to think of an adjective to describe his performance last night. He is capable of genuine moments of skill but his attitude was wrong on so many occasions last night. In one instance, we were up near the Celtic penalty area, he lost the ball and showed no urgency to get back. This was not the first time. The sponsors making him MOM was pretty shocking although I understand how the MOM award works and can have no bearing in reality. The booing of Vigurs was disgraceful and it seems some of our so called fans have lost the plot on this as have some posters on this forum. Vigurs regularly gets slated on this forum, sometimes deserved but often this is not the case as he is by no stretch of the imagination our worst player this season. Fans need to call out these idiots when they do this as I have done in the past as this is a form of bullying as someone has already alluded to. Some of our fans need to take a good look at themselves over this.

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Plenty of booing going on around me last night I made my feelings known, we should never boo our team or any of its players, I actually thought Vigurs played OK when he came on, showed some fight and a few good touches on the ball, to be fair to the lads, they were chasing shadows, Celtic are a class above anything in Scotland

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When Celtic get the ball their mates always seem to be ready to  run into open space and do so immediately and inevitably they are there to receive the pass from the player in possession. That's training and foresight. Not only that, they don't  hold onto the ball for long so they pass with precision and speed and frankly I feel that their opponents just can't take it all in gasp of breath and  by the time that they get it, it's too late.

Vigurs--I watched his face closely when he ran up close to our side of the camera and the expression on it was revealing---a combination of honesty, real concern, slight anxiety and portraying a feeling of commitment as well. I.e. NOT the feelings of a nonchalant,  non-committed player. Time to ease off on him and we just have to hope that Richie knows his players well enough to inspire them with his private words, reminding them of their abilities and urging them on to be the best they can be. 

If it's our karma that we are going down, then we are going down and nothing is to be gained by absolute negative feelings, utterances and whining. Richie's after the match comments were hardly likely to inspire. Sure he was deeply disappointed  and maybe very frustrated but throwing the players to the wolves by saying they were frightened little pussies is self-indulgent emoting and should at least be confined to the dressing room where the public can't get an earful. Not only that, but it occurs to me to ask why he didn't warn them advance of what they might expect emotionally if Celtic surged ahead...... 




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Nothing to do with karma Scarlet, just the fact that they underachieved against a good side. Celtic were always going to win that game, but at half time we were still in it. 12 seconds later, game over. Foran only stating what the fans already know. Anyway, tough game out of the way. It's in our own hands now, or maybe it's in Owain's hands now. He certainly needs to sharpen up. We know how good he can be, but he needs to show that to give his team mates some confidence in him. Vigurs..... pffffft. He likes to dish it out, so he will have to get his proverbial finger out and show Foran he should be on the park displaying his undoubted talent, but tracking back and working hard are not two of them.

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3 hours ago, DoofersDad said:

Who was it that got back in the last minute of the game against The Rangers to block a cross from close in on the byline?


Unbelievable how he managed it after being on the park for ten minutes and blocked the ball with his elbow/arm.

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4 hours ago, tm4tj said:

Unbelievable how he managed it after being on the park for ten minutes and blocked the ball with his elbow/arm.

The simple fact is he did track back and as the ball hit him rather than him deliberately using his arm/elbow, what has that got to do with anything. Vigurs is not the only player who has not always performed for us this season but seems to be getting all of the criticism from certain quarters which is wholly unjustified. I will say it again, the booing of any player by the home fans is simply not justified in the circumstances it was done on Wednesday and should not be condoned by any ICT supporter.

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On 01/03/2017 at 9:37 PM, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

We are now in BIG trouble. Looks like a three way fight at the bottom. Well may benefit from sacking McGhee at the right time. 

Who's going to tell them it's small H.


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2 hours ago, ictfcsince94 said:

I think we've found one of those who boo's Mr Vigurs.......

I think you'll find your wrong.

41 minutes ago, Huisdean said:

The simple fact is he did track back and as the ball hit him rather than him deliberately using his arm/elbow, what has that got to do with anything. Vigurs is not the only player who has not always performed for us this season but seems to be getting all of the criticism from certain quarters which is wholly unjustified. I will say it again, the booing of any player by the home fans is simply not justified in the circumstances it was done on Wednesday and should not be condoned by any ICT supporter.

The simple fact is he was able to do it because he was only on the park for ten minutes. What has booing got to do with my post. A lot of the criticism is justified. I doubt he will be retained for another season.

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1 hour ago, Huisdean said:

The simple fact is he did track back and as the ball hit him rather than him deliberately using his arm/elbow, what has that got to do with anything. Vigurs is not the only player who has not always performed for us this season but seems to be getting all of the criticism from certain quarters which is wholly unjustified. I will say it again, the booing of any player by the home fans is simply not justified in the circumstances it was done on Wednesday and should not be condoned by any ICT supporter.

Totally agree !!!

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