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Vote of Confidence in Charlie Christie

Alex MacLeod

Do you think Charlie Christie should be allowed the chance to build his own team over the summer and be given another full season to show what he can do.  

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It is my honest opinion that Charlie Christie is capable of taking our team forward. I believe that, given the resources and the boardroom support he can build his own, successful, team. I believe he should be given the chance to show what he can do and I believe the fans of this club should give him the support and encouragement needed to achieve this.

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theyve backed him, they gave him 65,000 for rankin and a january transfer budget which he used to secure cowie and markus.  i pressume a chunk of the brown money will be added to his original budget for the summer aswell, theres no doubt at all that cc or whoever it is will have the cash to put together a side that can secure spl future for at least another 2 years

so the question, should he be given a year to work on the side... from what i have seen, i think its too big a risk to trust important rebuilding work (plus a decent budget) to any inexperienced manager, especially one who has their head stuck so far up their own arse for no good reason and struggles to get the best from the players he already has.

this summer would be an excellent time to start from scratch, we may never get another if he spends our money on crap (of course any manager can do this!) or buys quality and cant get the best from them (not all managers can get this right, cc has proved this quite alot) in training or on matchday

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Inexperienced manager??? Dont recall our last two having any experience yet they are seen as icons by some.

A number of people have spouted of about how CC cant get the best from the players. Do they know for a fact that that is the case or is it just supposition. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, its the players who dont want to perform for reasons that the manager has no control over. No, probably not. That would be too sensible and, personally, I have to question the sense of some posters on here.

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And now, the end is here

And so I face the final curtain

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and ev'ry highway

And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway

And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew

But through it all, when there was doubt

I ate it up and spit it out

I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried

I've had my fill, my share of losing

And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing

To think I did all that

And may I say, not in a shy way,

"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way"

For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught

To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels

The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!

Yes, it was my way

0,,10794~2999826,00.jpg Bring on the saviour  :022:

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how many big name managers did charlie learn from? did he win any trophies?  how many european games or cup finals did cc score winners or even play in?  its all experience players gain from playing in the top league that our manager managed to avoid while a playing player.  experience robbo or brew brought to us by being important parts of premier league clubs extends to how things are done off the park aswell, like transfer negotiations, handling the media and training; things alot of our squad had never dealt with.  the fact neither have flourished in their carears since leaving ict is more a matter of coincidence than their own failings, both have made poor choices

""A number of people have spouted of about how CC cant get the best from the players. Do they know for a fact that that is the case or is it just supposition. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, its the players who dont want to perform for reasons that the manager has no control over. No, probably not. That would be too sensible and, personally, I have to question the sense of some posters on here.""

thats one of the stupidest things ive read from the protection society this season.  are you honestly saying that its sensible to presume the gash players atm are gash because they just dont want to do better, rather than poor direction from the dugout  :017:

aye.  :015:  question my sense all you like if thats your own view.  personally i think the manager has a greater influence (or should) over the squad than you think

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Clacher, I wasnt referring to players who you have seen as being gash all season. I'm referring to the ones who performed exceptionally well for this club up until they were ignored, or not allowed to leave at the last transfer window. I'm talking about the players who went undefeated in sixteen out of eighteen straight league games after last seasons split. Was the same man in charge then. Of course all thats forgotten now cos the OF fan brain takes over.

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was also the same manager and players who bottled the chase for the top 6 big time last year, we went from 6th to 8th within 3 weekends of the split if you want to go just a little further back.

youll need to explain the OF brain part of that post.  as far as im aware supporters of every team in scotland want the best for their club, even if we all know they cant win every week we all expect the side to at least look like they want to

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Clacher, I wasnt referring to players who you have seen as being gash all season. I'm referring to the ones who performed exceptionally well for this club up until they were ignored, or not allowed to leave at the last transfer window. I'm talking about the players who went undefeated in sixteen out of eighteen straight league games after last seasons split. Was the same man in charge then. Of course all thats forgotten now cos the OF fan brain takes over.

Sorry Alex - but the only OF brains are yours and Hairy - tunnel visioned and with their heads in the sand. Feckin programmed into the feckin system!!!

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I don't think it's a case of CC "being allowed" to continue - the specualtion has stemmed from comments he made himself and not from any lack of confidence being shown by the club or the fans (as a whole).

Lets not forget that the CC Doom and Gloom merchants are still in the minority and their has been more converts from the anti-cc camp to the pro-cc camp over the season than have moved in the other direction, despite what some may think.

At times the forum may seem full of negative comments about CC, but it's mostly the same few people spouting the same tired old lines time and time again.

I fully expect the usual "Your a member of the CC appreciation society and can't see the truth because of your blinkered views" response from those I refer too....they just can't resist.

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"At times the forum may seem full of negative comments about CC, but it's mostly the same few people spouting the same tired old lines time and time again."

bit harsh there, the reason the same people keep coming back is because we keep playing shyte and losing, its not as if we arent here without good reason

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FAO Alex and Hairy:


Here is a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry be happy

In every life we have some trouble

When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head

Somebody came and took your bed

Don't worry, be happy

The land lord say your rent is late

He may have to litigate

Don't worry, be happy

Lood at me I am happy

Don't worry, be happy

Here I give you my phone number

When you worry call me

I make you happy

Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

Ain't got not girl to make you smile

But don't worry be happy

Cause when you worry

Your face will frown

And that will bring everybody down

So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote

I hope you learn it note for note

Like good little children

Don't worry, be happy

Listen to what I say

In your life expect some trouble

But when you worry

You make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Don't worry don't do it, be happy

Put a smile on your face

Don't bring everybody down like this

Don't worry, it will soon past

Whatever it is

Don't worry, be happy

:001: :001:

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I agree with Caley D.  There is little question of whether CC should be allowed to continue, but does he want to.  As I said in the other thread, have a look at today's P&J article and see what you can read between the lines.  CC has repeatedly asked for a better scouting system and more money to retain the out of contract players and also to attract a better standard of player to ICT.

I think CC is trying to get us back to playing football the SP way, which we all agreed is entertaining and a joy to watch.  Some weeks I can see this and others not quite so.  This week Yogi has said that it might be time to stop playing pretty football and just play route 1 stuff like everyone else.  Not what he wants to do, but results are more important at the end of the day.

Wait for the article online and see what you think.

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Today's P&J article.....

Caley Thistle director of football Graeme Bennett is confident that Charlie Christie will still be manager of the Inverness club next season.

Christie told his players he could resign from his position after their dismal 3-1 home defeat by the SPL's bottom club Dunfermline at the weekend.

But Bennett believes comments made in anger in the immediate aftermath of a poor performance must be taken in context.

Christie yesterday stressed his desire for the Highland club to succeed.

"I was raging after the game on Saturday and I made a few comments to the players," said the manager. "There was quite a lot of raw emotion after what was a hugely disappointing second-half performance.

"There was no timescale on my comments. I just said if and when a new manager comes in, he wouldn't put up with that level of performance.

"He also wouldn't show them perhaps the loyalty I have shown a lot of players here.

"I am desperate for the club to do well and I have said that since day one. This was almost a historic season, though not quite, and I am confident we can take things forward."

Christie also said his long-term commitment to Caley Jags relies on the club developing its scouting network and offering better wages to potential new signings. While that comes as news to Bennett, he is optimistic the situation can be resolved.

He said: "I have not really spoken to Charlie properly about this and will discuss it when we meet on Wednesday.

"We always planned to meet this week anyway, so we could look ahead to next season, but we probably need to clear the air a wee bit after some of the things which have been said.

"These things happen and even the greatest managers in football have fallouts in dressing-rooms after disappointing performances. In fact, I would be disappointed if Charlie hadn't reacted to how we did against Dunfermline.

"I think what has happened has been taken out of context and I believe he will still be with us beyond the summer.

"There are no guarantees, of course, and we will see what is said when we sit down together.

"But over the next 24 hours, I'd like to think we can come back and say something which clarifies the situation."

Caley Thistle lie ninth in the SPL and lost their chance to progress to the upper half of the table at the weekend.

They are still seeking a top-eight place which would keep their hopes of qualifying for the Intertoto Cup alive, but it has been a season tinged with disappointment too often.

Key players such as Mark Brown and Darren Dods have decided their futures lie elsewhere while regulars Craig Dargo and Richard Hastings continue to stall their contract discussions.

But Bennett remains satisfied by Christie's performance as Caley Jags manager.

He added: "We are still only two points away from being seventh in the league, which is a fantastic achievement for us. Once again, we budgeted for finishing 11th at the end of the season and anything higher is a bonus.

"Because we have set such high standards, we are perhaps victims of our own success and we were not as good on Saturday as we can be.

"But we are happy with the job Charlie has done. We've got a board which doesn't shout from the rooftops when we are doing well or doing badly, but we are pleased with how he has done.

"I have never had any reason to have a problem with how he is performing in his role."

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..... CC has repeatedly asked for a better scouting system and more money to retain the out of contract players and also to attract a better standard of player to ICT.

If what you say is true, it should be the director of football's job to set up a scouting network - not cc's. Could be lots of bargains in the lower english leagues and eastern europe.

Personally, I don't see CC giving up the job and Grassa would NEVER sack him.

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Playing Devil's Advocate here, but if the Club and Fans are generally happy with the job CC is doing as manager, but feel we need changes/improvements in order to bring in and attract a higher caliber of player/prospect then should we be looking to replace Grassa with someone of a "higher profile" in the game who has the contacts to make this happen?

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Also I dont actually like the way the question at the top of the thread is put. It almost makes it sound that Christie is now on some kind of years probation. Look, this guy is NOT a failing manager. He possibly has made the mistake of saying the wrong things sometimes to the press, also on Saturday in the dressing room where hes been the victim of a lack of loyalty because somebody ran to the PandJ. I also have to say the PandJ havent done CC any favours because they always seem to have been on his back.

A better question should be "Do you have confidance in CC as a manager, are you prepared to give him your support and do you want him to be left in peace to get on with the job without unhelpfull destractions like this?"

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Guest Bonzo

When things like Charlies little tantrum get leaked to the press it becomes quite clear that the players have no confidence in him.

He has made a fool of himself - and he should leave before any lasting damage is done. I dread to think what he will do if a budget for new players is left in his hands. More gems like McSwegan perhaps?

As for the previous two managers having no more experience ........ don't forget that Robbo and Brewster at least played at SPL level - not to mention the fact that people from outside the Highlands have heard of them

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Yes he's made mistakes but so do ALL managers. in parts of this season charlie has had the team playing the best football we've seen in a long time and the players received the praise then so why after a few bad performances do we turn to the manager with little mention of the players. we've had our best performances since being in the spl but we've also had some of our poorest. Lets not forget this has probably our worst season regarding injuries and suspensions to vital players (munro and mcbain have been missed a lot in recent weeks, not to mention dargo and wyness). i've enjoyed the more adventerous football and not being so predictable playing for a draw every week.

I'm pleased he threatened the players with his resignation because his point is probably right, not many managers would put up with the recent performances from some players. Our lack of depth has been exposed for the first time this season and its clear charlie wants to do something about that.

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Guest airbornejake

i don't post very often , because if you don't come from the highlands then you are not entitled to an opinion. that's the way i see it. but i believe CC  has loyalties to all the old guys and doesnot give the younger guys a chance.

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From the outset of his appointment I have never been fully convinced that Charlie is the right man for the job but I also didn't think we could get anyone better and he seemed to keep the ship steady. This summer will be a real test for him with losing some real key men. Previous managers have recruited well to replace the likes of Wilson, Wyness and Robson. If CC can replace Dods, Dargo and potentially Hastings then he should be fine.

That said I don't like the way, when things go wrong, he seems to shoulder so little of any blame that may be attributable to him. The players will have been hurting enough from some of these defeats without the manager publicly putting the boot in. But I didn't think the performance against Dunfermline warranted such a ferocious attack on the team by the manager.

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Bozo " don't forget that Robbo and Brewster at least played at SPL level "

Wise up you ****, what does this have to do with it?.. Robbo was handed a settled, confident squad, he then left for better things and got found out big style would you not agree? same goes for Brew.

CC will need time and Lambert ain't the answer, neither is Stewarty, who has not exactly played top level football and yet you ply his name as a replacement.

Have you a gas oven at home?

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You mean you think there might be a whole lot of quality players out there, who would consider a move to Inverness if only we got rid of the present chief executive?  :024:

As I said, just playing Devil's Advocate - A lot is/has been made of the fact that CC doesn't have the "profile" to bring in "big" players/prospects.  IMO, we have a Director of Football who's job it is to oversee these things, leaving the manager to concentrate on running the squad we have in place and looking at recommendations for new players which are made to him.

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If the referee had blow his whistle two minutes earlier against Celtic and we were still in the cup, the above critics would be still in the woodwork.

CC a bad manager!! Can I assume that the 88 minutes I watched at the Celtic game was played by a team that was not managed by CC? Can the last minute, 'get out of jail' goal by Lovell make CC a bad manager? Can the injuries to his key attackers, with our limited squad, make him a bad manager? Does being two points away from 7th place make him a bad manager?

CC has offered the fans a change away from the punt up the field, to a passing game as we have witnessed, this change can not be implemented without some cost and this can be seen in the lack of ability of some of the players.

It is now up to management to recruit new players for this way of playing and off load the ones that are not suited.

Sounds easy but all changes take time and as the old saying goes ''fools and......?..... criticise a job part done'!

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I have confidence in Christie and Park because they have signed well. McSwegan was only ever meant to be a stop gap, and he hasn't done as terribly as some of the more hysterical posters on here make out. Rankin, Paatelinen, and Cowie are all excellent signings IMHO, and demonstrate that the managment are working with a longer term time horizon in mind. Hopefully more promising young players will follow in the summer.

On the tactical front, I think Charlies still experimenting. Sometimes he gets it right, sometimes he gets it badly wrong. I'm not sure what kind of education he's had with his coaching badges - but he still has alot to learn. In his defence, it shouldn't be forgotten how awful our tactics were under Brewster. We were a very one dimensional side, relying on flair from individual players to win games. If Bazza and Brew had an off day we'd usually be awful. Robbo wasn't much better. You have to go all the way back to the Pele era for tactical genius. The papers have been saying that Charlie has been jarring Pele for advice, I'd personally love to see Pele back at the club in some capacity - heres hoping.

On the fitness front, I think we may have gone backwards since Brew left (then again, it may be that the other teams have copied us and gone for a more fitness intensive approach, perhaps the rest have improved rather than us having declined). This is where a manager needs to rule with an iron fist. Perhaps Charlie is a soft touch compared to Brew and doesn't push the players as hard as the orange fitness fanatic?

It's hard not to get the impression that CC is a soft touch. He needs to take some pages out of the Machiavellian playbook...

"Is it better to be loved or feared? The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. One can make this generalization about men: they are ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit; while you treat them well they are yours. They would shed their blood for you as danger is remote; but when you are in danger they turn away... Men worry less about doing an injury to one who makes himself loved than to one who makes himself feared... Since some men love as they please but fear when the leader pleases, a wise leader should rely on what he controls, not on what he cannot control. He must only endeavour to escape being hated."

And on dressing room troublemakers...

"A leader must not worry if he incurs reporach for his cruelty so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal. By making an example or two he will prove more compassionate than those who, being too compassionate, allow disorders which lead to murder and rapine. These nearly always harm the whole community, whereas executions ordered by a leader only affect individuals." (both quotes from 'The Prince' by Niccolo Machiavelli)

Basically, Charlie needs to stop acting like Frank Lopez and start acting like Tony Montana.

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