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I remember a friend of mine who worked for Hibs in the coaching set up a few years ago told me that Brewster applied for Hibs job when he was at Dundee utd.... must have known his time was soon up there! So it wouldn't surprise me if he applies again... no chance of him gettin it though!

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7 "permanent" managers in 10 years means that there is a fair chance that the manager Hibs may want won't want to go to Hibs. It is not clear what the Hibs Board are looking for. They seem to make a habit of selling on their best players just when you think they may have a real chance of breaking the old firm stranglehold of the top two. Unless the Board can give a real committment to consolidating any success a manager acheives then they will be constantly getting managers who either do not deliver what the fans expect or who have the rug pulled from under them and who get blamed for underacheivement. Long may it continue!

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I know why you're saying "Long may it continue!" but I disagree. I'd love ANYONE to seriously challenge the Old Firm - just as they did 20 years ago. Hibs did well up to a point but it's become a case of 'what is the club for?'

Selling players to balance the books from a big debt is great business sense. Selling with a manageable debt displays a lack of ambition. I'm not talking about suicidal Dundee investment but getting finance can either be done by selling at Harrods and buying at the Co-op, or by keeping some of those players to mount a challenge.

Hibs aren't in desperate need of the cash but they'll keep selling anyway. It's missing the point.

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