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SPL Neil Doncaster Warning


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These statements from people like Doncaster are all rhetoric from people with their own agendas and vested interests and who think that threats and lies will get them their own way. Whereas I find the Raith and Stranraer statements heartening, everything that's come from Doncaster and his mates just goes to show how corrupt the game is in Scotland. It's long past time to clear out this stinking Augean stables and make a fresh start. I just hope the people making the decisions have the guts to do it.

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Looks like a hundred percent of this forum in aggreement, probably the same will be said for the majority of clubs' forums.

surely the powers that be must see sense.

Newco third division---------------- restructure now even if the start is delayed-----------though that should not be necessary if they get their act together and do some real work for their money.

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If he had an ounce of integrety, Doncaster would have resigned ages ago. If those who employ him had any concept of what is important in Scottish football they would have sacked him ages ago. Their contempt for the fans and for the clubs who are now expressing views reflecting the fans' anger is quite outrageous. Mr Doncaster, your actions suggest you are probably a great admirer of Bob Diamond, so may I suggest you follow his fine example and resign with immediate effect?

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The people running Scottish Football Neil Doncaster and his chums are all in it for themselves the status and money! Not caring about their customers (the fans) what we want. If the SPIN they are pedaling about the Sky deal is true they have made a complete **** of the contract and are trying to save their skins. Just like the Politicians and Bankers!

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The story of the Scottish billy goats gruff

One day some billygoats called SPL chairmen trotted over a bridge on their way to Hamden when an unpopular troll emerged and demanded that a newco Rangers joined them in the SPL.

The billygoats informed the troll that they were too powerfull to allow this to happen as they had full backing from their fans and that some 1st division chairmen billygoats were due to come along shortly and they might be more of a pushover. So the unpopular troll straightened up his glasses and hid behind a tree.

Some time later the 1st division billygoat chairmen trotted over the bridge, out jumped the troll and shouted 'Im an unpopular troll and I demand that you accept a new Rangers into the 1st division' One chairman said 'Are you the unpopular troll who wanted to change the SPL from 12 teams to 10 which would make it even harder for any of us to join the SPL and now you want us to take Rangers in too' the troll said 'yes Im the troll that came up with that brilliant idea.' Another Billy goat chairman said we are far too angry to allow that to happen, some 3rd division billy goat chairman are coming shortly they might be scared of trolls why dont you pester them' so the troll hid under the bridge and waited.

The 3rd division billygoat chairmen arrived, the troll jumped out and shouted 'are you scared of an SPL troll' yes we are was the reply, 'Are you scared of Rangers being very angry at having to play football in the 3rd division and its all your fault', The Peterheid chairman billygoat piped up 'Its Rangers fault and not ours that this has happened,the Rangers fans are our friends now and they want to come and play with us in this division' The troll shouted 'I wont ever let Rangers join division 3 and theres nothing you can do about it' just as he said that 50,000 billygoats from govan appeared and threw the unpopular troll from the bridge into the river, never to be seen again.

Scottish football lived happily ever after.

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I'd imagine if the SPL was to lose the 80m tv deal then Neil Doncaster and fellow faceless execs wouldn't get paid as much and he's trying his hardest to protect this. Of course this is mere speculation but he's clearly doing something out of self interest.

Rangers fans to their credit just want the chance to start again. They are not the ones who have failed to pay tax and given out dual contracts etc. And yet they are the ones being punished the most and yet thewy are the ones actually showing some humility.

Get them to division 3. With even half or a 3rd of their fan base turning up for games they'll obllitertate the total of all the others in htat league put together. Add to that merchandise sales etc and the fact they have players still to either sell or play well above their level and a strong (massively underused) youth system, they have next to nothing to worry about. I'd put a bet on them going undefeated in the league all season. They should also cakewalk the 2nd and by the time they get to the first the fans shall have returned due to interest of their successful rapid rise through the leagues. I'd be hugely surprised if it took them longer than a straight walk through the leagues in 3 years. Another easy way to fix it - expand the top league. 16 teams there, 16 in the 2nd 10 in the 3rd and 2 regional leagues below that (highland and lowland).

Old Rangers are dead. They now get the chance to start again. Do it cleanly.

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I've not been followin this as closely as others but a couple of questions regarding the leaks that have happened over the last two days

1 - Apparently 6-8 clubs risk going bust immediately if sevco are admitted to the Third Division - are we one of these clubs? From a limited knowledge of our finances I don't think that's the case, we don't have any bank debt that could be immediately called in and, as discussed in detail elsewhere on this forum, don't have expensive long term contracts to fulfill.

2 - What have Sky and ESPN actually said about the TV deal? Have they said that it will be cancelled entirely if there isn't the prospect of a Rangers in the SPL in the next couple of years? I find that hard to believe - obviously Rangers are a big viewing draw to Sky/ESPN but so are Celtic, who would still be part of the deal. Is this £16m/season loss projected, how would that be split among the clubs - the vast majority of the TV deal money goes to the Old Firm, has anyone shown the SPL chairman an actual calculation of the loss that each club would face? Surely given the structure of the current deal Celtic would lose the most with sides who are shown less often being hit lower in absolute terms. I'm not convinced that Sky/ESPN would pull out completely - Sky have four 24 hour sports channels to fill and ESPN don't have a crammed schedule.

What is happening now is the chickens of the SPL coming home to roost. The mentality of the Scottish game has, for a long time, been that we need the Old Firm to survive. That's why we have created a league where 80%+ of the revenue goes to two teams, who also hold a permanent veto over the other clubs on any changes. That has created this situation, two clubs have effectively had a veto over any reforms. It's no wonder that the SPL have allowed a member club to engage in corruption and rule breaking for a decade. The likes of Neil Doncaster are stuck in this mindset, one that has reduced the quality of Scottish football and pushed the game to this point. Fourteen years of the SPL and now apparently up to two thirds of the clubs in it are on the verge of bankruptcy! Some achievement.

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Channel 4 News' Alex Thomson on Twitter

alex thomson @alextomo

Scottish Football: the spectre of management and governance utterly terrified of delivering what their customers demand - D3 for "Rangers". And a business that wilfully ignores its customer base will find painfully soon that it has no business left at all.

I have to say, if there are clubs who's entire business model is based on getting money from Rangers/Celtic then they need to ask themselves if this model is worth saving.

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Completely agree Chris. Also I have to wonder what 1st, 2nd and 3rd division teams are going to be worse off due to Rangers bringing full houses and probable tv money to their grounds. To my mind the only club in Scotland who will suffer is Celtic. Voting rights, tv deals and the like that the old firm have sought to control since the formation of the SPL would all be lost so they'll be completely desperate to keep them I would think. Hence the reason it doesn't look like there will be a desicion.

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Im starting to get tired of all this.

If you drink drive you lose your license, does the defense state that the accused has a petrol guzzling car, drives 50k a year and pays high road tax, the jury is made up of the tax man, BP, Shell and Texaco do they assess if they will be better or worse off if they take away a drink drivers license.

Im looking for a few players, someone to invest some cash and a few fans to come along as I would like to create a football club and apply to join the SPL, devastating things will happen if I dont get my way, I would also like to stick 2 fingers up at any club who has managed to get into the SPL the hard way and has taken them years to do so, as what you have achieved is irrelevant to me.

It will be the people running Scottish football who will ruin Scottish football.

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Channel 4 News' Alex Thomson on Twitter

alex thomson @alextomo

Scottish Football: the spectre of management and governance utterly terrified of delivering what their customers demand - D3 for "Rangers". And a business that wilfully ignores its customer base will find painfully soon that it has no business left at all.

I have to say, if there are clubs who's entire business model is based on getting money from Rangers/Celtic then they need to ask themselves if this model is worth saving.

Alex Thomson has tweeted a very valid point and one which has been totally ignored. He has quite rightly identified that it is the Scottish Football Authorites that have created this entire fiasco, if they followed the rules that they set, then the newco would have been sent to SFL 3 to start again. Whilst Rangers have been the catalyst that has identified the SPL/SFAs shortcomings this isnt Rangers fault.

In no way am i defending Rangers, they should be put to SFL3, end of story. This is a problem entirely of Doncaster and Regans making

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this is a direct quote of Doncasters' yesterday

"The three viable options are effectively:

bringing "newco" Rangers back into the SPL with a range of appropriate sanctions;

putting Rangers into the second tier of Scottish football


Rangers going into the bottom of the pyramid into Division Three.

"The third option, I was keen to stress yesterday, would inflict massive damage on the whole of the game in Scotland; and effectively punish 41 innocent clubs for the misdeeds of one."

He somehow thinks that the third option should be ruled out because it would massivley damage Scottish football as a whole. Does he not realise that it is his fault that every scottish club will now suffer not because of Rangers being liquidated, but because of the duopoly of money/power that he has created and maintained for the Old Firm.

If this guy remains involved with Scottish Football any longer then there really is no hope for anyone

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I was about to post that Clyde statement. The SPL is saying 'vote the way we want or we will breach a valid contract'. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour.

One point made in the statement is that you have to wonder how UEFA are looking at this - there could be sanctions against Scottish clubs in Europe or the national side because of what is going on.

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Dear Mr Doncaster aka Chief executive of the SPL, ITS TIME FOR YOU TO LEAVE THE ROOM the Gers will not be part of the SPL so that is where your interest in the matter finishes. It shouldnt even be your right to offer cash to the SFL that should be down to the SFA

Lunches, gifts, dinners, days out, holidays if it comes to light that any club or sponsor have given you any freebies whatsoever your days are numbered.

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Rangers Chief Executive Charles Green:

"We are deeply disappointed that our application to rejoin the SPL has been rejected overwhelmingly by the member clubs.

"This time last week, all of us at Rangers were resigned to the fact that we would not be admitted, due mainly to the public declarations of clubs indicating they would not support our application.

"At the weekend, we were approached by representatives from the SPL suggesting our application still stood a chance of success and we should discuss this further with clubs. This we did in good faith but with the knowledge of the hurdles that lay ahead of us."

No need to guess who that was. The corrupt actions of the bigwigs at the SPL have been nothing short of scandalous

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