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This is a warning for people travelinng up to pittodrie for the game on Saturday. Its for people that want to avoid trouble, particularly peple traveling with kids.

I have heard tell of a dastardly plot involving sheep and scrapping. Seriously though i live in aberdeen and have heard from a number of aberdeen die hards that the "aberdeen soccer casuals" will be waiting in the lane behind the away end to "jump a cupl o u caley c***s." It may just be all talk but just in case i thot i let everyone know

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If anyone is seriously worried about this then the lane they are referring to is the wee one that links Golf Road with King Street.

It takes you round the back of some new houses and flats that have sprung up in the Pittodrie area.

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There may not have been any trouble at the football yesterday but there was a lot in Aberdeen at the weekend. Two stabbings on friday night and god knows what else. Witnessed a few fights myself on saturday night as well.  :006:

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One outside Primark on Union street the other on Hutcheon Street. Saw a guy take a swing at a police officer on union street as well before he was promptly swamped by another five officers. What is the world coming to eh.

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I heard about the one on Hutcheon Street - it was in the pub at the corner of the junction between Hutcheon Street and George Street I was told?

I mind coming out of Slaines one night and as we walked out there was a guy slumped against one of the walls clutching his neck which had been slashed open and he was bleeding everywhere.

About 10 seconds later some guy came belting out of Slaines and sped off up Union Street pursued by about 4 police officers and about 10 members of the public who had cottoned on as to what happened.

Belmont Street is a war zone on a Friday or Saturday night out.

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I honestly can't believe the local papers ran this non-story.  Talk about clueless.

Weird hearing about the demise of Belmont Street.  I spent most of my student days in either Drummonds or the Wild Boar which were then something of a haven from the the sea of p.issed up minkers who populated the rest of the city centre, particularly up the top end of Union Street.

Belmont Street appears to have been overrun by toonzer lowlife with the opening of Slaines, Revolution, etc.  A sad state of affairs.

Action Man, Radar's was indeed on Belmont Street.  Upstairs bar was well shady so never drank there but it was quite popular for cheap munchies downstairs in my day.  Now a vodka bar/nightclub.

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I blame Espionage myself and Liquid. Espionage is full of jumped up tossers who think they are it while Liquid is Ned central.

Priory isn't too bad though one guy did threaten to kill me for having a pee. That was nice.

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