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Romanof : OF buying off referees


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He's really dropped himself in the sh1t this time....  :018:

How can he suggest the OF buy off refs..?    :024:

Of course we all know it's been going on for donkey's years, and it's a sensitive issue, but you mustn't ever say anything  about it....!!!    :023:

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Ha ha! (mad laff) Don't you understand this is all part of his cunning plan??? There'll be a big enquiry into match-fixing by Scottish referees, then they'll all be sacked and then Romanov will offer to provide referees free-of-charge. Where will they be from, I hear you ask? Lithuania, of course! As I already said in another forum subject, today Hearts, tomorrow the world! Have you not heard of the new Edinburgh football club - Lithuania United???? He's only trying to be healpful and sort out the crises in Scottish football (?????)

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Time to rid Scottish football of this buffoon.  If not then when Hearts season ticket sales drop by 10,000 for next season he might just get the message to clear off back to Minsk and take his Lithuanian loan signings with him.  That's the only way Hearts will get close to an all Scottish team.

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Thats the problem - they can only take action against him as an individual, they can't take any action against Hearts as "legally" he is nothing more than a shareholder.  As far as I am aware they can't just say "we don't like you, now along you run and find some new friends"

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Vlads statement on the club site, Thursday. Immature, ill-advised ......... I don't know? But when the yam fans are lookin' for a statement from the clown about the new stand, 28 million debt, his desire to rid his team of its top players, they get this drivel! As a hibby I'm lovin' every minute of this man's one man crusade to embarrass everyone of them at the pink bus shelter, especially the Vlad sheep.

But he's ridiculing Scottish football with his antic's and damaging the national teams chances against Italy, as our No 1 goalkeeper will have no match practice for the game in Bari because of this vindictive poison dwarf. The league should hammer him for bringing the game into disrepute. :001:

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Mad Vlads latest load of verbal diarrhoea, which has been pulled and then returned to heartsfc. Its got kickback on meltdown as it normally does at the slightest bit of controversy


In case it gets pulled again I've copied the statement

Monkeys go home!

The following statement was issued tonight by Vladimir Romanov:

Dear Monkeys,

Today I will not be showing your portrait to you. It is pointless. You are one step away from becoming human beings.

Go and carefully have a look at yourself in the mirror. Don't you see a human in it?

Stop fighting for the values which the ex-captain of Hearts was fighting for.

Education and truthful information - that should be your input to humankind.

Your leader Mowgli is not taking bananas any more, now he is taking money for lies and untruthful interpretation. However he is greedy and makes you collect rotten information from cesspits and poisons readers with it.

This is unworthy even of a monkey.

Today I will express my opinion in English about refereeing in order that your Mowgli will not make you tell lies.

To discuss whether referees take money or not is the same as discussing a woman who gives herself with no love.

Isn't it better to concentrate on the standard of their work instead of looking for reasons for their poor performance?

A woman cheats herself and nature if she gives herself without love. If a referee officiates a game based on his personal love, he commits a cynical crime, especially when the public has trusted him.

I respect those referees who take money from two stupid teams and then honestly officiates a game. They do not harm football in any way. Though it is bad, still everybody is equal for them. Perhaps that is the reason why football in Italy will never die despite all the scandals that continuously shake it.

I think that is much better than being the champions for 40 years while building up the same system for further 40 years.

Now it has become obvious to me why you, the Monkeys, were trying to ruin Hearts not only in the Championship, but in European competitions as well. I think it was not without your help that the 'frozen' referee from Russia was selected to officiate our match and that in the games against the Greek side we got three red cards.

It is not without your help that traitors were presented as heroes thus showing the road to children for betrayal.

You will always call teachers silly because unlike you they lead children along the correct path.

Protecting your values in that way just spoils not only football, but also a Scotsman's proud name.

I beg you Mowgli, take the monkeys back to the Safari Park!

What a load of drivel  :020:

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Perhaps it read better in Lithuanian ??? or maybe it was Johndo who translated it ??? In fact, have Vlad and Johndo ever been  seen in the same location at the same time ???

If this wasn't on an official website I would think someone was taking the ****

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That is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever read. 1st he accuses our ref's of being biased. Perhaps their governing body won't allow him to buy in like the lithuanian ones do. Its blatantly obvious he will have a large influence on refs in his homeland and because he can't here he trys to ridicule our game.

To make it worse he then accuses the scottish bodies of bribing a ruski (is he not an ex ruski?!) Does he not know anything. Scotland has little or no influence on the European game. Especially one that comes from his motherland.

Do you think he listens to supporters moaning about refs being biased in the general way they do when their teams lose, and actually believes it.

He doesnt have a scoobie and rants complete nonsensical drivel!

Go Home and don't come back. Your not wanted and your getting irritating, like the preverbiale fly that pesters the unwashed (hearts supporting) man!

And whats all this nonsense about Mowgli, Who's Mowgli and what does he do!

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