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Cometh the Hour

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nothing like heaping the pressure on to boost team moral is there ihe  :015:

:001: For once the "pressure" is there for everyone to see. The last time that we were in a similiar position was in the first SPL season - we changed our tactics and the "Dogs of War" camaraderie got us out of a big hole. Not that bad yet and this time there is a bigger, and on paper, better squad to pick from. I would have thought that it was also clear that this is CC is well under the microscope and the next few games will hopefully prove that he is up to job in terms of selection, tactics and motivation.

The Huns game was about the worst we have played for a long time, there was an improvement at Well but there was also on-going concerns. Injury has played its toll but that is not an issue now. We have an experienced SPL squad - we should be climbing up the table soon.

As the inimitable Hans Seyle once said to me:

"Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life?.

However, just as distress can cause disease, it seems plausible that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, or more so, but may trigger very different biological responses. Increased stress results in increased productivity --- up to a point. However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, raspy sound. Too much tension makes a shrill, annoying noise or snaps the string. However, just the right degree can create a magnificent tone. Similarly, we all need to find the proper level of stress that allows us to perform optimally and make melodious music as we go through life.

think i've found it!!!  :004: :001:

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Lets get this thread back on track - Tomorrow is a big, big day fer CC. Lets wish him all the best and all I can suggest is that he contemplates the words of Dr Napoleon Hill who once said to me:

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"

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This is going to be backs to the wall stuff with an eye for a chance to hit them on the break....

That tactic has worked pretty well for ICT the past, but they'll need to work their socks off to get some kind of a result.....

A defeat here doesn't bear thinking about - but surely they have the personnel and the professionalism (and sufficient motivation)  to avoid that.

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:001: Mannesque perhaps ?

But mow the time is nigh and we head to Paisley with a mixture of hope, passion, anticipation and dread in our hearts nand as Walt Whitman once lyrically read to me:

As the time draws nigh glooming a cloud, a dread beyond of I know not what darkens me. I shall go forth,

I shall traverse the SPL awhile, but I cannot tell whither or how long, perhaps soon some day or night while I am singing my voice will suddenly cease.

O book, O chants! must all then amount to but this? Must we barely arrive at this beginning of us? --and yet it is  enough, O soul; O soul, we have positively appear'd--that is enough.

Amen to that.

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If the defence can concentrate for 90 minutes and keep it tight and solid, then a point or three will come our way.


  Yes , we really need to work on our defence , a win today is a total must or i dread to think where we'll be in coming weeks , we really need a confidence boost before we meet Dundee U at home next week also if we crack it today it'll surely help C C  decide best formation plans

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I see **** Campbell's name on the next string if our beloved team fail to bring back a point. He clearly has a passion for this club!!! However, 10CC is a far better manager and sniping is against every Manager bar Walter Smith and maybe Craig Levein.

It is important to realise that one point will  take us equal with the Dons if Celtic give them a good 3-0 doing.

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I see **** Campbell's name on the next string if our beloved team fail to bring back a point. He clearly has a passion for this club!!! However, 10CC is a far better manager and sniping is against every Manager bar Walter Smith and maybe Craig Levein.

It is important to realise that one point will  take us equal with the Dons if Celtic give them a good 3-0 doing.

Aye you're right 1 point today & Aberdeen to get beat would help , ive a feeling this is our season to get one over on the Dons

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With all the criticism that has been aimed at our defence then I would be happy with a clean sheet for us today.  Caff was out for a while, but he is no stranger to working with the rest of the back line and they should really be clicking better as a unit now.

Up front we have a few new faces and CC is still trying to work out his best pairing.  Although I want to see them battering home the goals they could be forgiven for taking a little longer to find their feet.

So, for me, a 0-0 draw will be a better sign of positive progress than a score draw - beating them 0-2 or 0-3 would obviously be even better  :001:

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In all sincerity - good luck CC -  and a quote from the bible to comfort ya:

Johndo 4:23 "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him." 

:024: What does that mean ??

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