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Can You No Just Close This Forum?

I Have Heard Enough.

I Am Willing To Accept That You Can Swear At The Match!

It's A Mans Game And A Woman Can't Change Things!


WRONG It is a sport which can be enjoyed by both sexes but men are not the only people who swear you know, you should hear my wife when I stagger home from the pub. The whole point is that there is a time and a place for swearing and football is one of them. If only you had seen the crowds at football matches in the '80s and '90s you would see how far we have moved on since then. ****'s sakes the crowd at TCS is quiet enough without removing 50% of some folk's vocabularies, myself included being a seaman (got to love those stereotypes).

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I understand that swearing is unavoidable. However, MissICT was just making a point that it could be cut down on.

I will ask any of you who work in retail, hospitality, care, hospitals etc. Would swearing be acceptable at work? If you swore at a customer, patient what actually would happen? My point is that although it is unavoidable that doesn't mean people should have to accept it?

As someone who used to work in retail, I used to swear all the time at work. Never directly to a customer though. I can curb my language when I choose to, and I choose not to while I'm not in work for example - at a football match. At the end of the day I look at swears as just words. Perhaps I'm thicker skinned than a lot of folk at a football match these days :rotflmao:

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I sit in the North Stand and I have tourette's syndrome so it may have been me who offended you. So I'm f***ing sorry ok. Just think how f***ing lucky you are to be able to sit in church or the f***ing library... I can't do things like that so I have to go to football matches to fit in and now you're trying to take that away from me as well.

I've never actually met you TNEIB but I have certainly heard you on many occasions at many matches...

Please don't feel any shame regarding your unfortunate affliction. Believe me there are plenty of other unfortunates who come on to this website with far more serious problems than you are suffering from...

You should also try and get into churches and libraries whenever you can. It might just help brighten them up a bit... :rotflmao:

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I am guessing Miss ICT aint followed ICT to Ibrox yet then! You are always going to get swearing at footie, clubs just have to be sensible and not put the family sections next to the most vocal (lol) and passionate section. I cant think of any other club that does.

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Can You No Just Close This Forum?

I Have Heard Enough.

I Am Willing To Accept That You Can Swear At The Match!

It's A Mans Game And A Woman Can't Change Things!


Swearing at football wouldn't be changed even if a man tried to change it. Its part of football culture and you just have to live with it. I don't see a problem with it. If your offended and you take your kids, then don't take your kids if your that offended. Most parents will easily explain to their kids what its all about and in a few years time if they still support the club their kids will be like that.

Swearing in front of woman and children is a relatively new thing and is not part of football culture as you state!

I have attended a Rangers v Aberdeen match, at Pittodrie, pre segregation, accompanied by my dad, mam and my wife and not a swear word was used, in our earshot and this was on the terracing, because ladies were present.

I would agree that Billy Connelly made a living by swearing and possible introduced it into the adult culture as something that could be said but after the watershed!!

I am sorry if I see children as young, innocent and needing a buffer between them and grown-up life, for as long as possible. If others prefer to introduce swear words to young children, I suppose I just have to accept that we all have different standards.


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One question for you lilly livered liberals. What the **** happened with sexual equality? It's okay for men to swear in front of other men but not women? Hypocrites.

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Can You No Just Close This Forum?

I Have Heard Enough.

I Am Willing To Accept That You Can Swear At The Match!

It's A Mans Game And A Woman Can't Change Things!


Swearing at football wouldn't be changed even if a man tried to change it. Its part of football culture and you just have to live with it. I don't see a problem with it. If your offended and you take your kids, then don't take your kids if your that offended. Most parents will easily explain to their kids what its all about and in a few years time if they still support the club their kids will be like that.

Swearing in front of woman and children is a relatively new thing and is not part of football culture as you state!

I have attended a Rangers v Aberdeen match, at Pittodrie, pre segregation, accompanied by my dad, mam and my wife and not a swear word was used, in our earshot and this was on the terracing, because ladies were present.

I would agree that Billy Connelly made a living by swearing and possible introduced it into the adult culture as something that could be said but after the watershed!!

I am sorry if I see children as young, innocent and needing a buffer between them and grown-up life, for as long as possible. If others prefer to introduce swear words to young children, I suppose I just have to accept that we all have different standards.


I smell sh1te .

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Although this topic started of about swearing at TCS it's developed more into a general discussion and so I've moved it here.

It did not start about swearing in the TCS - it started about ICT fans swearing next to the Family Section in the TCS and how something as precise as that, is not relevant to the ICT board, I do not understand!! As with many threads, comparisons will be made with other clubs etc but that does not mean it is any less ICT relevant.

When talking about Brews ability, other clubs, fans, managers are brought into the discussion arena, but the subject matter is not then moved to general topics or non-ICT!!

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It wasn't moved because of comparison to other clubs (if that had been the reasoning it would have gone to non-ICT), it was moved because it was heading away from football altogether and into a more general discussion on swearing. A worthwhile discussion all the same, but not specific to ICT.

Rather than just close it or waste time trying to split it I felt it more appropriate to just move discussion to where the general discussion could continue.

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Miss ICT, unfortunately you seem to be alone on this one (with the exception from me).

Swearing cannot be avoided nowadays, even childrens television uses language that wouldn't have been allowed before the watershed only a few years ago. Songs on the radio have choice lyrics too. There's a lot more to do if you want to avoid it than keeping away from the games.

Swearing shows a complete lack of intelligence, people who swear especially at football matches have no understanding on swear words, they just use them like everyday language. Swearing is used in a offensive way, if it wasn't why on earth would you be using such words????

Swearing is used nowadays as a vehicle for expressing emotions quickly.

I would also like to ask to all those who responded and were down right rude, do you have children?

I have children and when I take them to the park or collect them from school I often hear colourful language from infants. It is a society problem that will take decades to reverse but that will never happen as the will isn't there.

I don't see it as an issue because the little ones may know the words but they don't understand what they're saying and as such have not lost their innocence.

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I have children and when I take them to the park or collect them from school I often hear colourful language from infants. It is a society problem that will take decades to reverse but that will never happen as the will isn't there.

Where do you take your kids? I don't hear that language when I am out with mine.

I think some people are missing the point though, hearing the odd swear at the park is a bit different to over 90 minutes of constant swearing, don't you?

I would never try and hide the fact that people swear and that the world is a big bad place however, I would like to think I live in a civil place and could take my kids places where I wouldn't have to hear language like that. Also if I hear a child saying that I would think they haven't been raised well. I teach my children that they have to respect their elders now if they hear bad language coming from them how are they going to learn to respect someone, when I am telling them that speaking like that is bad????

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Have always believed there's times and places,fitba is one of the few places where i believe colourful language is part of the culture and have no prob with it so long as it is not directed agressivily or provocativly at other supporters.

I am, however taken aback and, whilst not offended by it, i am concerned when i hear parents telling their own kids in town to "F**kin shut up" ,or "behave ya wee C**t".

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Trying to justify awful language,

Oh come on, there's people dying in this world and all some people can compain about is words. I for one find that rather sad.

This coming from the person who at the bottom has "Brewster must go". People are dying in the world and all you can worry about is who manages your football team. Shame on you.


Oh dear that's that not very nice is it. :rotflmao: We all have to have a bit of fun in our lives. Mine is football. Yours obviously is complaining. And secondaly this is a football forum. I know this bit isn't but a large part of how I feel about my football team is in my signature. Understand know? It's really very very simple. Am I ashamed? You bet I am. I'm really really really ashamed. So ashamed I don't want to see the outside world ever again. Maybe you should do the same.

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Oh dear that's that not very nice is it. :rotflmao: We all have to have a bit of fun in our lives. Mine is football. Yours obviously is complaining. And secondaly this is a football forum. I know this bit isn't but a large part of how I feel about my football team is in my signature. Understand know? It's really very very simple. Am I ashamed? You bet I am. I'm really really really ashamed. So ashamed I don't want to see the outside world ever again. Maybe you should do the same.

You as a typical man are totally missing my point, my point is if it is alright for you to mention about how you want Graig Brewster to leave as he obviously isn't up to your standards, then why isn't it ok for me to complain about swearing?????? I don't see why me saying swearing is wrong should be compared to children dying?? Really don't get that, if there is more important things in the world then you certainly shouldn't be supporting football.

I understand it is a football forum, that's why I am on it, or maybe I missed the point???

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Oh dear that's that not very nice is it. :thumb04: We all have to have a bit of fun in our lives. Mine is football. Yours obviously is complaining. And secondaly this is a football forum. I know this bit isn't but a large part of how I feel about my football team is in my signature. Understand know? It's really very very simple. Am I ashamed? You bet I am. I'm really really really ashamed. So ashamed I don't want to see the outside world ever again. Maybe you should do the same.

You as a typical man are totally missing my point, my point is if it is alright for you to mention about how you want Graig Brewster to leave as he obviously isn't up to your standards, then why isn't it ok for me to complain about swearing?????? I don't see why me saying swearing is wrong should be compared to children dying?? Really don't get that, if there is more important things in the world then you certainly shouldn't be supporting football.

I understand it is a football forum, that's why I am on it, or maybe I missed the point???

Typical man.... :rotflmao:

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Oh dear that's that not very nice is it. :rotflmao: We all have to have a bit of fun in our lives. Mine is football. Yours obviously is complaining. And secondaly this is a football forum. I know this bit isn't but a large part of how I feel about my football team is in my signature. Understand know? It's really very very simple. Am I ashamed? You bet I am. I'm really really really ashamed. So ashamed I don't want to see the outside world ever again. Maybe you should do the same.

You as a typical man are totally missing my point, my point is if it is alright for you to mention about how you want Graig Brewster to leave as he obviously isn't up to your standards, then why isn't it ok for me to complain about swearing?????? I don't see why me saying swearing is wrong should be compared to children dying?? Really don't get that, if there is more important things in the world then you certainly shouldn't be supporting football.

I understand it is a football forum, that's why I am on it, or maybe I missed the point???

It's very true, football is just a game and there are far far more important things but for millions, if not billions around the world, football is of huge interest and following football and supporting a club has almost become an institution. Swearing, on the other hand aren just some syllables put in a certain order. And I for one do not find that offensive, especially if it is not directed at you in an offensive manner. Just for the record, I hardly ever swear and even more rarely, infront of people or in public and I do find people who seem to open their mouths and every second word is a swear rather annoying and tireing, but I don't find it offensive.

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