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there is no need to sware at a football match.

we should be discourging this form of action and encourging family.

Falkirk are having a crack down.

there is no need to, but hey why not? there's no law against it, do people actually get really offended at a swear? :rotflmao:

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I was offended when the fans started to swear in the north stand!

It was right next to the family section and It wasn't fair on the younger fans who sit in the north stand.

there is no need to sware at a football match.

we should be discourging this form of action and encourging family.

Falkirk are having a crack down.

we still need to go further!

Think about the wee ones!

falkirk are stamping down on it!

Carlsberg don't do ridiculous sequences of posts on internet forums... :rotflmao:

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I was offended when the fans started to swear in the north stand!

It was right next to the family section and It wasn't fair on the younger fans who sit in the north stand.

Oh wow! Swearing is SO offensive. Everytime I hear a swear word I just want to punch someone. It's so so offensive. Oh my god I hate it so much. I personally think that they should bring back hanging for swearing. It's just SO bad.

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I sit in the North Stand and I have tourette's syndrome so it may have been me who offended you. So I'm f***ing sorry ok. Just think how f***ing lucky you are to be able to sit in church or the f***ing library... I can't do things like that so I have to go to football matches to fit in and now you're trying to take that away from me as well.

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Swearing is everywhere, not just at football stadiums. It can be heard in the streets, in the shops, on the TV, on the bus/train and even on PC games. If swearing offends that badly then maybe it would just be best to stay indoors...ALL the time.

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Unfortunately Miss ICT, its part of the game, as much as the pies and bovril are.

I was raised not to swear however swearing is part of our language, and actually they are not so offensive, actually when people swear they are infact speaking a foreign language, scandanavian or Latin.

Swaering is a linguistic art passed down through hundreds, even thosands of years.

Personally i think there is futuere all wrong with it!

Edited by Kirishima
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Eh? Bully boy responses? Dont see that at all Alex. Could you tell us what post is bullying.

Miss ICT obviously wanted an opinion and thats what she got, the Carlsberg one was quite amusing. I think being a little less sensitive may help.

Swearing always will be part and parcel of the game, and it is a valid point, no doubt, however i think that if you want to go somewhere where swear words will not be heard, then a football stadium is a poor choice, family section or not.

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Miss ICT, unfortunately you seem to be alone on this one (with the exception from me).

Swearing shows a complete lack of intelligence, people who swear especially at football matches have no understanding on swear words, they just use them like everyday language. Swearing is used in a offensive way, if it wasn't why on earth would you be using such words????

I would also like to ask to all those who responded and were down right rude, do you have children?

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I agree with Miss ICT. I know that football matches are traditionally a "robust" envioronment but we are trying to encouraging families now.

That said, my own attitude is very much coloured by the fact that I tend to take my own children to matches there days and I don't relish the sort of language they're exposed to.

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I have children and whilst I don't swear at home and don't condone swearing in general, I have to admit that I do let rip at the football. Somehow ,"Oh dear me!" when the third goal goes in against our team isn't my first reaction. If you feel passionately about ICT, it's hard to be restrained. Sorry!

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My kids go to the football when we can and yes they hear swearing and im sure they hear worse when out playing !!!

Yes it aint that nice but swearing goes with football like pies and bovril as someone above posted.

And the swaering kids use thses days is to say the least very colourful !!

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KMCN... downright rude? Lack of intelligence?

So, anybody who swears is lacking in intelligence? An interesting anthropological argument, based on...?

A few of the responses were a bit rude, granted, but most weren't.

I could argue the finer points, but the bottom line is, if you dont want your kids to hear swear words, you really should choose Whin park instead of Caley park

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