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Heilandee where are you?

absent friend

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I never stop marvelling at this Forum - ICT world champions last week, Butcher must go this week - and then we have our Heilandee who must be smarting like mad with his team of world beaters performing like ...well not performing and never a complaint!

If we had spent the money Dee have, to have the calibre of player they have signed on the wages they are enjoying and end up, even at this stage of the league, mid table, the manager, the muppets, the tea lady et al, would by now be sent to darkest Glenrothes.

Maybe Heilandee's mature acceptance of his teams performance highlights the ICT fans need for 100% success or else their manager etc must go.(One defeat is one too many!!)

I wonder if Sir Calum is now wondering if he should have invested in a wee Highland team like ICT and enjoyed the local craic, like Mr Sutherland did, if the team under achieved.

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I never stop marvelling at this Forum - ICT world champions last week, Butcher must go this week - and then we have our Heilandee who must be smarting like mad with his team of world beaters performing like ...well not performing and never a complaint!

If we had spent the money Dee have, to have the calibre of player they have signed on the wages they are enjoying and end up, even at this stage of the league, mid table, the manager, the muppets, the tea lady et al, would by now be sent to darkest Glenrothes.

Maybe Heilandee's mature acceptance of his teams performance highlights the ICT fans need for 100% success or else their manager etc must go.(One defeat is one too many!!)

I wonder if Sir Calum is now wondering if he should have invested in a wee Highland team like ICT and enjoyed the local craic, like Mr Sutherland did, if the team under achieved.

His team weren't in the SPL for the last 5 seasons though .

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I dont expect 100% sucsess. But....i do expect us to be able to take care of teams like Ayr, Airdre etc. I posted yesterday that at this stage, i would have expected us to be on about 11-12 pts. Thats basically allowing for the dropping off 6-7 pts in 6 games. I think thats not to unrealistic and unreasonable achievment to be reaching

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I never stop marvelling at this Forum - ICT world champions last week, Butcher must go this week - and then we have our Heilandee who must be smarting like mad with his team of world beaters performing like ...well not performing and never a complaint!

If we had spent the money Dee have, to have the calibre of player they have signed on the wages they are enjoying and end up, even at this stage of the league, mid table, the manager, the muppets, the tea lady et al, would by now be sent to darkest Glenrothes.

Maybe Heilandee's mature acceptance of his teams performance highlights the ICT fans need for 100% success or else their manager etc must go.(One defeat is one too many!!)

I wonder if Sir Calum is now wondering if he should have invested in a wee Highland team like ICT and enjoyed the local craic, like Mr Sutherland did, if the team under achieved.

Absent Friend, please dinnae think for one minute that my lack of moaning on here is indicative of "mature aceptance",my toy's can and do go oot the pram on occasions!, I just dont feel an opposition team website is the correct place to bemoan our underachieving thus far,there's plenty done on DFC related forums though.

All fans are quick to castigate the decision makers when things are going wrong and ICT fans are no different,( i actually think there possibly more patient than many)your younger fans however have only ever known upward momento and are probably taking the current step down badly.Reality will kick in regarding expectations to beat the percieved lesser lights in the division and a couple of bad results can have you staring the wrong end of the table very quickly.

Like Dundee, ICT are now percieved as one of the teams to beat in the division and "wee'er" teams raise their games, our players have to realise this,dig deep and put in the required extra effort to justify there bigger wages and "big team" status or they will soon find out there's nae room for "Billy big times" in the first division

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TBH, regarless of money spent, New players in teams take time to Gel... we are not any diff to this. Dundees money, our Free's... they as we are not an established time player wise right now, it'll take a couple of months

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"they as we are not an established team, player wise right now"

georgios, can you translate that please...........I thought you were British as well.

sorted it for you, sorry if my spelling or grammers not up to your standard, Spell check picks up words spelt wrong, however dyslexics get words as well as letters mixed up, I get our and out mixed up alot too.

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lol, like i said, if i try to spell something and not mix up the word with something else it will correct it, googles where i got the correct spelling from with that one, i typed in Dislexic and it gave me dyslexic, Im tought to spell it how it sounds, dyslexic is spelt almost as its sounds...

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How come dyslexics can spell the word dyslexic?

dislexic.... yeah am the same georgeios, must just be you M4TJ :blink:

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lol, like i said, if i try to spell something and not mix up the word with something else it will correct it, googles where i got the correct spelling from with that one, i typed in Dislexic and it gave me dyslexic, Im tought to spell it how it sounds, dyslexic is spelt almost as its sounds...

If you're "tought" to spell words as they sound shouldn't "tought" be spelt T.O.T?

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lol, like i said, if i try to spell something and not mix up the word with something else it will correct it, googles where i got the correct spelling from with that one, i typed in Dislexic and it gave me dyslexic, Im tought to spell it how it sounds, dyslexic is spelt almost as its sounds...

If you're "tought" to spell words as they sound shouldn't "tought" be spelt T.O.T?

as i practice my learing methods they teach you to learn the commen miss spelt words and you spell them out as sounds not letters, They for me was Thay, I see words that should be spelt bigger like as you say tot, and work out that it sould be spelt with sounds not letters, i then find out how and make a point of learning for a while that one word, as a 30 year old its not a proud thing to admint but i dont care I am making an effort to better myself, My english is about on par now as a 10/11 year old... back in the day, I'd spell for example

bicos i can tie a not in my soos it stopd me geting wet feet

now spelling with sounds

Because I can tie a knot in my shoes it stopped me getting wet feet.

Im sure this is abit of a yawn for most but hey, Im re-learning....

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what was your grading then CaleyMad? Im a six, with 1/2s for numeracy and 8 mostly for English Reading Writing and Grammer thats what drags me in to the 6/7 Grade


Geography 5

English 3

Math 3

H.E 3

Physics 3

Chemistry 3

Music 3

Thats actually pretty good :blink:

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sorry, someone went missing somwhere and we didnt know where he had gone.

PS, Next for me is to learn again what

where, were, we're, they, that, there and they're, so watch this space, over the last few months its been, commas and full stops,(breath) and I'm finished.

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Whaurs a mod when yer needin ane eh? this has went affy aff topic,fae bein ah aboot fans moanin ah the time to spellin ahin like ya say it,eh widnae hink thats an affy guid ehdea as some fowk dinnae spake proper so eh probly widnae ken whit there ahonaboot eh?

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Whaurs a mod when yer needin ane eh? this has went affy aff topic,fae bein ah aboot fans moanin ah the time to spellin ahin like ya say it,eh widnae hink thats an affy guid ehdea as some fowk dinnae spake proper so eh probly widnae ken whit there ahonaboot eh?

So what about your "mature acceptance" of your team's performances?

I never thought I'd ever see the words Heilandee and mature in the same sentence.

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All fans are quick to castigate the decision makers when things are going wrong and ICT fans are no different,( i actually think there possibly more patient than many)your younger fans however have only ever known upward momento and are probably taking the current step down badly.Reality will kick in regarding expectations to beat the percieved lesser lights in the division and a couple of bad results can have you staring the wrong end of the table very quickly.

I don't know how you managed to sneak that in without me seeing it....

You are right in what you're saying though.... younger fans like me are finding it hard to come to terms with this apparent downward spiral.

The auld yins are seemingly content to spend eternity playing against the likes of Rosss County and err, Dundee.

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