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Reality Check

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As the resident psychologist I have to point out the outbreak of overoptimisitis on this board. It is apt that I have just returned from a lecturing trip on this subject from the Far East where I studied a Phillipino sample. The lesson I learned was that you get fecked if you get too confident.

Look closely at the following words : Raith Rovers - Greenock Morton - Queen of the South - Dunfermline - Ayr United and Dungdee - repeat ten times

Then look at the words - possible, doable, achievable, conceivable, feasible, attainable. - repeat twenty times.

?Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly.?

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?Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly.?

But the same philospoher also said:

Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?' 'Supposing it didn't,' said Pooh. After careful thought Piglet was comforted by this.
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What is wrong with optimism IHE, what harm can it do the team in their quest for this title? As far as I can see as long as the guys on the pitch are grounded and know what is to be done to secure this title then optimistic fans can only help things. Optimistic fans get behind the team, optimistic fans sing and roar encouragement, optimistic fans have fun. Pessimists, on the other hand, berate every mistake giving the players doubt, they moan about everything from the team selections to the pies served at half time.

If you were a player which would you prefer to play in front of? Why live in a drab depressing reality when you could be partying in the dream? We all know what could happen, both ways, but the message of BELIEVE overturned Clyde and got us to the SPL once, let that message grow once again BELIEVE you dour feckers. Derrick Adams never let his fans believe with his constant "we are not good enough" and his prophetic words are coming to fruition. Richie Foran told me through the medium of the P&J and the Sun that we ARE good enough and I BELIEVE him.

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What is wrong with optimism IHE, what harm can it do the team in their quest for this title? As far as I can see as long as the guys on the pitch are grounded and know what is to be done to secure this title then optimistic fans can only help things. Optimistic fans get behind the team, optimistic fans sing and roar encouragement, optimistic fans have fun. Pessimists, on the other hand, berate every mistake giving the players doubt, they moan about everything from the team selections to the pies served at half time.

If you were a player which would you prefer to play in front of? Why live in a drab depressing reality when you could be partying in the dream? We all know what could happen, both ways, but the message of BELIEVE overturned Clyde and got us to the SPL once, let that message grow once again BELIEVE you dour feckers. Derrick Adams never let his fans believe with his constant "we are not good enough" and his prophetic words are coming to fruition. Richie Foran told me through the medium of the P&J and the Sun that we ARE good enough and I BELIEVE him.

Never said that there was anything wrong with optimism - confidence and winning are a potent force - both on and off the park. Those qualities have to be harnessed. It is the "over" that I am concerned about.

Perhaps this is a better example for you : ?I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.?

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IHE I am an engineer nowadays we just batter right into the wind, sails are outdated. The HMS Sneck has no sails either, she'll torpedo her way to the title.

Again I will ask you, where is the harm in optimism (over or otherwise)? or is your personal destination not the title but somewhere else? Perhaps you fear that heading for the title will not secure the change of captain you desire and your little mutiny shall be set back a season or two? Fletcher Christian might just have to wait.

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Fairy nuff . . . so there are 6 games left, and we are "only" 4 points ahead, and others have had much bigger points advatnages and watched them melt away (snigger) but c'mon . . . have we not shown that we are capable? Are we not changing from canter to gallop at just the right time, when the objective is in sight and we KNOW we can do it??

Yes, it will be sackcloth and ashes should we fail but but not only are ahead AND on current form the strongest contender. This isn't mis-placed optimism.


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Personally, I am optimistic, but trying to keep my excitment under control for the moment. The memory of being so close to SPL survival last season is still fresh in the memory, and I don't need another slap in the face like that :D . So until such times as we have as good as won the league, I will refrain from rubbing it in to Dundee and C*unty fans and gloating. Just in case.

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Any optimism is overoptimism without the ability and/or desire to follow through. We have the ability and desire so is it really overoptimistic?

Similarly when you have the ability and desire to succeed but are not confident enough then you may underachieve by realising your expectations.

Reality check? We are in the strongest position in the league, we have the most goals for, least against, 15 games without defeat in the league.

I put it to you that any talk of optimism or overoptimism is coming from non-believers.

I believe!

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What is wrong with optimism IHE, what harm can it do the team in their quest for this title? As far as I can see as long as the guys on the pitch are grounded and know what is to be done to secure this title then optimistic fans can only help things. Optimistic fans get behind the team, optimistic fans sing and roar encouragement, optimistic fans have fun. Pessimists, on the other hand, berate every mistake giving the players doubt, they moan about everything from the team selections to the pies served at half time.

If you were a player which would you prefer to play in front of? Why live in a drab depressing reality when you could be partying in the dream? We all know what could happen, both ways, but the message of BELIEVE overturned Clyde and got us to the SPL once, let that message grow once again BELIEVE you dour feckers. Derrick Adams never let his fans believe with his constant "we are not good enough" and his prophetic words are coming to fruition. Richie Foran told me through the medium of the P&J and the Sun that we ARE good enough and I BELIEVE him.

Never said that there was anything wrong with optimism - confidence and winning are a potent force - both on and off the park. Those qualities have to be harnessed. It is the "over" that I am concerned about.

Perhaps this is a better example for you : ?I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.?

Bravo, echo, lima, india, echo, victor, echo, out.

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I think the majority of posters on here are not getting carried away yet and know that there will be twists and turn in the run in. The Raith game will be a good test as to how the team handles being league leaders. If they can get 3 points tomorrow it will keep the pressure on Dundee and the rest of the chasing pack.

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Spot on Blue, that's the attitude. We know we are good, we are top of the league but it's a different type of pressure, so lets see how we cope with it, although we seemed to manage fine in midweek as we were newly crowned league champs in the process by then.............and a 3-0 stuffing of the unwashed just added to the intensity....................but you are correct, caution is the best tactic.

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Why is caution the best tactic for the fans? We have nothing to lose but a bit of pride, it's the players who have to keep their heads.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, couldn't resist it. You all would have wondered what was wrong with me if I never bumped one of these ridiculous threads. :P

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Reverse psychology is defined as telling a person something that is the opposite of what you want them to do or actually believe. The idea was enforced by two German psychologists--Adorno and Horkheimer. The duo's theory that people respond in an opposite or reverse direction of what they are told has been tested and proved since the ideas debut in the late 1970s

Oh - and remember my dream that I told you all about several weeks ago - On the terraces at Ayr !! :024:

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