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CROWD: 49,494

CC Quotes:

"Tremedous performance...."

"....best league victory since coming into the SPL"

"Munro was excellent...."

"Black had a good game against excellent players" :015:

....oh and tonight in 5th Place.  :025:

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Guest samuelbarros

Amazing result!

Well done to Charlie and the lads. ICT's best league result yet.

If only we'd not thrown it away against the Buddies on day1, we'd be 3rd, ahead of Rangers.

I bet Falkirk turn us over next week.

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Having just seen the highlights, I'm wondering if Bayne might have been a few inches offside when Dargo shot, but it's very tight and the camera angle is inconclusive. I'll say he was level.

Well done to Bayne for his opportunism and quick reactions, you see that he runs in on goal as soon as Dargo starts to shoot, and bravely slides in to beat Letitin to the ball.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I couldn't make the game either, lets put the Falkirk game to one side and just WALLOW in the now.

Fer all you guys who work with HUNS, enjoy Monday, and for all you HUNS who read this, now you know how the TIMS felt xxxxx

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Guest kingkojak

what a brilliant day! the  best bit was seeing the huns starting to leave the ground with 15mins to go  :clapping04:

think they might not like us anymore! :015:

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Commiserations dear Dee, hopefully you can find some solace in our result.

If you think your result was bad think of all those far flung rangers fans in places like Ullapool or Achnasheen ( Achnafeckinsheen??) who are tonight wondering where the feck did it all go wrong, maybe Bring Big ECK is a cry too late for this poor souls, big bucks brought Le Guen and big bucks will see him go and we can now look forward to Livorno ( Livfeckinorno??)

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Leaving with 15mins was great to watch from the away support. I did notice some Rangers fans at the end as they were walking out were applauding us which was good of them, however it was only a small minority for some reason!!!

Fantastic result today, the fans, the team and the tactics were all spot on today. A day for everyone to be proud and another date to add to the evergrowing list of Inverness CT's achievements.

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Ok then,

First and foremost, great result today.  But we were lucky.  Rangers far outplayed us, and the only stars of the side were our defence.  I was more frustrated with the side today then elated and it reminded me of the result Scotland got against France last week.

Bayne was caught offside far too many times, and indeed, was offside when the strike from Dargo came in and the goal should not have standed.  Everytime we seemed to get forward, the ball was played through and Bayne was offside.  He also seemed to tired out towards the end of the game and should have been replaced long before the end of the match.

We had absolutly no width in that game, and there were large holes down the wings that we should have exploited.  We didn't seem to have much movement, and when we did pick up the ball, it was a few passes within our defence (whilst under pressure) then humped up the park, only for either a)Bayne to be caught offside or b) The Rangers defence to clear it up and start again.

I thought we were lucky that Rangers didn't get a penalty, but I can't really comment to much on that as we were at the other end of the park when them calls were turned down.

As much as I am behind the team, I think that Charlie does need to improve.  He needs to start being more active during the games.  And is it just me or does he never sit in the dug-out, and is always standing to one side with his arms folded not looking interested?  I believe he still needs to find his managerial feet.  He also needs to start making substitutions before we resort back to Craig Brewster syndrome of never making them unless we have to.

Today, the midfield were not running at players, then were always looking for a short pass, or a long ball up the park, which I don't think is good enough.  That said, we frustrated Rangers with our defence, and the defence were immense.  Only one real mistake of sorts was when Buffel was allowed through, but Brown was as solid as ever.  Guess he showed the Rangers lot what they are missing with him.

This isn't me being negative, this is me pointing out what I saw at Rangers, and if we had lost, then the same would have been said.  A victory does not make the team invincible of criticism, and I actually was more depressed then happy before the goal.

Incidentally, who were the 4 guys thrown out for being absolutly pished?  Word of advice to you guys, you are more then welcome to cheer on your team, but cries of

"Flucking break his legs" "Do him" etc... are not welcome at any match.  Theres support, and there is drunken abuse, and THAT is why you were thrown out.  Look at the back of your ticket, it is illegeal to be drunk at a match.  And all 4 of you were clearly wasted.  You lads should be showing an example to our younger fans who might see you lot, hear you lot and think that it is ok and I would rather support a team that didn't have that faction.  In my eyes, you were no worse then the 40,000 Old Firm fans who do the same.

Anyway, let's see if we can maybe get some momentum, and beat Falkirk next week, then St Mirren in 2.

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This isn't me being negative

Thank God for that, I'd hate to see you if you were really having a go at the team  :017:

There is a difference between being negative and being critical.  Everything I said is true, and just because we won does not mean that the team is invincible from it.  If we hadn't of scored, then the posts here would be completly different.

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But we did score and the posts aren't different.  This was a tremendous result for us at a time where everyone (team and fans) needed a bit of a lift.  What's to be served by trying to take the shine off it???

Holding Rangers to a draw would also have been a good result in most people's eyes, and when it comes to playing the OF playing pretty football and getting the result is as uncommon as rocking horse chit.  It comes down to grabbing every opportunity you can, regardless of how it comes about.

If you can't get a little excited over a win against one of the OF then their really is little hope for you ever getting excited over ANY win.  I also don't think anyone thinks this win makes us invincible and it will be back to business as usual next week - but for now, do yourself a favour and enjoy the moment.

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