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Brechin v TheRangers.

Alex MacLeod

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To be fair, I think they are just about equal with the other half of bile. Been spat on, peed on, had pies thrown at us, and even had a wee kid sh1t amongst us at Parkhead with the best fans in the world shouting Touch him an yer deed, while they sing their bile. Only had coke thrown at us at Ibrokx, and the singing ofcourse. Just a higher proportion of dreggs of society follow both of them, and the more of them they have the lower the tone goes.

My experience as well. Spat at (unprovoked, unless wearing an ICT scarf is deemed provocative) after both cup wins against TGFITW.

They're happy to invite you to their supporters club pre-match, but you're expected to then do the decent thing and lose the match :lol:

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Does anyone else object to being called a bigot by Charles Green when "The Rangers" fans spent most of the game spouting bile? It was perfectly summed up when the camera cut to a rough looking girl in the Rangers end making an obscene hand justure. If I were Brechin I would give the away section a good hosing after that game.

Not the best choice of words I agree especially under the current circumstances. There is definitely something going on though and I am sure at some point it will all come out and I suspect it will all revolve around the poor deals that the SPL had in place. Still can't get my head around this newco/oldco arrangement. I actually think Green is correct when he says there is no precedence for the stance being taken by the SFA/SPL and it will be interesting to see what Europe thinks of it. Can only think it may make our footballing leadership look naive and unprofessional once again.

It is time to get over it. Rangers oldco are gone. Rangers newco have started where they deserved to start. The newco has no rights to the oldco's honours and so the first thing that should be going are those five stars above the badge. Their new club has a clean sheet with which to show Scottish football in a different light but I am not sure if they will take it. It's just a pity they didn't take the other half with them as this problem is not just about one club. Who knows next season maybe.... :wink:

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Not the best choice of words I agree especially under the current circumstances. There is definitely something going on though and I am sure at some point it will all come out and I suspect it will all revolve around the poor deals that the SPL had in place. Still can't get my head around this newco/oldco arrangement. I actually think Green is correct when he says there is no precedence for the stance being taken by the SFA/SPL and it will be interesting to see what Europe thinks of it. Can only think it may make our footballing leadership look naive and unprofessional once again.

It is time to get over it. Rangers oldco are gone. Rangers newco have started where they deserved to start. The newco has no rights to the oldco's honours and so the first thing that should be going are those five stars above the badge. Their new club has a clean sheet with which to show Scottish football in a different light but I am not sure if they will take it. It's just a pity they didn't take the other half with them as this problem is not just about one club. Who knows next season maybe.... :wink:

Problem is the newco does not think they have no right to the oldco's honours...or even, if you are to take any notice of Ally McCoist, the money whatever was passing for Rangers "earned" in the SPL last season, which by rights should go to the creditors so royally shafted, but are being claimed by newco, as they perceive themselves as oldco reincarnated pristine fresh and untainted......as in Not only are they withholding our SPL prize money for last season – they won't tell us how much it is. Does the man have a brain with which to bless himself?

Though I'm not holding my breath, the whole honours thing, at least, could be sorted if an EBT investigation found oldco guilty of breaking the rules, because, from all I have read, one of the very few thought out and laid down penalties any element in the football hierarchy have thought of putting into place ahead of being shocked into immobility by unexpected occurrences, is the one which says the standard penalty for teams contravening the single playing contract requirements is that every team which included players for whom they broke that rule will be deemed to have lost every game in which that/those player/s played by 3-0.

That should pretty much wipe out all honours won by Rangers between 2001 and 2010. In fact, seems to me, if they had been found out at any time between then and now, they would have been relegated to SFL1 at the end of the season in which they had been proven to cheat. And if the SFL had the same rule (I don't know if it is an SFA or SPL one) that may well have nipped their tax evasion scam in the bud....and we might not be here now.

So should those in the Scottish fitba hierarchy, who did know about Ranger's EBTs, such as those who were personally benefiting from them, not be dismissed under gross misconduct auspices? Campbell Ogilvie, for example. Not for accepting them for themselves...but for not flagging up that Rangers, by using them to cheat the tax system were contravening the rules of the entity which was employing them. Or are they all stupid enough to think that, if they were being paid "under the counter" and happy to accept that, they were the only ones?

Having said all of the above, I am 99.995% sure that Scottish football will manage to fudge everything and resolve nothing to anybody's satisfaction, given the practice they have had since the four horsemen of the Apocalypse came riding in on the day Rangers entered administration. Nothing done will solve anything to Newcos satisfaction unless they have dictated what is to happen (which is, unfortunately, imo, the most likely option). Newco appears to have sprung in full irrational whining mode wielding the sword of entitlement and the shield of the money to be made by sectarianism, from the loins of one of the two biggest problems in Scottish football ever.

Edited by Oddquine
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I have never been to Parkhead or Ibrox, but I have been to Millwall, where I was very frightened , You don't wear away colours there and you keep your mouth shut on the train. I to this day don't know what an Atheanian bas tard, is but they were chanting stuff like that,.

Another place to avoid is Villa Park, Some rough types there.

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But if they are not entitled to the glories of oldco Rangers, why should newco be punished for their transgressions? It's one or the other.

(for the record, my view is only the company has changed, not the club, hence Rangers players playing in Rangers ground, with Rangers strips under Rangers management team means they are Rangers - both debts and glories should remain - football should not be about holding companies and trading names)

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But if they are not entitled to the glories of oldco Rangers, why should newco be punished for their transgressions? It's one or the other.

(for the record, my view is only the company has changed, not the club, hence Rangers players playing in Rangers ground, with Rangers strips under Rangers management team means they are Rangers - both debts and glories should remain - football should not be about holding companies and trading names)

To an extent we are in agreement........they either are one or the other and not whichever one suits depending on which is going to suffer least.

They may be entitled to the glories of oldco.......if, after the investigation into the EBT dual contract thing, oldco is left with glories to pass on. They would be able to claim, at least, that they had been founded however many years ago they were founded, had won however many honours they had won up until 2001 and are one of the two most obnoxious and divisive clubs in Scottish football.

Losing titles will not be the powers that be being nasty, hostile and bigoted against "Rangers" "The Rangers" " Sevco 5088" or whoever they are today.....losing titles will be the laid down punishment if oldco is found guilty of breaking the rules..the same punishment as any other club doing the same thing would face....and that removal of titles from oldco would remove the option of claiming them by newco.

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