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Inverness CT -V- Aberdeen

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19/11/2016 @ 3PM, Caledonian Stadium
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I was at the game today and I just can't believe the way that Richie Foran just spoke about the game on the radio. He sounded like he is feeling very sorry for himself and I think someone needs to give him a good kick up the backside before he drags the whole team into the same state. I thought the game today was fast and furious and would also have been entertaining had it not been for the blatantly biased decisions from the referee and the general cheatery from several of the Aberdire players - Considine was one of several holding and pulling down players and getting away with it (just like he did to Foran in the League Cup Final denying us a winning goal then) and Maddison must be related to the ref I think, as he made an afternoon of conning him. As a spectator this is something that makes me feel like not renewing my season ticket as it is so disheartening that no matter what our boys do, the cheaters seem to be allowed to run rings around them. But then I remember that the Caley Thistle team must feel just as demoralised by decisions from officials and the cheating, and I am so proud of my team that they always come back fighting. I thought you were great today boys and I felt proud to be an ICT fan, which is more than I would have felt if I supported Aberdire.

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Don't think it was a 3-1 but we probably didn't deserve anything.

I hate to say it, but Aberdeen seemed sharper, and we seldom made use of our pace, with little of note from the wide men.

Fon Williams had a couple of good saves but other than Doumbouya's well taken goal, I'm struggling to recall an attempt on target.

After a tough run of games, hopefully we can start picking points up again from the teams round about us and get more than two points clear if the bottom two p,aces.

Dundee next week is a must win in my book.

Hopefully Mckay is ok. Foran didn't think it was serious.

The ref had a howler, and I'd like to see the fouls for the first two Aberdeen goals on tv, but they both seemed soft from where I was.



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First things first, we didn't deserve anything from that. Foran was right to say we were second best all over the park.

Doumbouya was fantastic. He took his goal really well and his link up play was excellent. He was consistently let down by his teammates. 

OFW was also superb, making several good stops. One save from a Considine header was outrageous.

Everyone else was poor at best. Special mentions for King (who kept losing the ball and then falling over) and Vigurs (who let the opposing midfield run past him all day and whose set pieces all went straight to the keeper).

That said, the ref was a joke.  He let the Aberdeen defenders foul Doumbouya again and again, gave the Dons soft free kicks all day and disgracefully ignored Shinnie's hack on Mckay which should have been a red card. He did also bottle sending Vigurs off.

All in all, not a good day.

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Williams was decent, but the one in the first half near half time was going a foot wide despite him diving full length to tip it for a corner. Save in second half was brilliant. I'm not big on criticising referees, but here's the opening paragraph from our match report.

Aberdeen won convincingly 1-3 with Kevin Clancy instrumental in the first two Dons goals. He was probably man of the match as the Dons won for the first time in five attempts. Lonsana Doumbouya glanced a wonderful opener for Inverness but after that it was Aberdeen that took full advantage of Clancy's assistance. A dubious free kick saw McLean level the scores and after another accidental clash, Clancy saw fit to award a spot kick which Rooney gratefully accepted to slot home. Clancy continued to control the flow of the game as the Aberdeen players threw themselves to the ground at will and it was no surprise (or maybe it was) when Maddison was eventually booked for simulation. They added a third deep into the game when they broke swiftly and McLean completed the scoring. One more assist from Clancy and he would have kept the match ball. Unbelievable Jeff!


just to add.......

 6 minutes ago

For those asking about Brad. Initial indications are nothing broken. We'll know more when it's settled a bit and reassessed at start of week

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Ref was a complete arsehol;e    feckin disgrace!   However we lacked the quality to break down a well organised Abershyte defence, was it because we were short of players? dunno, but it looked that we could play for 10 hours and not score a goal!

Richie says we were  poor and Aberdeen/Clancy were the better team, fair enough, maybe we should be measuring ourselves against the likes of Dundee/County etc etc.

We played the high ball all the time to Doumbaya, when he had virtually no support, wrong tactics Richie!!!!   he did ok but with no help it was a feckin disaster!!   need to do better!    WE wasted so many balls into the box - mainly from Vigurs who had a penchant for passing straight into the keepers hands!!!!   Arsehol.e!!

Pretty pi55ed off the noo...   too many drams with Big STu!!!    hpe wqe do better or else we are sniffing a struggle this season!

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We were second best all day today. Aberdeen are the most street wise team I have seen as they constantly con the match officials. They dived, grabbed, elbowed and generally moaned and cheated throughout. That said we didn't deserve to win. King, Cole and Vigurs were second best whilst Doran was by and large annonymous. We badly missed the calmness of Tansey and Polworth. 

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Some absolute telt today from Aberdeen to Inverness. A really comfortable Dons performance and an easy three points heading back along the A96. Decent start from Aberdeen but we took the lead against the run of play when Draper lifted a cute ball into the box and Doumbouya appeared in acres of space to steer a header past Lewis to put us one up. After that it was pretty much all Aberdeen with any chances for ICT at a premium.

Hayes turned in an absolutely stunning performance and a lot of the Aberdeen attacks were coming down the ICT right with Hayes linking up well with Shinnie and also Maddison who was always on offer when Aberdeen drove through the middle. After a Maddison free kick was easily repelled by the Inverness wall MacLean had better luck when he curled the ball low round the right edge of the wall and inside the post. A really good free kick and it brought Aberdeen deservedly level. The award of the free kick looked pretty suspect. Maddison seemed to go down very easily, a recurring theme over the course of the game sadly, but disappointing that we didn't defend the resultant strike a bit better. 

Minutes later Aberdeen were ahead. Hayes scampered into the box and Warren struggled to stay with him and Hayes went down as he collided with Warren. There was certainly contact between the two as Hayes clearly tripped over Warrens outstretched leg but, and this is coming with massive ICT bias, I did wonder if perhaps Warren had just planted his leg slightly ahead of Hayes which the winger then went down over. Regardless, I can probably see why Clancy gave it and again it was poor defending in the first place to let hayes break into the box like that. Rooney had no issues finding the net with the penalty. Sadly, given how little we had threatened since our opening goal even at 2 - 1 down I couldn't see a way back into the game for us. However Tremarco saw an effort go wide and Maclean nearly bagged his second when a shot that looked like it was already going wide was turned around the post by Fon Williams.

Into the second half and it was much the same with the Dons dominating proceedings and ICT resorting to lumping long balls in the vague direction of Doumboya. Aberdeen almost went 3 - 1 up when a fine cross from the right found Considine in the box and his downward header was met by Fon Williams who somehow managed to scramble it away. Aberdeen then saw a great chance for Shinnie go begging as he sped down the left and was picked out with a fine pass from Maddison however the former ICT man shot straight at Fon Williams. 

Maddison then paid the price for some of his earlier antics when he went down in the box under a challenge by Meekings and was booked. It was difficult to tell from the other end of the pitch if this was justified or not but given his previous histrionics and because I'm a seething, bitter mess right now I'm inclined to say yes. Shortly after Maddison nearly made headlines for better reasons as a fine free kick cracked off the base of the post with Fon Williams well beaten. ICT then lost MacKay to injury after a bad challenge from Shinnie which inexplicably went unpunished from Clancy. Aberdeen eventually got their deserved third goal when they seized on ICT losing possession after a corner and Hayes broke rapidly towards goal and he teed up MacLean who drilled the ball past Fon Williams to seal the points. A really good counter attacking goal which triggered a mass exodus from the home support.

We seldom had a chance to speak of in the second half. A header from Doumbouya had Lewis scrambling to turn it over the bar, Draper wriggled into the box but his shot wasn't powerful enough to get past Lewis and Tremarco poked a late effort goalwards without really causing any difficulty. If we had got a goal back it would have made the game look a lot closer than it really was. overall there can't be any complaints about the result and having read the comments from Foran it's good to see he's not trying to dress it up as anything other than what it was - a sound beating by a much better team.

Clancy was an absolute omnishambles today with some really questionable calls. His decision not to at least give Shinnie a yellow card for his challenge on Mackay was bizarre as was his incredible call to allow Maddison to go down claiming he was injured, wave play on but then halt play as we got to the edge of the Aberdeen penalty area and allow Maddison to get treatment. 

But he wasn't the reason for our downfall today. There were plenty of errors from ICT that we should look to address before the next run of crucial games coming up against the likes of Dundee, Hamilton and Killie. Granted we were missing important players in Tansey and Polworth but our sole tactic of leathering it towards Doumbouya was easily being snuffed out by Considine and O'Connor yet we still persisted with it. Joe Lewis is enormous yet we played high balls into the six yard box most of the time we got our crosses in. as for our free kicks....Jesus wept. We really lack a striker who can play off the last defender and a midfielder with a real eye for a pass to play that hypothetical striker in. As it stands we are quite direct and rigidly stick to that direct style come what may. It might work well against some teams but it definitely wasn't working today and we didn't really have a clue what to do about it.

In summary....


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Things started well with a delightful goal after absorbing some early pressure.  Then it all went pear shaped.  There is no disputing that Aberdeen were the better side and we were generally below par, but it really is sad to see a side resort to the level of gamesmanship that Aberdeen did today.  Of course, teams can only get away with it if the officials let them - and boy did they let them today.

I don't usually like to criticise referees because they have a very difficult job to do and have to make difficult decisions in a split second.  Clearly they will get things wrong at times.  But there really can be no excuses for Clancy today.  Apart from his failure to stop Aberdeen's antics, he made the most appalling decisions in relation to two episodes in the 2nd half.

In the first of these, Maddison was dispossessed deep in our half.  He went down and stayed down.  In fact it looked as if he was praying to Mecca.  We broke forward with some of our best play of the game.  We were heading towards the edge of their box with Aberdeen struggling to cover when Clancy decides to stop the game for Maddison.  But although he stopped the game, he didn't call the Aberdeen Physio on.  Maddison didn't need any treatment and soon trotted off without any sign of being hurt.  If Clancy wasn't going to call the physio on to treat Maddison there was absolutely no reason to stop the game.

Just a few minutes later, just inside our own half, Shinnie hacked down Mackay and  Clancy didn't even give a foul.  He waved play on and then actually ran past a clearly distressed Mackay to keep up with the play.  Fortunately Aberdeen's attack came to nothing.  OFW then kicked the ball out of play before Clancy took notice of our injured player.  Unlike the cheating Maddison, Mackay didn't get up and trot off.  Instead he had to be stretchered off.

These two incidents are not simple mistakes, instead they represent utter incompetence.  

It is easy to to fault the players when they have a bit of an off day, but it can't be easy playing when you have such incompetent refereeing.  Yes, we were 2nd best today, but it might have been a very different game with a different referee.

Rant over

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Seen this quote from Richie post game 


"We scored against the run of play. Nearly all over the park we were second best. Aberdeen were the better team, they had more quality, they played us off the park at times. We were poor, Aberdeen were very good.

"We didn't deserve to go one up, simple as that. It's a good ball in for the goal and a good finish. Big Lons (Lonsana Doumbouya) was good, he was probably our only decent performance. Everyone else was second best.

"It's one of our poorest performances of the season. We lacked belief which was strange.

"Greg Tansey and Liam Polworth, even if things aren't going well for us, will keep the ball well. But if I'm doing my job right and having players who can come in like for like, then I shouldn't be looking for them excuses and I'm not looking for them excuses.

"I've got to take some of the blame. Overall we weren't good enough today, including me."



See this kinda thing really pisses me off, it's one thing if were getting beaten trying but why do we need to underperform in so many games. It's not like we CANT do it, we've shown we can.. So what's the problem? Too much time off, too much nights out on the ****, no desire to progress? If we're not careful we'll be firmly rooted to the bottom by Christmas 

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