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Motherwell V ICT - matchday thread


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Theres so many brilliant armchair managers around that I wonder why they have non football related jobs :003:

It is people like you that do more harm then good.

Would you care to put some substance to that comment. If being a realist is doing harm then perhaps I should just give up and join the airy fairy brigade with the OF mentality.

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Theres so many brilliant armchair managers around that I wonder why they have non football related jobs :003:

It is people like you that do more harm then good.

Would you care to put some substance to that comment. If being a realist is doing harm then perhaps I should just give up and join the airy fairy brigade with the OF mentality.

How in the **** you got that comment from mine I will never know.  You aren't being a realist at all, you are protecting CC when there is no protection.  If you were at the match (and it is completly different then listening on the radio) then you would have seen how woeful we were, how Rory just doesn't cut it, always off the pace etc....

Then by coming out that bullshit statement, it beggers belief.  No, we aren't managers but our views are still valid.  You are as bad as those who were calling for his head after 2 games.

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Its the comment, "It is people like you that do more harm than good" that I dont fathom.

I am not protecting CC. He's big enough to protect himself. I do, however believe I am being realistic in the view that one player does not make a team, nor does it break one. This club does not have the players who are capable of sustaining good runs week in week out so they are bound to have off periods. The blame for that cannot be laid on Charlie Christie. He and Donald Park are doing what they can with what they've got.

The majority of teams in this league have 30+ players in their squad, some even as much as 48, we have 23 and three of them are injured. That is the realism of the situation.

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diddum alex.  poor old ict.  im sure thats your heroes view on the situation aswell

what happened to the good old days when robbo could fire the team up with the exact same facts and at the very least mske sure those who are available are 100% fit and willing to fight for everything.  if we really are so hard done by then motivation should never be an issue

i for would never critisice cc if i thought we were going out and giving everything we could

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clacher, go take a hike and grow up.

If I thought CC and DP weren't doing the best they can with what they've got I'd be the first to scream. The facts are we are the worst supported team in this league. We have the lowest level of sponsorship. We pay the worst wages to players. We're operating in the top league with a first division budget and we are surviving. So far!!!! Without a budget equivalent to an average gate of around 7000 we will not stay up. That is fact.

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aye mantis  :017:

alex youre bringing tears to my eyes here; no wages, no players, no sponsorship, no fans and the fact(?) we will have to accept relegation because we have a less than 7,000 average gates is heartbreaking.. why do you bother turning up at all?

playing the right tactics and playing the right team on a game by game basis is the way we will win over the 90 minutes a week all of this matters.  the rest of the time good leadership from the boardroom, intelligent scouting and hard work in training will all combine to ensure our survival.  atm we're stuttering on all fronts;  we have no marketting budget to bring in new fans (true!), we dont look as fit as we used to be which saved us in the past, we couldnt bring in anybody over january and we seem to be playing the same bad 11 players in a system thats had us rise to 10th in the spl. 

and you know what, i couldnt care less about it all, its all fine.  the problem is that charlie still thinks the boys are doing no bad lyke and that we're just unlucky in all these one goal losses, when we're actually just sh1te

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