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Lack of appreciation


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There's a lot of complaining about the standard of football on display - haven't those people realised that that is the standard of the SPL - go along to Falkirk v Dunfermline or St Mirren v Dundee Utd and you'll see more of the same, or do these people all imagine that Lee Wilkie can normally be seen performing Ronaldo type tricks or Gary Maismith does a passable Zidane impersonation except when they come to play ICT.

As for the support, I've only been to one recent away game and that was at Tynecastle (another humdrum SPL game) where a sizeable home support were completely mute throughout, and from what I've seen and heard on telly, other SPL clubs don't exactly rival Galatasaray for atmosphere either.

There is a lot of criticism of both the team and the support which seems to based on an imagined standard of support and team performance that people think exists elsewhere when the reality is similar to what we see at TCS most weeks.

That said, it's still self defeating for CC to criticise the support but I'm sure he'll learn.

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There's a lot of complaining about the standard of football on display - haven't those people realised that that is the standard of the SPL - go along to Falkirk v Dunfermline or St Mirren v Dundee Utd and you'll see more of the same, or do these people all imagine that Lee Wilkie can normally be seen performing Ronaldo type tricks or Gary Maismith does a passable Zidane impersonation except when they come to play ICT.

You could ask then why are we being charged more money to watch inferior players when fans in Germany get to see games for a third of the price we pay?

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The price is too high for the product on offer most weeks.

Unfortunately you don't get to know the quality of the goods until after you've paid the entrance fee. Some weeks you'll think you got a right bargain and you'll be left with a nice warm inner happiness that'll last you for years, other weeks will have you ripping yer hair out in frustration  -  I must have had a lot of those frustrating days over the years :007:

Hopefully, over the course of a season it balances out and you feel you got value for money in the end. But for all the winners at the end of the year there are just as many losers. But that's football, expectations are always high and some weeks the experience will fall far short - whether it's because of a poor result or performance.

That same truth also applies to managers. CC's expectation of a happy noisy support every week is a rather naive notion. He can't expect happy cheerful supporters when they've paid out too much hard earned to watch a sub-standard performance when everyone knows they are capable of doing so much better. They wouldn't be half as peed off if they'd only paid half as much to get in!

So come on, drop the prices, bring in more kids to increase the size of the crowds and improve the atmosphere -  it works!!!

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look at IHE, a year ago he was the leader of the I BELIEVE crew, somebody tell me where, when and why he changed? 

I still BELIEVE. I still BELIEVE that we can consolidate ourselves in the SPL, win a trophy and scrape into Europe - even if via the Intertoto. Thats what I want to see before I die.  :001: 

It is CC's attitude in the main that I am criticising. He has made some poor tactical decisions this seasons, as many young managers do, But he blames everybody and everything else instead of shouldering some of the blame himself. That is my main beef.

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Who woke you up!

Prove to me that he made those mistakes and show me the proof that if he had done whatever that the results would have been different.

Hey old git, it's impossible, everything is hypothetical

In other words it's all in everybodies minds, what is right and what is wrong

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"you don't realise that the players aren't there for your entertainment, they are not hired monkeys but players playing for the club and are making history for a team that will be about long after you or me are 6 feet under. "

bet you must have felt well hard typing that from behind your computer screen :012:

its not as if im an anonymous poster,  been knocking about this site, tcs, innes, supporters club and random away games for years; ive met most of the people who use this page and all (apart from the new chairman) the staff at the club both in and out of their professional roles at ict!  if somebody told me that i didnt realise rory mcallister, russel duncan etc were all beyond critism or not there to entertain me because theyre at ict to make history... id laugh in their face.  id have to, regardless of who said it 

:022: tw@t

Your anonymous to me, so next time your in the Innes make sure you come and introduce yourself and call me a tw@t to my face, instead of acting the bigman on an internet forum. 

Like it or not ICT players are making history right now and if they continue to progress with the club 100 years from now they will be read about by the newest generation of fans.  You have also completely mis-quoted me, which is nice, I never said our players are above criticism, during a match though if you are sitting on the sidelines heckling players throughout a match what sort of positive effect is that going to have on them? My problem with dead_ball_specialist's previous post is that he contradicts himself, he demands to be entertained and then compairs footballers to factory workers, if they are there to do a job then they have done it by getting the 3 points last week even if they didn't entertain. 

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"you don't realise that the players aren't there for your entertainment, they are not hired monkeys but players playing for the club and are making history for a team that will be about long after you or me are 6 feet under. "

bet you must have felt well hard typing that from behind your computer screen :012:

its not as if im an anonymous poster,  been knocking about this site, tcs, innes, supporters club and random away games for years; ive met most of the people who use this page and all (apart from the new chairman) the staff at the club both in and out of their professional roles at ict!  if somebody told me that i didnt realise rory mcallister, russel duncan etc were all beyond critism or not there to entertain me because theyre at ict to make history... id laugh in their face.  id have to, regardless of who said it 

:022: tw@t

Your anonymous to me, so next time your in the Innes make sure you come and introduce yourself and call me a tw@t to my face, instead of acting the bigman on an internet forum. 

if anything youre the one acting the bigman by saying your response via the internet and face ot face will differ, stupidly aswell, everything you write on here can be used in court against you as evidence should i ever need to defend myself  :006:

ive no doubt ill meet you before the end of the season, been meaning to get back to inverness for a home game for two months now, if you want a pint on saturday ill be meeitng rig and a couple others in glasgow before the killie game, we can discuss if scottish football will exist in 100 yars and how bothered i am about icts future history (?) should the club still exist to enjoy it.

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clacher I have not made any threats nor do I mean to, all I have said is that if you are going to throw round names then I would at least expect you to be man enough to say this to my face.  It is very easy to throw insults when you are sitting miles away on the other end of a telephone wire.  Try not to dismiss my point of view by calling me a tw@t, idiot, stupid etc.

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Hi, this is my first post and sorry its a bit negative. Im a "new ICT fan" having moved up from down south 5 years ago. Being an ex pro player for many years, i cant believe how poor some our fans knowledge of the game is. I have sat at all parts of the stadium recently and fully support our managers comments in the press about the above. For the size of the crowd, every criticism is heard and the lack of support for the team is very evident and must be frustrating listening to shouts from so called supporters who dont have a clue. I know we all pay "good hard earned cash" to voice our opinions, but common, give the players some noise. Theres nothing better for a player  than having your supporters make noise and shouting your name.

For the wages our team are getting we are punching well above our weight and the players and management are doing a great job keeping us there. Lets do our part and start making more noise and giving the boys "support".

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clacher I have not made any threats nor do I mean to, all I have said is that if you are going to throw round names then I would at least expect you to be man enough to say this to my face.  It is very easy to throw insults when you are sitting miles away on the other end of a telephone wire.  Try not to dismiss my point of view by calling me a tw@t, idiot, stupid etc.

you need thicker skin young man if that kind of thing offends you!

ive never shown any indication i wont back up what i say on here in the past and by all means if i think youve said something stupid to me in person id probably say the same thing,wht you dont get on here is the smile on my face when im doing so.  as i said before ive met most of the people who use this site and am long past the stage where i can see a difference between whats on here and whats said in a bar, i can put faces to most of the names and see everything thats said as if its been said to me in person

**** id expect the same in return.

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im gettin fed up with ppl saying we are punching above our weight. so Grabe, are we supposed to feel bad about critisising the team just because we are in the SPL? yes ICT have done a brilliant job to get where they are but i am not gonna wait until we are are in a lower division to critisise players who cant even pass to  their own team mate 2 yards away!

why cant ppl just accept that we are in the top league now, there are always gonna be fans who vent their frustrations and stop using the same old excuse of "were a small club" when things go bad.

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I blame that **** Grabe fer all of this. It was feckin harmonious until he came along.  :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015:

Still - could be worse - we could be Ross County.  :001:

Why do you always have to be so insulting..?  You're a useless feckin ****...... :014:

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Another pronouncement from that orrifice of yours, which is about 2 inches to the left of yer tattoo.... :017:

I'm sure Grabe will soon get the hang of all this.... :022:

Oh - and IHE you better not call me that to my face, or I'll set FW & Mee on ya..... :023:

Fekin winker.....

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Guest Bonzo

See all the discontent you've caused by slagging off your supporters Charlie!?

This was a good natured and level-headed forum before you started telling us all how sh*t we were.

Come to think of it, I think I'm starting to like you!

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