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Tony Bullock


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Think its said after every game he's involved in against us, and i'll say it again -  fair play to him as he takes dogs abuse, but always reacts in good humour!  :clapping03: Best moment was our fans singing "Hands up if your on the (sex offenders) list and Mr Bullock dully oliges before sticking his tongue out at the fans! :003:

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Ok it's fun taking the rip out of Tony Bullock. However some of the comments shouted from the Inverness crowd today were just plain sick..

Tony may laugh these off..

but I for one was not amused when my 6 year old daughter asked me to define certain terms you were using!

I'm no prude, but can you lads  please remember this is a family game.. and kids are present.. 


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If Mike does not make it as a keeper, he could probably have a career as a winger, he fairly ripped the piss out of the Dingwall strikers when he dropped his shoulders and shimmied past them at least on four occasions :021:

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Kiltarlity - take your daughter to the stand instead of the terracing if you're going to be upset with anything shouted, its a football match not a fecking library!

TM4TJ is right as usual about Mikey Fraser :001:

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I rate Tony Bollock higher than Fraser any day of the week.

Completely disagree with that, Fraser is a good established first team SPL keeper and is getting better all the time. I agree that Bullock would be good for backup to Fraser as I think he is a fair bit better than Ridgers.

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Kiltarlity - take your daughter to the stand instead of the terracing if you're going to be upset with anything shouted, its a football match not a fecking library!

We were in the stand!! and heard the terrace banter from there!!

I'm not a prude, and to be honest I'm not hugely bothered. Or at least I won't be until my 6 year old repeats some of the phrases to her mother!! then I will be in the s**ht!! lol

However, other parents beside me were getting quite annoyed.. !!

How far can you go with heckling before it becomes slander and is treated by the authorities as a  criminal offence...??

For years the majority of decent fans  have been appalled by the sectarian and racial abuse hurled at football matches. Is this type of heckling of Tony not equally as bad??

Just because he laughs it off dosen't make it right..!


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OK Kiltarlity but I'm curious now as to what was so offensive? I never heard anything that made me cringe, and most of it was very funny!

Were you shocked when I shouted "Come on Blackie"?  :015:

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Can't say im easily offended but one supporter beside me just wouldn't give it a rest. Police spoke to him about 4 times before eventually ejecting him. As bullock ran towards us at the start of the second half he tried three times to spit on bullock. As the game wore on even his mates were losing patience with him and telling him to shut up.

I normally take a group of teenage boys with learning disabilities to the ict games, they didn't come today but if they had i would have had to move to prevent them copying and questioning what was being shouted.

I like a fiery atmosphere more than most, but if i was a parent with a child i wouldn't have been impressed.

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I'm with Kiltarlity and Bronson here. Bullock took the abuse in good part at first and some of the banter was really funny but a few guys behind the goal kept it up for half the second half, and some of their comments were completely inappropriate. Remember that as well as there being children in the crowd, statistically it is likely that there were a significant minority that have sufferered some sort of abuse as children. They don't need to be reminded of their experience or have it trivialised just so an opposition player can be wound up. And please, don't come back with "Well they shouldn't go to football matches / they should sit in the stand if they can't take it" - going to a game should be about enjoying the football and supporting the team without being made to feel uncomfortable by persistent comments about sensitive subjects such as paedophilia.   

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I'm with Kiltarlity and Bronson here. Bullock took the abuse in good part at first and some of the banter was really funny but a few guys behind the goal kept it up for half the second half, and some of their comments were completely inappropriate. Remember that as well as there being children in the crowd, statistically it is likely that there were a significant minority that have sufferered some sort of abuse as children. They don't need to be reminded of their experience or have it trivialised just so an opposition player can be wound up. And please, don't come back with "Well they shouldn't go to football matches / they should sit in the stand if they can't take it" - going to a game should be about enjoying the football and supporting the team without being made to feel uncomfortable by persistent comments about sensitive subjects such as paedophilia.   

pretty much agree with that, 95% of the banter was excellent, highly amusing, inventive and continual, all through the game. i was on the whole impressed with the vocal presence however there were a few chants which were not appropriate particularly one chap who took it a bit too far on a few occasions , think he was ejected in the end. tony Bullock took all the banter directed at him in great humour as usual so fair play to him.

Also i cant see how the constant booing and jeering of Rory is going to be productive either. The chants of 'Rory is sh1te' isnt gonna help him at all. I'm not his biggest fan either and have yet to see the potential he shows in training but booing him like yesterday is not gonna help the lad one bit.

Every team has a few idiots who let the fans down but my overall impression of the support yesterday was excellent.

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Well I'm just glad I'm deaf / not as easily shocked as some of the posters on this thread as I didn't hear anything I would consider offensive, as I've already posted twice! And I was just on the far side of the goals, you would think I would have heard anything untoward!

In fact if anyone wants to PM me with whatever comments they heard and thought totally offensive which I obviously didn't hear then I'll reconsider my opinion.

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Agree that the guy that was doing all the shouting, with the high pitched, slightly tuchtory, slightly camp voice did start to get on my t1ts after a while. You're not funny mate!

That apart most of the banter was pretty good. I can see the "Richie, give us a light" song becoming a regular fixture.

The contrast between the ultra-liberal County stewards and the TCS thugs was quite refreshing. If we manage to turf out the few rotten apples in our ranks like that t0sser yestarday there would be no justification for their antics any more.

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I thought the banter was good yesterday. Atmosphere was good and the support behind the goal did make us chuckle a couple of times.  I can see where people are coming from if they had kids asking questions.  There's always 1 or 2 who just don't know when enough is enough. Personally I didn't see or hear what is being talked about above, but it sounds like at least one person was a bit OTT.

Off topic I know, but as it was mentioned above I'll pick up on it.  Ritchie Hart is bound to bet a bit of a hard time following recent allegations.  I did laugh at some of the chants and like I say he really can't expect anything else.  What I did think was a bit crazy was when we were defending a corner and RH was at the back post, the assembled gang behind the goal started their chanting.  Although humerous, why try to distract him when he has an important part to play?  If he had then made a mistake the same group would  have been giving him pelters for that. Trying to put off the opposition goalie is a different thing and expected I'm sure - Clach game for instance was quality banter, by many of the same group.

Well done guys for creating a good atmosphere, but maybe just a little more thought into what you shout and when.

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Agree that the guy that was doing all the shouting, with the high pitched, slightly tuchtory, slightly camp voice did start to get on my t1ts after a while. You're not funny mate!

Was that the usual 'mappet' then? Did he do a few jokes about the ref being the boy/girlfriend of the County players?

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Would you be saying that if you knew the allegations I wonder?  :023:

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Guest eliza

I think Tony Bullock is a 1st class guy!

When he played for St Mirren and we were behind the goals at Love Street - the singing was "Bully, bully, show us your bum" and he duly obliged by lifting the leg of his shorts ever so slightly and giving a great big grin! and a thumbs up.  From then, he was, in our opinion, and those around me, a good bloke who could take a bit of stick and still smile.  Good for you, Tony! 

Being nearer the corner flag, I personally did not hear any bad comments towards him last Saturday but, if there was any, they would have been from a minority of eejits who don't know any better.  Eject them, both at Victoria Park or the ICT Stadium in future, that's as bad as sectariasm singing.    Does anyone know what a sectariasm song is, I don't, and I doubt any of those "stewards" we have at ICT Stadium know either (but thats another story).

I feel it is much better to have a Goalie who responds positively to the crowd, not like De Vries! last year, who swore loudly at our ballboy, or Boruk who made very uncouth (and uncalled for) gestures, after Celts scored.  I look forward to the welcome Boruk gets when Celts call again, unless "our Mark" is in their goals - it might be different then!


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