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Put yer money where your mouth is


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Have said previously this week if Brewster is appointed I would have to take a serious long look at whether I'll be there because i would feel sick seeing him there after what he did previously with his loyalty crap and how he performed as a manager when he left us, I'm finding myself asking why have we brought him back what footballing sense does it make, and i have no answers right now.

My views haven't changed infact on hearing the news today I was close to being physically sick, Like CD says it feels like a "punch in the gut" by those I give my hard earned cash to at the start of a season in purchasing a season ticket from them. And i guess I'm in a bit of shock even though i have kind of expected it in recent days with the build up of it.

On a personal note I gave up the chance for a new life abroad this summer because my love for the club was too strong for me to walk away from watching games this season, they say the smallest things can change a mind (that was one of mine) call it not mentally prepared for a lifestyle change (as sad as that may sound), This is just a serious kick in the teeth to all that thinking over the summer.

I think tomorrow I will be giving the game a miss, I just don't have the motivation or strength to go to the game knowing what is coming round the corner on Monday so will give my support through listening to the radio commentry, The Arbroath game i had already planned to miss anyway like probably some others its diddy cup, early round, team expect to beat reasons and midweek difficulties organising things.

I'll probably return for the Hearts game as by then I will have had time to collect my thoughts fully on what i want to do, Take a chance on moving away now that I've had a serious knife in my heart blow from the club i love, or have the strength to support it and carry on.

Its a huge ask, a lot needs to be forgiven with this, and Its upsetting tbh even though i am putting a brave front on and trying to look for any positives out of it.  Time will tell.

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I'm going to County vs Peterhead tomorrow. I wish Parky and the team all the best against the arabs though! I'll still be going to reserve games as long as they don't cost anything to get in, as then I don't have to contribute towards wages for people whose appointments I totally disagree with. And that will be the crack until the situation changes  :019:

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Although I wasn't planning on going to the match tomorrow, I shall be seriously considering not going to any more matches if Brewster get the job.  This is a terrible decision, and it costs quite a bit of cash supporting a club, even more so when you are a student living in Glasgow.

This is a disgrace, and the club should be ashamed.  He has come back to us and I reckon he sees it as an easy opportunity.  The club, I wish you all the best, but for the forseeable future you will not be getting my cash.  I have the dreaded feeling that ICT will be relegated under Brewster's management.

I can't believe I am even saying and thinking this about a club I love.

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The board on the other hand appear to have spoken with two faces. There is the one face that tells the fans they are looking at all candidates and listening to what we say and then the real one that appears to have had no-one but Brew in the frame since the very start ... longer if some posts are to be believed. This betrayal may never be forgiven.

Do you honestly feel thay have ever operated any other way Scotty  :symbol_question:

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Just another example of our current board not giving a flying f**k about the supporters

I remember when there was a great relationship between the board and the fans as we climbed the leagues,now we're dining out at the top table they couldn't give a sh*t

This deal has been done for months,just a saving face exercise getting the fans in to find out their opinions,when really they aren't interested

It's great to have a blind loyalty for the club but i'm afraid i dont work hard to line the pockets of a manager with a bigger ego than Charlie Christie,i actually stopped going for a while the last time Brewster was in charge as his style of football had me running for the exit

Division 1 here we come!!!

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I have actually cancelled my plans to travel North tomorrow becos I feel betrayed by the club and I simply could not gaurantee that I would not say or do summat that I may regret - especially if I was told to feckin sit down.    :001:

I will chill out a bit and will resume normal or abnormal service at Easter Road.

Don't worry, IHE.... A delegation of ICT fans are heading down the M6 tomorrow to take in Chorley FC's mouth watering fixture with Rossendale Utd...

Will catch up with you there - in the standing area.....  :023:

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The board on the other hand appear to have spoken with two faces. There is the one face that tells the fans they are looking at all candidates and listening to what we say and then the real one that appears to have had no-one but Brew in the frame since the very start ... longer if some posts are to be believed. This betrayal may never be forgiven.

Do you honestly feel thay have ever operated any other way Scotty  :symbol_question:

YES. I not only feel it, I believe it, and have experienced it. I was - at times - part of the conduit that existed between board and fans both through the website and also by virtue of membership of a couple of committees that David Sutherland setup shortly after taking over the chairmanship (first time round).

I realise that things change a little each time we move up a rung of the ladder but there is no good reason for the relationship between the board/club and fans to have sunk so low.

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I'm deeply disappointed with the appointment and particularly with the way the board have behaved over the whole process, but Caley Thistle have been far, far too big a part of my life over the last dozen or so years for me to start boycotting games. Couldn't have gone tomorrow anyway, but hopefully I'll be at Easter Road - it's been a while since I've made the first two away games of the season and I'm on a roll.

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There's not one person on here who knows whether or not Warnock was spoken to so why are the Board being slagged of on this point. Only a newspaper reporter suggested he was interested. The club acknowledged that but say he never applied.

If a few people on here decide they are giving up their support, based on assumptions, then so be it. Thats their right. Just dont miscry those of us who choose to support our team through thick and thin. This club is pretty much used to boycotts, since their inception, and have survived.

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I have actually cancelled my plans to travel North tomorrow becos I feel betrayed by the club and I simply could not gaurantee that I would not say or do summat that I may regret - especially if I was told to feckin sit down.    :001:

I will chill out a bit and will resume normal or abnormal service at Easter Road.

Could you no wait until the Celtic game? I got pelters of my mates the last time you were there. 'Who's the loud mouth ****** in the caley top?', 'are all Invernessians d*ckheads like that one?', 'that must be the IMMORTAL REAR ENDER going by the gob on it!'. So please extend your boycott one more game as I'm running out of excuses, 'no he's not typical!', 'no he's a one of in any society', 'no,no,no.......................'  :001:

I'll be in the Albion if you want to buy me a pint gerx

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There's not one person on here who knows whether or not Warnock was spoken to so why are the Board being slagged of on this point.
Because Warnock has said at least twice in as many days that he hasnt been contacted.

Only a newspaper reporter suggested he was interested. The club acknowledged that but say he never applied. 
Well actually both Warnock and the club acknowledged he was interested and the chairman said at the meeting (according to some who were there that he had applied and would be considered

If a few people on here decide they are giving up their support, based on assumptions, then so be it. Thats their right. Just dont miscry those of us who choose to support our team through thick and thin. 
I am questioning the appointment of a manager who I do not think was the best candidate of those that applied, I am questioning the lack of honesty I feel we have been presented with by the board but under no circumstances am I questioning the team or the players who as someone else has said in another thread have worked **** hard for the club over the years. As for "thick and thin" just look up my name in Ian Broadfoots book. I have done my part, or at least tried to and I will continue to do so when and where I can but that does not include bending over while the club try to ram a bad decision somewhere the sun dont shine and ask me to be happy about it.

This club is pretty much used to boycotts, since their inception, and have survived.
Other than supporters of Caley and Thistle who chose not to become supporters of the new club, I do not recall any other boycotts. please refresh my memory ? I dont support the idea of boycotting the team but that does not stop me from speaking my mind about the way this whole debacle appears to have been handled.
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I wasn't planning to travel up to the game, but now I am, just to spite SMEE.  :sillywave:

I'm totally with you on this one Mr Malmsteen. If these negative t0ssers all feck off and support Clach or County we'll have the pick of the centre Main Stand seats next season!

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Scotty, first two points. All the newspapers I read, with reference to Warnock, quoted his agent and not him personally.

Point three was directed at those who have chosen to give up their support for the club without actually knowing facts but instead basing their decision on heresay. I didn't actually think you came into that category.

Point four could have maybe been worded better but it was with reference to those who chose to boycott this club after 94 and the various boycotts of meetings etc prior to amalgamation.

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I wasn't planning to travel up to the game, but now I am, just to spite SMEE.  :sillywave:

I'm totally with you on this one Mr Malmsteen. If these negative t0ssers all feck off and support Clach or County we'll have the pick of the centre Main Stand seats next season!

:clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

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Point three was directed at those who have chosen to give up their support for the club without actually knowing facts but instead basing their decision on heresay. I didn't actually think you came into that category.

I would like to clarify,I am not giving up my support for ICT, merely boycotting games as long as Brewster is in charge by way of protest, but will continue to cheer them on from a distance. If he doesnt arrive/gets sacked, I will continue to attend games when I can.

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Because Warnock has said at least twice in as many days that he hasnt been contacted.

Yes, because discussions always start with an agent.

Who knows, perhaps we enquired with the agent who told us Warnock wanted a ?250,000 salary, to bring in his own backroom team on ?100,000 each, a ?1m transfer kitty, and to only be in Inverness 2 days a week?

I am disappointed we are going back to Brewster, but can't be doing with people who have chosen to crucify the board despite not knowing the facts.

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Scotty, first two points. All the newspapers I read, with reference to Warnock, quoted his agent and not him personally.
I havent actually seen his agent quoted anywhere but I have posted about a dozen links in various threads that have direct quotes from Warnock !

Point three was directed at those who have chosen to give up their support for the club without actually knowing facts but instead basing their decision on heresay. I didn't actually think you came into that category.
OK. fair enough

Point four could have maybe been worded better but it was with reference to those who chose to boycott this club after 94 and the various boycotts of meetings etc prior to amalgamation.
It may be semantics but these were not Caley Thistle fans, they were ex-Caley or ex-Thistle fans who chose not to support the new team that had been formed. I do not recall any boycotts of Caley Thistle by Caley Thistle fans.

As a Caley Thistle fan and shareholder I am incensed that the board appear to be making a decision based on something other than picking the best man for the job. names have been mentioned as being on a 'shortlist' but unless we are even more in the dark than we think, even though mentioned as being on this shortlist, two of them havent even been spoken to. That is wrong on so many levels. If the decision was already made, what was the point of the fans' meeting on Wednesday ?  What was the point of having a shortlist ? They should have just appointed him and be done with it. and what the **** is the deal with asking Neil Lennon ? a name not even on anyone's radar this week.

As for Brewster himself, lets forget about his previous departure, his alleged 'tapping' of players and anything else we might hold against him for a moment, it is his stats that dont make good reading and that is my biggest concern. Perhaps he will come in and because we have Niculae, McDonald, Bayne and Wyness as well as Rory and Wood he will be able to get them playing well and surprise the 80% on here who dont want him. As a Caley Thistle fan I sincerely hope so. I would like nothing better than to turn around at Xmas and state "OK, I was wrong, Brewster's doing a good job and I take it all back" but my fear is that we will instead be saying "s*** we are f***** even Gretna cant save us now"

maybe it will all look better next week ... but right now, its a very bad feeling.

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Who knows, perhaps we enquired with the agent who told us Warnock wanted a ?250,000 salary, to bring in his own backroom team on ?100,000 each, a ?1m transfer kitty, and to only be in Inverness 2 days a week?

and if that was the case where is the problem in issuing a press release stating "Warnock was our first choice but we couldnt match his wage demands" end of story, move on. no big deal.

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There's not one person on here who knows whether or not Warnock was spoken to so why are the Board being slagged of on this point.
Because Warnock has said at least twice in as many days that he hasnt been contacted.

Only a newspaper reporter suggested he was interested. The club acknowledged that but say he never applied. 
Well actually both Warnock and the club acknowledged he was interested and the chairman said at the meeting (according to some who were there that he had applied and would be considered

If a few people on here decide they are giving up their support, based on assumptions, then so be it. Thats their right. Just dont miscry those of us who choose to support our team through thick and thin. 
I am questioning the appointment of a manager who I do not think was the best candidate of those that applied, I am questioning the lack of honesty I feel we have been presented with by the board but under no circumstances am I questioning the team or the players who as someone else has said in another thread have worked **** hard for the club over the years. As for "thick and thin" just look up my name in Ian Broadfoots book. I have done my part, or at least tried to and I will continue to do so when and where I can but that does not include bending over while the club try to ram a bad decision somewhere the sun dont shine and ask me to be happy about it.

This club is pretty much used to boycotts, since their inception, and have survived.
Other than supporters of Caley and Thistle who chose not to become supporters of the new club, I do not recall any other boycotts. please refresh my memory ? I dont support the idea of boycotting the team but that does not stop me from speaking my mind about the way this whole debacle appears to have been handle

I concur full stop.

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Isn't it time the board put out a statement regards how many were on their short list, and how many of these were contacted - either directly, or via an agent.... :symbol_question:

All the animosity coming from this stems from the fact that many supporters believe Brewster was the only one in the frame....

Why can't the board make some attempt to answer these supporters' concerns especially as so many are talking of withdrawing support....  :018:

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Who knows, perhaps we enquired with the agent who told us Warnock wanted a ?250,000 salary, to bring in his own backroom team on ?100,000 each, a ?1m transfer kitty, and to only be in Inverness 2 days a week?

and if that was the case where is the problem in issuing a press release stating "Warnock was our first choice but we couldnt match his wage demands" end of story, move on. no big deal.

Totally 100% agree...thats why i posted this earlier today in another thread............

If the BoD considered Warnock, could they not at least have been honest (for once) and come out and said there was no way we could afford him, rather than string us along?[/i]

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Clubs don't announce a new manager and say "Well, we didn't really want him, but ........"

Our club also has a great record of conducting it's business in private and not through the media. Is it not unprofessional to announce publicly why you have rejected certain candidates?

The board's discretion is being used as fuel by the grassy knoll brigade.

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It's becoming pretty obvious now that all those who favoured the return of Brewster to ICT are perfectly happy with the manner in which he was re-appointed.

I would have been happy to see Brewster considered and interviewed for the post, but wouldn't it have made much more sense to explore all the other options open to the club?

Yngwie.... Discretion is all very well to protect those who might have preferred their employers not to know of possible interest in this post, but these kind of secret deals very often backfire and get you found out....

Just ask Tony Blair....

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