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I am intrested to know how many people WILL actually stop going to games with Brewsters return? I am not intrested in the Im not happy but will still support the team brigade. I want to know who will stand by their posts on this site and actually do it and stick to it?

His style of play and general ineptness alone is a reason to re-evaluate your thoughts, let alone the fact HE LEFT US IN THE ****, regardless of "opportunities"...and thats the bit that sticks in my throat! Would these Businessmen re-employ someone who did this to their own companies?? I seriously doubt it, so why now? This is the straw that will break the camels back for me should it come to fruition, which looks ever more likely.

Face Facts guys...........it looks like we are stuck with a gutless board who are preparedtake us for fools and feed us lines to placate the vast majority of us, even tho there are some of us that can see right thro it.

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no doubt smee youll get replies saying your not a true fan, always support your team etc. I certainly dont have a lot of enthusiasm for games now but that may change later on regardless of results. I will always support the team no matter who is manager but i know exactly where your coming from

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I have actually cancelled my plans to travel North tomorrow becos I feel betrayed by the club and I simply could not gaurantee that I would not say or do summat that I may regret - especially if I was told to feckin sit down.    :001:

I will chill out a bit and will resume normal or abnormal service at Easter Road.

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no doubt smee youll get replies saying your not a true fan, always support your team etc. I certainly dont have a lot of enthusiasm for games now but that may change later on regardless of results. I will always support the team no matter who is manager but i know exactly where your coming from

Yer not wrong Jaggy. I fully expect the goodie goodies to come out wi that crap, My answer to that would be, I have been going to football in Inverness since 1976. I was one of 82 people one cold Wednesday night watching Caley play. I suffered some pretty ****** teams as a Caley fan. I used to chase footballs at training 2-3 times a week for Caley.I reluctantly swallowed a merger i was none to pleased about at the time and gave the new team my support (albeit not as "fanatical"). I made no secret that i thought Charlie was not the man for the job, but continued my support. Along the way I have heard soome pretty ****** stories of how ICT have become ruthless regarding the youth teams and the things to do with the Academy. Not to mention being able to see past the window dressing so many people on here are prepared to swallow. So all in all, I reserve my right to do wat the fc uk suits me

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I forked out for a season ticket for me and my old man this season and live in Inverness  :029:

Chances are I would still have gone to games anyway though. Once ICT is in your blood it's hard to get rid of  it  :022:

I'm very p*****d off about Brewster being back and the way it's happened.

It's up to him now to prove the vast majority of us are wrong  :rolleyes02:

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IF this turns out to be true (and it seems very likely) then I feel that the BoD have not only let the fans down inthe way the have dealt with the whole thing, but they have let the team down by denying them the opportunity to work with an experienced Manager.

On that basis I would find it hard to make my protest by staying away (although right now motivation to attend is very low).  The team do not deserve to be punished because of the actions of the BoD.

I fully respect the right of everyone to protest in a manner that they see fit (with the exception of violence) but I shall, for now, be choosing to protest in a different manner.

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It's hard for me to comment with the same conviction as I live so far away. In the past I have travelled many a mile, mainly to away games, but much to my girlfriends incomprehension I set my alarm and listen to all the Caley games on the internet, when not blocked or not too drunk. So if voting with my feet means that I have less motivation to drag myself out of bed to listen ? then the answer is yes.

Will I stop supporting Caley ? no, will I stop reading all the online newspapers to see how we have done and whether one paper reports us as being slightly better than another ? no. I am a fan, I only support one team and only ever will.

Have I been drinking ? yes, it?s Friday night FFS, but I am clear in my view, for the first time ever I think we have taken a step back (10CC was a step sideways in my view) and I fear for what will happen. Not happy, disillusioned and really a bit disconsolate. Perhaps I will get a good nights sleep on a Saturday night now - but I doubt it - it's in the blood!

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Well said Smee!

Having been one of six travelling abroad to see our first matches in Europe I also feel that those who would call me a fair weather fan can stick it, I personally feel more betrayed now than I did when Brewster fecked off to United!

My money was already where my mouth was, as my issues with Mike Smith are stopping me from attending home games, and now I'm having to resign myself to no football at all! There is NO WAY I would go to a game with that sh1t as our manager, I'll still want us to win but I wont be watching - or contributing in any monetary way - and I certainly won't be holding back on here! This is the worst thing that the board could have done bar none!  :008: :008: :008:

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Can I just add, this situation we face, is far from how I would like it to be.....this season I was gonna be able to attend the most games ever since SPL was reached......but I am a stuborn bar steward, and obviously much more unforgiving than most

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I have actually cancelled my plans to travel North tomorrow becos I feel betrayed by the club and I simply could not gaurantee that I would not say or do summat that I may regret - especially if I was told to feckin sit down.    :001:

I will chill out a bit and will resume normal or abnormal service at Easter Road.

Could you no wait until the Celtic game? I got pelters of my mates the last time you were there. 'Who's the loud mouth ****** in the caley top?', 'are all Invernessians d*ckheads like that one?', 'that must be the IMMORTAL REAR ENDER going by the gob on it!'. So please extend your boycott one more game as I'm running out of excuses, 'no he's not typical!', 'no he's a one of in any society', 'no,no,no.......................'  :001:

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Just like to add.........normal patronage will be resumed if a) Brew is sacked or fc uks off again or b) the feker doesnt come in the first place (my preffered option)

By way of a disclaimer, I am not knocking those who carry on their support at the games, just wish i could have such blind faith

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I'm not about to do a matter-of-principle boycott, but if the football we get is as dire as it ever was during his first assault on the beautiful game at TCS I'll soon be finding better ways to spend 4 hours of my Saturday afternoon, season tickets or no. And they won't be renewed next season if all we can expect is more of the same.

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Guest King Caley

It is obvious that the board have made the wrong decision in appointing Brewster, when they had several other big opportunities. However we must live with this decision. Our only hope is that Brewster can prove that he is worth the job and wins back our support for him. Should he fail to do so then we must seriously reflect on the last few days and ask serious questions over the board in the club.

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Like many others on here, if this turns out to be true, then I feel more than a little disillusioned, angry and deceived. Once again the 'sensible' Johndo hit the nail on the head about what was happening long before any of us would get our heads out of the sand.

When we did get our heads out of the sand, a huge majority of fans who voted in the polls (84.7%) voted for someone other than Brewster to be the new manager. I know this site cant say it represents all fans, and nor do we claim to, but unscientific though the polls are, they are a pretty good indication of the strength of feeling amongst a broad base of the support.

The fact that the board appear to have not even spoken to the man who led those polls with more than 62% of the vote despite him making at least 4 or 5 positive 'come and get me' statements and then had the audacity to treat the fans like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed on ****) at a hastily organised fans' forum is yet another slap in the face. It appears to have been nothing more than another amateur PR stunt and that really rankles me.

Like ICT_away I dont really have the option of voting with my feet from this side of the pond but I may show my displeasure in other ways such as allowing my centenary club membership to lapse or not planning future trips home around the fixture list ! I will also find it somewhat difficult to motivate myself to get up so early in the morning over here to tune into Radio Scotland (when available) but will probably continue to do so as I do a lot of live updates to numerous pages of the site during a game and this is done for the fans of the club who use this site and they should not suffer because of the short sightedness of others.

If some want to say I am not a true fan, then like MEE I would say you can stick it ! I have put a lot of time, effort and money into establishing and running this site for the last 13 years as well as other aspects of my support both when I lived in Inverness and since I moved over here. My support for the team will not waver but my opinion of our manager and of our board of directors is at the lowest point it has ever been and it will take a long time (if ever) for that to be repaired.

I think I need to step back today and try not to post anything else as I will probably regret it later. I am so angry right now that even those who know me would not recognise me. However, lets just say that next week's AGM may well be very interesting (or even uncomfortable) now !

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Most fans consider ICT to be bigger than any individual within it.

And I don?t disagree, it is just that some people have different priorities than others. When I lived in Scotland I used to drive from Glasgow and back to watch every home game. Now I just roll out of bed and boot up the laptop to listen. It is down to what you think the experience you will get from your engagement with ICT. With Brewster?s appointment I see the value of my engagement decreasing and thus my willingness to go out of my way to follow diminishing. Don?t get me wrong, I would love to be proven wrong and if we go on a fantastic winning streak spanking all and sundry I will happily state my stupidity and resume listening at stupid o?clock? I just think that with Brewster at the helm this isn?t going to happen.

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I'm not about to do a matter-of-principle boycott, but if the football we get is as dire as it ever was during his first assault on the beautiful game at TCS I'll soon be finding better ways to spend 4 hours of my Saturday afternoon, season tickets or no. And they won't be renewed next season if all we can expect is more of the same.

As opposed as I am to his appointment, I think some of the most dire football I've ever seen us play came under Charlie. Some of it was gash.

Brews style doesn't work at home, but far from me to come to any defence of his, the counter attacking style we played away from home under him was brilliant to watch IMO. The trouble is, that style was based primarily on the pace of Dargo inparticular, and obviously that's not a luxury we've got anymore.

His tactical flaws, lack of subs, rigid tactics, in the air football, really did test the patience at times though.

It's not Brew himself who my annoyance is directed at, it's the BOD, who've treated the fans like **** during the last few days. Be it on their heads if this doesn't work out, as the people who'll turn around and say 'told you so' are the fans themselves.

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It's not Brew himself who my annoyance is directed at, it's the BOD, who've treated the fans like **** during the last few days. Be it on their heads if this doesn't work out, as the people who'll turn around and say 'told you so' are the fans themselves.

I am with you on that.

Brewster will be far easier to forgive if he puts together a winning run, gets us up the table and generally shows that the Dundee 'adventure' wasnt the real indicator of his managerial talents. I can even say I could forgive him for the 'declare loyalty the leave' debacle if he proves he can actually manage the team. My fears about Brewster have more to do with my opinion about his ability as a manager than anything else and if he dispels those fears I will happily eat humble pie in public on here.

The board on the other hand appear to have spoken with two faces. There is the one face that tells the fans they are looking at all candidates and listening to what we say and then the real one that appears to have had no-one but Brew in the frame since the very start ... longer if some posts are to be believed. This betrayal may never be forgiven.

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here here scotty. My only reason against the appointment of Brew is my view that he is a poor manager and will not succeed. If he does, even playing poor football, then great - I just think that the risk of going with him, based on his Dundee Utd experience is huge and not one I want to take. The board seem to have had an agenda from day one (or before) which if Brew fails, they must pay for with their jobs.

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My fears about Brewster have more to do with my opinion about his ability as a manager

Same here, Scotty.  If what we're hearing here is true, then I'm not looking forward to his return.

I will always support Caley Thistle, however, if we see a repeat of the deadly dull football played the last time under Brewster, combined with his allergy to flair of any sort plus a lack any sort of tactical ideas then it will take a lot more effort for me to travel up to Inverness for our home games this season.  *Sigh*  :007:

Mind you, I won't be there tomorrow anyway, as I'm going away on holiday tonight!  :001:

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I think I need to step back today and try not to post anything else as I will probably regret it later. I am so angry right now that even those who know me would not recognise me. However, lets just say that next week's AGM may well be very interesting (or even uncomfortable) now !

Your not the only person in that frame of mind right now Scotty.  I have typed up, edited and re-edited many of my posts today because on re-reading them they have contained things which are not for the saying right now or will be regretted later.

The only way to express things right now is to say that I feel like I've been punched square in the gut and hand the wind knocked out of me.  That's not because it is looking like a certainty that Brewster is to be appointed Manager, it is because of the way this whole thing has been handled.  A certain level of respect and trust must exist between the fans and the Board of any club.  Don't get me wrong, there are faults on both sides, but the club have been the ones driving the wedge for far too long and I fear this is the hammer blow that will send it all the way home.

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