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Sheffield Wednesday sue fans for defamation


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This is absolutely appalling.  Kinda makes you think about the comments that one makes on this and other football related message boards.

I normally just read this board, and have only recently joined as a member, but felt compelled to tell as many football fans as possible about this. Sorry that this isn't Leeds related but I thought that all football fans should know just what is happening down at Hillsborough. I'm a Sheff Wed fan by the way. Dave Allen is suing on his own behalf, as well as the club's behalf, 39 fans for posts on www.owlstalk.co.uk. Bear in mind that at a press conference in the summer, Allen referred to fans as "cretins", "scum", and even called one lady a "venemous *****" because at the AGM she delivered a speech that asked him to embrace the fans, rather than constantly fight against them.

This is taken from another forum:

On todays Radio Sheffield (linked below) the current goings on at the club have been highlighted finnally by the media. Included in this at the lunchtime news the Club have confirmed they are sueing one fan for ?50k.

And there is also a list of a further 39 or so to be later sued upon gaining information.

Below is a link to a show this morning where the whole business is discussed, plus a quote from one person that the club is wanting to sue, and I believe the letter from the fan is the best way of descibing what has gone on that my mish mash of a post.

"I sent this on Monday ....

Dear Sir,

I am one of the many Sheffield Wednesday supporters that the club is looking to sue. If nobody in particular and the other board members get their way, I face bankruptcy, losing my home and jeopardising my 7 year old son's future.

What could I possibly have written on a internet messageboard that could trigger such a fierce retaliation? I expressed an opinion that the club's activity in the transfer market was not as genuine as it appeared. I used no foul language, I merely expressed my genuinely held opinion.. I named no-one. Yet apparently, this constitutes defamation. I am also aware of another life long supporter of the club who is subject to possible legal action for suggesting that Chris Brunt would be sold and that we would have a poor start to the season. Both of which are now evidently correct.

Is this what Sheffield Wednesday have now stooped to ? Is there really such tyranny in the boardroom that any dissent amongst the paying customers is met with such excessive action ?

I am advised that if all of the defamation action against the supporters of this club comes to fruition, it will cost the club in the region of ?8 million pounds. To what end ? Are the club really going to spend that much money to pursue targets that have little or no money in a bid just to stifle any questioning of their handling of matters in the boardroom ? The action cannot be taking place for financial gain. It is merely bullying and intimidation.

Supporters of the club should be made aware of this. How would fans feel that ?8 million pounds is available for these lawsuits, yet we cannot afford to strengthen a team that , given the progress made on the field last season, should easily be challenging for promotion this year ? If supporters knew that this is where their money was being channelled , would there be an outcry ? Would there be fewer attendees ? I guess it's not possible to speculate as supporting a football club is generally a matter of the heart and it is difficult to switch off one's passion but I am aware of many supporters who will no longer contribute to the club to fund such a repugnant course of action.

I am copying this letter to the Football League and the FA as I feel that the actions taken by the Sheffield Wednesday directors are harming football in general. Damaging the product. Football has long been a game of opinions and if Sheffield Wednesday get their way and proceed with legal action against 40 paying customers, it will rip the heart out of football in this country.

I implore you to investigate and report on these actions. As journalists, it is your duty to get to the truth and to report accurately on exactly what is transpiring in our football club. Recent articles show a disgraceful bias toward the club. nobody in particular will not be chairman of Sheffield Wednesday for ever, but the fans will always be here and you should bear that in mind when you publish letters and stories without getting a proper balance.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide my name or address as nobody in particular is unaware of my details, he needs these to proceed with legal action against me and, despite the clubs crippling debt, he continues to spend the clubs money to acquire them.

If you have any sense of fairness, you will print this letter, but given the current levels of sycophancy towards the club, you will appreciate that I harbour doubts as to whether you will."

http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/owler/Pics/tf.mp3 - the BBC Radio Sheffield Report

Another User been sueds quote

"Can I just add that I too am one of the supporters the club is looking to sue, but what is different to Vaughan in my case, is that (this is how I understand it anyway) the club do not have a specific post relating to any comments I have made, however, they have demanded access to Owlstalk postings from me over the last 12 months, probably so they can try to find something to cite me for.

So let me run that by you again.

- They have nothing on me.

- Want to find something.

- So have demanded to see my posts over the last 12 months.

I am also in the same position as Vaughan in that I too could face bankruptcy, losing my home and jeopardising my 4 year old daghter's future. And for what, they seemingly don't even appear to have a specific post to cite me for!!!

Brilliant letter by the way Vaughan."

Obviously I personnaly feel ashamed that my club is doing this and knowing that my money that i used to pay for my season ticket is going towards this action is just sickoning.

Just wondered what other fans views were on this?!?!

(btw...the phrase "nobody in paticular" is in referrence to Dave Allen Club Chairman but the site the quote came from has been forced into using the swear filter to block that name)

This was brought to my attention on Football 365 and the original post can be found here.

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From BBC :

"The club said on Friday: "A fan site has consistently been used as a forum for the posting of untrue and damaging statements about the club.""

On that basis most clubs could take action if they felt inclined to do so. I suspect that Sheff Wed are just firing a few warning shots, but it's a helluva wake up call for that website and the posters in question.

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On that basis most clubs could take action if they felt inclined to do so. I suspect that Sheff Wed are just firing a few warning shots, but it's a helluva wake up call for that website and the posters in question.

And the administrators of the site....  :024:

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It does seem like a heavy handed approach but who knows what went on in the background before the club decided to take that action !!! Did they ask the site to be a bit more pro-active in moderating? Did they warn people or try to resolve it amicably? or did they just go straight for the jugular?

I am not aware of how that SW site is run but if it is run responsibly the site owners should not be in any trouble.

I had several conversations with the SportNetwork lawyers about this a few years ago and basically site owners/administrators have a responsibility (or a duty of care) to remove anything they are sure is offensive or may breach any laws (which we do and get hassled about all the time !). So long as they do this in a reasonable timescale there should be nothing to worry about (we try). It was also mentioned that site owners should also give people (registered users or guests) an avenue they can take to complain about postings/content (we have several methods).

Posters however are the ones who are ultimately responsible and accountable for the actual content within their posts which is why we do try to moderate things fairly without either under or over moderating. its a pretty hard balancing act where it is easy to annoy either the club or posters but we try to be as fair as we can.

I like to think we have a decent relationship with our club and although there are times when this relationship can be strained because of content or opinions they are perhaps not thrilled about, I have to say that they have very seldom raised any concerns about postings or asked us to remove content. After 13 years, I like to think I have a pretty decent handle on what is ok and what is not so maybe its a sign that we are, for the most part, doing it right !!!

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It's akin to IHE criticising Marius Niculae in my opinion.

As I said everything was and is based on fact, fair and constructive criticism from a footballing viewpoint and supported by an advanced psychological perception / knowledge.  :011:

And Alan Savage is to much of a gentleman to stoop to such a level.

And as fer the Romanian media - 46-0 ya bunch of bestards.  :blah01:

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From BBC :

"The club said on Friday: "A fan site has consistently been used as a forum for the posting of untrue and damaging statements about the club.""

Played 6

Lost 6

Points 0

Surprised they have'nt started sueing the league table, that must look "damaging" when trying to attract players to a club that is as crap as that  :sillywave: :023:

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Freedom of Speech is fine depending on what is being said ..... if it is factual and not defamatory then fair enough, but freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to cross the line and abuse/defame others. I dont know that forum so cant comment on what I think of its content.

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