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The Great Tannadice Horn Incident


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  Surprisingly this little aside from Saturday has failed to find its way onto these boards. It was a classic of its type and had its ridiculous,funny and sad elements. I refer , of course, to the confiscation of a little boys horn by a burly steward. This man, who if checking his geneology will almost certainly find some relatives with the name Adolf, appeared to have nothing better to do than harrass an innocent young travelling fan for " making a noise" at a football match. To say that the offending article constituted any sort of threat to security is like saying that The Mantis has a full head of hair...............its just not true! It has to be said that our steward friend barely turned a hair whilst under intense scrutiny and being on the receiving end of not a little abuse...............what a pro!! Off he marched proudly parading the captured item all the way round the pitch.............what a ******!!!. But, there was more to come. Back he stormed; once again all the way round the running track still gripping the instrument. His long march must have been to consult his supervisor ( what a mighty man he must be to make such weighty decisions!!!),and, having done this he was returning to the scene of the crime. What was going through this poor pillocks mind when he slowly mounted the steps into the stand and, head bowed, he was forced to return the horn to its rightful owner. A right royal round of applause echoed around the away stand.

Surprisingly, none of this made the highlights last night ( not much did!), with the BBC preferring to feature a 30 yard scorcher instead.....................these editors with their fancy ideas!

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You missed the bit about him returning with backup in what looked to be an attempt to eject the youngsters and had it not been for the not so young gents sitting behind leaving him in no doubt about where he should go then that may have very well been the case.

We've had a few issues with the Stewards there over the past few seasons, but this was the largest act of f*ckwittery I have seen in...well...ever.  Even the Police were standing shaking their heads in disbelief.

Fans are ejected from stadia all around the country every weekend for doing things which could incite trouble....yet here we had one of those charged with looking after our safety acting in a manner which, if he had followed through on the ejection, would have without a doubt caused total mayhem.  In fact, I would say that everyone was fortunate that the ICT crowd are a largely placid lot as many other supports would have turned it in to more of a physical than verbal assault on the steward in question.

And just to clear it up...we were talking about one of these plastic horns you blow in to...not an airhorn or any such item.

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As an imminently respected authority in this field, I can confirm that most of the stewards involved in SPL games suffer form what we in the profession call "small horn syndrome". This manifests itself in a desire to belittle others while wearing a hi-viz jacket while looking like ( and possibly being)  a twelve year old. ( or in severe cases acting like a twelve year old whilst actually being a lot older )

I propose setting up an ICTFC security force drawing on the strengths of those on this forum.

I now ask for suggestions on who should take up these posts! ( This should be good!)

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I have to say that I was dismayed by the behaviour of some of our fans, simply bringing the club into disrepute. The young lads with the horn simply baited the poor stewards afterwards - they are only doing their jobs - they dont make up the rule. But what was worse was the more mature man, clearly intoxicated and the worse fer wear, stotting about the stand, singing and clapping incessantly. I felt quite embarrassed.

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Yeh..I saw him. He was all over the place trying to get the ICT support to stand and sing. He was clearly well oiled and not a word was said to him. He wasn't even told to sit down. The mind boggles.

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I confronted the steward on the stairs after he'd returned the horn and told him that he could have at least apologised to the boy for taking it away.

He said he had been told to confiscate it by the control box and the decision had not been his. The whole security setup at Tannadice is a joke. An extremely unfunny one, unfortunately. Every game I go to I feel I don't ever want to go back because of the tw*ts in charge there. Meanwhile large quantities of the United support stand and do what they want, and nothing happens to any of them.

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