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Going Nuclear...

Action Man

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Just heard that the government ( the English one ) have decided to build a new generation of Nuclear power stations. :029: If they are dead set on this course of action, how about building them where they are really needed. For instance, near the centres of population like London, Manchester, Birmingham etc. Lets see how feckin popular they are then. Gordon is a moron. Rant over.

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Much as I dislike the concept of nuclear powered energy, I have to agree with Caley D although wave power, properly harnased, might go some way to filling the gap.

Ditto, I think much of the opposition to Nuclear power is ill-informed. It is still pretty nasty, however nuclear technology has come a long way since the 70's and 80's and it is much more environmentally friendly than any fossil  fuels, whilst i think renewables are a very good idea and i think wave power could hold the key - at least in the short term we need to combine these technologies with non-renewable sources.

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