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crowd today.


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I can only add that yesterday was the quietest and sparsest that I have ever seen the North Stand for a game against such rivals as Aberdire - and even though they nearly filled their section their support was considerably more subdued than usual. From the number of peeple that I spoke to at the weekend a lot of damage appears to have been done last season and a clear reluctance to pay the admission prices for the fare that is being provided - and that is not just about ICT - Aberdire were a mere shadow of their old selves and it could be said that the standard of the SPL, in general, does not match the admission fees being charged - unless you are a diehard - and as one of that category - the main reason for popping home these days arep the family or the pre and post match banter. There also appears to be a hell of a lot of exchanging of season tickets and complimentary tickets. I could easily have got in for free but declined.

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Now Richard you have to ask yourself is it apathy towards the club or SPL football in general?. Is it still a worthwhile product run by people who genuinely care about the game and the supporters? Is this product value for money? There is no doubt that my allegaince has waned since the "team i grew up with " was steadily dismantled and finally disappeared with the exit of Roscoe, My attendance in Inverness over the last 2 years has been sporadic............it costs me the thick end of £100 to attend a game. You do not seem to be in evidence much yourself at away games..............perhaps our team does not need our support then............or is it that you refuse to travel because of other commitments, the expense, the time it takes, We all have our reasons to attend or otherwise but i bet you one thing. If the product on the park was consistently good football from a recognisable and settled side then crowds would get a boost

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I think there's probably a variety of reasons why crowds are falling. Number one is probably economics, football is expensive as a hobby and we are in a recession. Then there is our neighbours. Like it or not they have novelty value at the moment. 40 games unbeaten and a new all sweater stadium to nose at.

Number 1 we can't do much about. Number 2 will sort itself out probably as the going will get tough for them too on the park eventually and novelty doesn't last forever. They do seem better at the propaganda tho. They are perceived at having a better stadium, better team, better hospitality etc and I'm not sure any of it is true!! I worshiped Grant Munro and Rossco with the rest of us but life moves on. If you read back on old posts on here re Munro and Tokely we weren't always complementary.

However another possible reason not talked about much is that home games are not fun anymore. No atmosphere, no cameraderie, just MOAN after MOAN. This is never the case at away games where everyone seems to be behind the team 100%. In fact it appears to me that some folk that moan are never happy. Yes I know folk pay their money and are entitled to voice their opinion but it's not much fun for the rest of us trying to get behind the team. You can see at away games how the players really appreciate our support. Yesterday I spoke to a lady and her daughter who were with one of the school parties and at the stadium for the first time. They really enjoyed themselves and intend to come to other games. So refreshing to speak to someone enthusiastic for a change. Btw I admit I can moan for Scotland sometimes but I don't do it all the time!

I dunno what the answer is but it's worrying. If this goes on I doubt we can sustain SPL football in Inverness which would be a very sad day IMO especially with the fight over he years to get here.

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Sorry Smee- touched a nerve? I never once said you had no right to comment, I merely mentioned that you don't go to games (something that you mention yourself in around 90% of your posts) and the crowing tone of your post (which I may have misinterpreted) So no, not having a go.

Well...never being one to turn down a chance to defend myself when someone is spouting pish, i took the bother of going thro my last 100 posts. I mention about not being able to go to ICT games on two posts, both which were threads relating to poor attendance yesterday and questioning why people might not go. And for the record...going back to your earlier post....and maybe ONE post of that 100 was in any way negative against ICT team or any player. Just felt compelled to share that with you Davie. So im thinking you best go troll with someone else

Edited by SMEE
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Does anyone think it could be a combination of last seasons poor displays ( not helped by the worst injury list ever ), the poor standard of the spl overall, the area's finances from recession, the lack of up and at them style football, and the less interest in the league due to Rangers demise. Think Terry's determination to have HIS team, and the loss of the teams spine has also effected some folks .

One thing is for sure, low attendances = smaller budgets = harder to field a successful team.

Spoke to a county fan today, who was saying their are rumblings of unhappiness in the county first team, as with a bigger pool now, many players arent getting a look in. They may be picking up points at the moment, but they are not creating much chances in their games. No shots on target v Arabs, and just three attempts according to bbc

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Don't pay too much attention to the BBC stats. Apparently Abedeen had just one attempt yesterday and none on target. Not entirely sure where their goal came from in that case!

But yes, point taken. County are playing to avoid defeat and not to win. Once the novelty of the SPL wears off their fans will desert them and those with no strong alliegence will come back to TCS where the more attractive football is being played.

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Just been watching Sportscene and I'm sorry to say but the attendance problem seems to be a national thing. Celtic were given the long stand(opposite the main) and the 2 goal ends at StJs but only the long stand was full and there was only a total attendance of 6000. there was once a time when the OF would completely fill out their allocation whether they were on telly or not. Also Motherwell are riding high and are top of the league just now, there must have only been about 200 well fans at Dens yesterday. Very poor!! also Dundee have luckily ended up in the SPL but their end was fairly sparse.

What's the main reason for the slump? Football costs to much now. I think all the SPL clubs are going to need to come together and talk about this soon. However I am delighted that ICT have increased a concession ticket to 25 years, which has been beneficial to me. Maybe ICT can be a pioneer for other clubs....

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I think the cost is an issue. I was in two minds about coming up for this one but left it until the night before and the train was going to be £52. On top of the £21 to get in to the TCS, that's a hefty amount. I was at the Netherlands v Turkey match last week and it cost me £20 to get in to the Amsterdam ArenA.

I still think the stewarding issues need to be resolved.

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There's so many things wrong with football in this country right now that you wouldn't know where to start in listing them, or be able to stop once you started.

Running alongside that you have clubs who can't afford to be relegated, but also can't afford to be signing the players that are needed to put an exciting and value for money product on the park. Cuts have/are being made in all the places where investment is actually what's needed. Fan numbers are on the decline nationwide and at all levels. which only compounds the issue....and to top it off you have a national association that seems unwilling/unable to step in and take the measures required to get things back on the right track. All in all....it's pretty much the perfect storm.

Clubs can't afford to reduce prices, fans are becoming less willing to pay the prices, costs are increasing, investment is decreasing...everyone thinks they know the answer, but in reality all anyone can offer/afford is sticky plasters to patch up the shotgun holes.

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Standard of football = poor

Cost = shocking

Facilities = poor

Inverness fickleness = standard

Rangers = Inverness based Huns sticking it to us and not attending games they might have done I the past.

First 3 problems cost money and we have none and the second 2 will never be fixed. Basically we need to do with what we have got but just do it much better.

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Does anyone think it could be a combination of last seasons poor displays ( not helped by the worst injury list ever ), the poor standard of the spl overall, the area's finances from recession, the lack of up and at them style football, and the less interest in the league due to Rangers demise. Think Terry's determination to have HIS team, and the loss of the teams spine has also effected some folks .

One thing is for sure, low attendances = smaller budgets = harder to field a successful team.

Spot feckin on mun. Plus a lot of fans were not die hards - they were a mixture of fans supporting another SPL or SFL club now living locally, friends of ICT fans, hangers on and peeple interested in game of football. I am also aware of quite a number who have gone to uni this year or gained employment and they were the loyal yoofs who grew up with ICT.

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Now Richard you have to ask yourself is it apathy towards the club or SPL football in general?. Is it still a worthwhile product run by people who genuinely care about the game and the supporters? Is this product value for money? There is no doubt that my allegaince has waned since the "team i grew up with " was steadily dismantled and finally disappeared with the exit of Roscoe, My attendance in Inverness over the last 2 years has been sporadic............it costs me the thick end of £100 to attend a game. You do not seem to be in evidence much yourself at away games..............perhaps our team does not need our support then............or is it that you refuse to travel because of other commitments, the expense, the time it takes, We all have our reasons to attend or otherwise but i bet you one thing. If the product on the park was consistently good football from a recognisable and settled side then crowds would get a boost

Aye Rod, apathy, financial circumstance, time, they all take their toll on attendance, me? work most saturday mornings till 12 so away days are few and far between i'm afraid, going to Hibs this saturday though! hospitality invite so i'll give you a wee wave eh!

However away days dont give this club money, thats my concern that when ICT need the money most, a lot of peolple are letting the club down, i really dont know the solution to get fans back, better football? the standard of the SPL is dropping for sure, are people frustrated by the loss of Munro Rossco? - hope not!

See ya soon Rod.

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Lets hope that they dont start organising Mickey Mouse dart tournaments in the Innes on a Saturday afternoon or the crowds will get even feckin smaller.

Aye ya darts shark.... no more invites for you.

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Please exscuse my lack of Support I had my son up and also had to work ;(

Dont let the buggers grind ya down man - there are far more important things in life than football. You evidently strive to get to games, remain mainly positive and you are more of supporter than many on here.

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While I am not Butchers biggest fans I wouldn't expect to see crowds dramatically increase should he go and was replaced. People are having to budget their cash very wisely and like many have said the SPL is an inferior yet overpriced product.

I think that will dwindling crowds, businesses not spending cash on the likes of hospitality etc part time football may well be the future. While I am not in any way trying to devalue the Muirfiled investment last year it seems as it was nothing more than a plaster and not for the development of the club, how many more folk will have deep pockets to buy expensive plasters in the future?

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Another saddening fact is that we had NO tables taken in hospitality on saturday, That was a shock to me as well as the low attendance.

Hospitality is mainly a corporate event which businesses entertain clients, have we seen a migration of support heading over to the unwashed hordes?

Cant see this being as a result of football performance, is it Butchers influence upsettting them? or is from the top? the Bennett /Sutherland clique ?

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