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Is it just Blackie?


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Indiscipline seems to me rife throughout the whole team - from bar brawls, to brawls on the park to , eating unhealthy foods to obvious player dissent when been subbed to critical articles of management choices in the paper (the latter two i can understand why but still should not happen).

We are fast descending into being a pub team an ill disciplined one at that. We have a defence with a better league scoring rate that our forward line (take dargo out of the equation). Our top goal scorer continually gets subbed , we have a midfielder that this management team cannot control, we are set to lose three key players Brown, Dargo and Dods - do we have anyone in mind to replace them rather than SFL players.

Is Steve Patersons team is finally falling apart? Are we on free fall ? Does CC have the respect of the majority of the team? Is this just a bad spell that every team experiences from time to time? We cant score, we cant defend - will things change in 2007?

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Actually, there is a rumour going around town that IHE is acting as a tactical consultant and will this evening text CC with the team selection and tactics for tomorrow.  He may have missed the Chief Executive's position but he is clearly pulling the strings (somewhat tangled presently  :007:) on the pitch.

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1MSB youre first post here is out of order partly because its bollox in approaching ten different respects (not bad going for a short post) and certainly because it may well be illegal. You have pronounced a public judgment on an alleged incident in a local licenced premises and if charges have been made with regard to this then you could be in contempt of court. As the poster you will be personally liable. Maybe Kingsmills could confirm this for us.

Could I also point out that apart from all these bookings and yesterdays sending off, Ian Black was also sent off within minutes of taking the field on his inmternational debut in front of a large crowd at his own home stadium.

Having seen the pictures on Scotsport I think it was a disgrace. Infact Im surprised he didnt get a second red card for wrestling with all these people on the touchline after he got the first.

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Guest Arab4Ever

apparently there was something in the paper about Tokely being kicked out of a pub a few months back. Dunno it its true or not but it might be the same as 1MSB saw

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Nothing "legally" incorrect in the opening post.  No judgement as to innocence or guilt has been made, only an allegation as to a players involvement which is in no doubt.  If people want to discuss the legal issues surrounding what can and cannot be said on mesageboards then feel free to start a new topic on the subject in the appropriate area of the forum.

Back on topic and regarding whether it is just Black who is guilty of indiscipline, then definitely not.  I am sure every player at some point in time has been guilty of it, the difference is that it seems to be a permanent part of Blacks make-up.  And whereas it used to come out in the manner he played the game, and was directed at the opposition, it is now being directed at his own club and colleagues.  You just have to look at his body language to see that he thinks he's something special and beyond reproach.

Perhaps CC has fed his ego a little too much in the past with comments about it being part of the player and not wanting to temper it too much as it would effect his game, but that doesn't remove responsibility from Black for his own actions.  His actions at Dunfermline showed a total lack of respect for the badge, and for me that includes the club and fans.  He can stamp his feet and argue with the Ref all he likes, but the moment he tore his shirt off that was the final straw IMO and not so much as an apology was issued for what he did.

His actions in the Falkirk game were as bad, we had gone 3 goals down before half time and things were looking very bleak.  Any player half worth their salt would have been fired up to try and reverse/improve the situation, but Black throws his toys out of the pram and starts kicking and lashing out at everything in sight, and despite a warning continues to do so and gets himself sent off.  He let himself, his team, his manager, his club and the fans down in unbelievable fashion.  If he didn't want to continue then a word with CC at half-time to get himself subbed would at least have allowed us to continue with a full team and have a chance of salvaging something from the game.

In short, Black took indiscipline to a whole new level as far as ICT are concerned, never before have I seen anything of that nature from an ICT player.  CC and the Club need to stamp heavily on him for it to ensure that any other players who may have similar ideas think twice about it.  I also think that the fact we had had no apology from Black for either incident highlights that it wasn't simply the red mist that caused it, but something deeper ingrained in his personality.

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I'm getting sick of saying this....

It is up to CC & in particular, the players to decide Black's fate....

They're the guys that have to work with him.... they're the guys that have to decide if he's a liability or an asset.

Maybe they (the players) think they can sort him out.... I'm quite sure they will have already have been consulted as to how they feel about the guy and will already have formed opinions as to where to go from here....

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Guest Arab4Ever

Black is getting given a final warning regarding his behaviour. If he doesnt improve his act he will be transfer listed

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Agree completely with Caley D.

The club can only be faced with the stark choice now of coming down on him hard, even going so far as to take him right out of the first team. If he can't handle that the club should transfer list him at the inflated price of $150,000 which the player probably thinks he is worth and when he finds out that ...(a) the price is too rich for most other clubs to hire him in view of..... (b) his reputation for lack of control etc, he will really find out the hard way that nobody is indispensable.

I agree with IHE up to a point that his "indiscretion" after play at half-time in kicking the ball away was probably harsh since this was surely frustration rather than dissent but he also probably got booked for that first offence due to his past reputation as much as anything . However he then deliberately provoked the ref by doing it againand frankly6 got what he deserved.

The club has to view him now as a loose canon and deal with him decisively.

And, as someone else put it, to show the other players that discipline and character are attributes as important to the success of this team and  their reputation as a high quality professional entity in Inverness. :024:

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Guest Arab4Ever

Source ?   :003:

Wont mind him staying aslong as he gets his act together , last chance blackie!

The same source that exclusively revealed the transfers of Proctor (2 weeks) and Brewster (4days) before the news broke in the media.

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