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Aberdeen -V- Inverness CT


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Not convinced that we should have had a foul for the opening goal. At the game I never saw what happened and from the highlights it looks like Polworth pretty much falls over. Regardless, it was sloppy by Vigurs to then get caught on the ball as he did and Aberdeen were still a fair distance from goal anyway so as much as the players looked to blame Allan I don't think we covered ourselves in glory anyway. I did wonder if Rooney was perhaps offside what with the new rules on this but meh.

Cracking equaliser from Vigurs. As alternative maryhill mentioned I was also desperate for him to be subbed as he was really poor again. Slack passes, minimal effort trying to win the ball back and then he goes and does that. Just wish he would apply himself a bit more because he is talented but just doesn't seem to care a lot of the time.

Interesting interactions between our fans and the stewards. I've no idea what happened or what was said but after Aberdeen scored their fans gave our support a fair bit of stick. No issue with that. The Vigurs goal obviously gave us a chance to give it back which we did and a few lads seemed to get chucked out on the back of this. I did spot a steward go flying and there seemed to be some chat that he was pushed over but also that he was shoving some of the young kids as well. Bit of a mess to say the least!

Good performances from Tansey and Draper I thought. Our best player was probably McKay. He was out of position a couple of times in the first half but for the most part he seemed comfortable at right back, gave some good support down the flank and linked well with Polworth. Doran also looked quite tidy when he came on as well. 

I'd like to see us play with a proper right winger ahead of McKay or Horner because Polworth was always cutting inside and didn't really give much support to McKay at RB when he did get forward. A lot of the time our ventures down that side saw the ball played back infield to find a team mate rather than continue the attack down the wing and try and get a cross in for the likes of Fisher or Doumbouya to attack.

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18 hours ago, Huisdean said:

Slightly off topic on yesterdays game but after the Ross County game, there were a group of 12 to 15 young fans (between 14 and 16 years old perhaps), trying to goad their fans into a fight. When I told them to grow up and behave, they started challenging me to a fight despite the fact I was clearly dressed in ICT colours. Basically told them to come back when they were old enough but they continued with abuse as I walked away. I sam the same "gang" after the St Johnstone game trying to do the same.

Worrying if these idiots drag our good name down and wonder if they were the same "idiots" as yesterday.

If these are the same youngsters that misbehaved after the St Johnstone game then we need to stamp out this nonsense right away. I thought they were Perth casuals at first and took some photos of them whilst walking back along Longman Road into town in the event that they caused trouble. I did see one of them being very abusive to a motorist at the entrance to Lorimers and thought about going into Burnett Road Police Station to report it. However, I thought this would be a waste of time and decided to continue on my walk into town. It does seem that someone needs to keep an eye on them for future matches though. I wasn't at Pittodrie on Saturday but those I saw after the St Johnstone game were mostly dressed in black, no ICT colours and some tried to cover their faces with hoodies and scarves.

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On 9/11/2016 at 11:37 AM, bdu98196 said:

Ictsince94 - we know rangers fans are scum, new club same knuckle dragging support but let's not say any unsavoury behaviour from our fans is ok cos it's not as bad as others. Irrespective of any issues in the ground with stewards they need to get over it and not instigate petty actions of retribution. Not denying as we are a small band of away support it makes it easy for stewards at any ground to single out and seem they take more action than against much larger groups of visiting fans but we are all there to pay and enjoy the game for 90 mins so just accept their instructions and get on with it, not worth getting anyone ejected because they disagree with the authorities in place or creating a scene which affects our reputation. 

i never. never have, and never will excuse the mindless behaviour of idiots. BUT i would say that it was handled all wrong by the stewards and created a problem where there probably wasn't one.  someone who they respect needs to tell them to watch their behaviour, because if any of the 'sweetie rustlers' tell them anything, they will of course tell ye to get tae!

stewards are there to prevent issues and stop issues escalating, but from what i saw they did neither, and in fact by their heavy handed approach caused more trouble than was required.

anyway, great game! i, like many, had just finished declaring how sh1te Vigurs was and he pops in a screamer! wtf! aye, cheers for that! Top 3 here we come!!! haha

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2 hours ago, Row S said:

If these are the same youngsters that misbehaved after the St Johnstone game then we need to stamp out this nonsense right away. I thought they were Perth casuals at first and took some photos of them whilst walking back along Longman Road into town in the event that they caused trouble. I did see one of them being very abusive to a motorist at the entrance to Lorimers and thought about going into Burnett Road Police Station to report it. However, I thought this would be a waste of time and decided to continue on my walk into town. It does seem that someone needs to keep an eye on them for future matches though. I wasn't at Pittodrie on Saturday but those I saw after the St Johnstone game were mostly dressed in black, no ICT colours and some tried to cover their faces with hoodies and scarves.

Did they have bumbags?

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4 hours ago, Row S said:



4 hours ago, Row S said:

If these are the same youngsters that misbehaved after the St Johnstone game then we need to stamp out this nonsense right away. I thought they were Perth casuals at first and took some photos of them whilst walking back along Longman Road into town in the event that they caused trouble. I did see one of them being very abusive to a motorist at the entrance to Lorimers and thought about going into Burnett Road Police Station to report it. However, I thought this would be a waste of time and decided to continue on my walk into town. It does seem that someone needs to keep an eye on them for future matches though. I wasn't at Pittodrie on Saturday but those I saw after the St Johnstone game were mostly dressed in black, no ICT colours and some tried to cover their faces with hoodies and scarves.

They might have been Perth fans check out Caley jags.com.

I saw them chasing some of our young boys but just ended with them banging on the windows of one of our buses with out it coming to anything.

3 hours ago, ictfcsince94 said:

i never. never have, and never will excuse the mindless behaviour of idiots. BUT i would say that it was handled all wrong by the stewards and created a problem where there probably wasn't one.  someone who they respect needs to tell them to watch their behaviour, because if any of the 'sweetie rustlers' tell them anything, they will of course tell ye to get tae!

stewards are there to prevent issues and stop issues escalating, but from what i saw they did neither, and in fact by their heavy handed approach caused more trouble than was required.

anyway, great game! i, like many, had just finished declaring how sh1te Vigurs was and he pops in a screamer! wtf! aye, cheers for that! Top 3 here we come!!! haha

Do you not think that the older generation were young once. 

Your probably forgetting that when those pensioners were teenagers they were far tougher than the modern day youngsters. 

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There are clearly double standards in the way the relevant authorities deal with inappropriate behaviour.  There is a bit of fall out between the ugly sisters after Saturday's game with the BBC reporting as follows:-

"Rangers said it was aware of "the disgust" felt by fans who "were subjected to a sickening and shameful display of outright sectarian hatred".

Rangers fans group - Club 1872 - said banners which read "kill all Huns" and "know your place Hun scum" were threatening and disgusting.

Supporters were also offended by two blow-up dolls - one wearing a Rangers scarf, the other an Orange sash - which were dangled by ropes from the upper tier of the stadium.

Directors at the south side club said they shared the anger of their fans."

Celtic have responded by saying they don't want to get involved in a tit for tat spat.  Apparently no apology or condemnation of their own sectarian supporters!  Notwithstanding the fact that fans of The Rangers would,of course, never resort to singing sectarian songs, and trashing a toilet block is clearly fair game, why did the stewards and the police not deal with these issues at the time?  The banners and blow up dolls The Rangers fans are complaining about are clearly inappropriate and probably illegal and did not just magically appear.  Why did Stewards and Police not take action there and then?  If the albeit OTT high jinks of some of our young supporters is seen as fair game for stewards to come the heavy, why was no action taken at Celtic Park?  If (as I have heard said before) the police do not think it safe to intervene in that kind of situation, then sanctions should be taken to limit crowd numbers so that police can readily get to where they need to be in order to uphold the law and apprehend the sectarian scum that break it.  

Unless the authorities concerned take their responsibilities seriously and do the job they are paid to do, this cancer will continue to affect the game we all love.

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Well put DD and that is after the first game!  The stewards are scared to act on anything at the big games like that but are quite happy to wade in heavy handed when a few youngsters get a bit out of hand.  I expect they will be telling them to sit down in the North Stand this weekend while the South Stand fans stand throughout the game.

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4 hours ago, 12th Man said:


They might have been Perth fans check out Caley jags.com.

I saw them chasing some of our young boys but just ended with them banging on the windows of one of our buses with out it coming to anything.

Do you not think that the older generation were young once. 

Your probably forgetting that when those pensioners were teenagers they were far tougher than the modern day youngsters. 

I'm not, but the yoof most certainly are...

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On 9/10/2016 at 8:07 PM, bdu98196 said:

Sad to see the antics of the younger fans or 'singing section' today, abuse shouted about Shinnie and cheering his injury, arguing with stewards then on leaving the stadium throwing metal secuirty barriers and signs about, then shouting abuse at Aberdeen fans (including those with children) on the walk back into town. When I approached one of them regarding throwing barriers around suggesting its not a good image for our club I was told 'we dont care'. Well I do, this club has worked hard and I believe have a good relationship with all rival fans therefore dont want this to start being affected by the minority or having fans put off attending away games. While some may say its only barriers and signs or just fun, I see it as a lack of respect of others property and surroundings, so after issues with behaviour at the St J game and now this, its maybe time to reign the behaviour back in as its not welcome.

yes but you have to mind that some of these boys are under 16 and dont know any better yet. and atleast they are trying to make an atmosphere. football is nothing without fans and especially fans who sing and get behind the team unlike the majority of fans who sit there in silence for 90 mins and dont give the team any encouragement whatsoever. the young team is the future of fans for the club 

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46 minutes ago, CF98 said:

yes but you have to mind that some of these boys are under 16 and dont know any better yet. and atleast they are trying to make an atmosphere. football is nothing without fans and especially fans who sing and get behind the team unlike the majority of fans who sit there in silence for 90 mins and dont give the team any encouragement whatsoever. the young team is the future of fans for the club 

There are some rather unfortunate views in there which I quite frankly find to be misguided. To say that boys in their mid teens "don't know any better yet" with regard to how to behave in public is nonsense. If they are such poor, naïve little souls and still so uninitiated in the ways of the word then what on earth are their parents doing letting them go to a football match, never mind one 100 miles away in a large city, unsupervised? You can't have your cake and eat it. Either they should know how to behave or they shouldn't be there unsupervised. This apology for them is rather like saying that it's OK for an dog to attack somebody in a public park because it's just a dog. What we are looking at here (and this is backed up by a personal account from Row S) are what are commonly known in education, and especially in staffrooms, as "Wee Sh*tes". (Don't succumb to the offence culture - this is pretty standard educational usage.)

Then there's the apparent suggestion that the most essential thing in football is people making a noise and that doing so seems to justify any other collateral anti-social behaviours. Vocal support cannot be drummed up at any cost. There also seems to be this rather simplistic assumption about - it's appeared in several other threads before - that noisy football fans are somehow more "virtuous" than others. This is equally nonsensical. If people pay their money to go to a football match then, as long as their behaviour isn't illegal, offensive or detracting from the enjoyment of others, then they should be able to behave as they wish - and that also includes remaining silent should they so desire.

And finally.... "Young team is the future of fans for the club". God preserve us!

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10 hours ago, Row S said:

I thought they were Perth casuals at first and took some photos of them whilst walking back along Longman Road into town in the event that they caused trouble.

You'd better watch out, Row S. These wee neds have Human Rights, don't you know, and taking photos of their anti-social and possibly criminal behaviour may have invaded their right to privacy. Then there's the danger you may face of being locked up and placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for taking photographs of minors.

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8 hours ago, chedan1 said:

It's clear to see that the "fans" throwing criticism at the young team clearly have absolutely no idea what occurred between us and stewards.

After our goal, we returned the abuse lobbed at us by Aberdeen fans after the Mcginn goal. The stewards were obviously unprepared and nervy. They overrated and ejected two of our supporters (and attempted to eject a 14 year old supporter). Another supporter was visibly assaulted by a steward (shoved to the ground) and we were kettled in. At no point was there any attempt to invade the pitch, cause injury to any fans or stewards or damage Pittodrie. Once again this is clear overreaction by clearly poorly trained and overzealous stewards who cannot tell the difference between us and the old firm. 

For all those launching general criticism at us, the bottom line is that, home and away, we are the only ones who attempt to provide an atmosphere and get behind the team. We are repeatedly criticised for poor support through the country; then our own fans refuse to get behind us when we attempt to support the squad during games, and we will continue to do so.

Abuse, its not personal, its called banter - other than the 'young team' nobody else in the crowd took it personally. As for the stewards its their job, you need to respect and accept their decisions whether you like it or not, its called authority and respect - time to grow up!!! Regardless of that how is that justifiable outside the stadium, damaging property, shouting abuse and generally acting like fanjitas - as said this is now 2 games in a row (and its the same faces)? Continue like this and sooner rather than later you will behave in a way that results in 1 of 2 outcomes - arrested and banned from attending games or given a good kicking by some opposition fans that wont laugh off this behaviour.

8 hours ago, CF98 said:

yes but you have to mind that some of these boys are under 16 and dont know any better yet.

If they are deemed old enough and responsible enough to be out without an adult then they are able to take responsibility for their own actions.

Looks like some of the young fans have been on here, lets hope you take on board what's been said and modify your behaviour moving forward so as not to damage our clubs good reputation. And if 'sweetie rustlers' or anyone else requests modification in behaviour then I suggest acting with respect for elders and authority


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9 hours ago, chedan1 said:

For all those launching general criticism at us, the bottom line is that, home and away, we are the only ones who attempt to provide an atmosphere and get behind the team. We are repeatedly criticised for poor support through the country; then our own fans refuse to get behind us when we attempt to support the squad during games, and we will continue to do so.

No you aren't. I think what you guys do is great in trying to create an atmosphere at matches but there are plenty of other folk who go to games who try and get behind the team. You're not the only ones trying to generate an atmosphere.

As for Saturday hopefully you guys make some sort of complaint to Aberdeen about the way the stewards behaved. I doubt they would have acted the same way if it were Rangers or Celtic fans goading the home support.

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

No you aren't. I think what you guys do is great in trying to create an atmosphere at matches but there are plenty of other folk who go to games who try and get behind the team. You're not the only ones trying to generate an atmosphere.

As for Saturday hopefully you guys make some sort of complaint to Aberdeen about the way the stewards behaved. I doubt they would have acted the same way if it were Rangers or Celtic fans goading the home support.

who else creates atmosphere other than the "young team" aka NSB

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The inflammatory and overzealous behaviour of the Pittodrie stewards on Saturday is something which the club should be investigating.  There was absolutely no need for the stewards to react in the way they did and I would suggest they only reacted in this manner due to the fact that the group in question was relatively small in numbers and it gave them the perfect opportunity to throw their weight about.  As I said to one of the stewards on Saturday I'm sure they'll be as brave when Rangers are at Pittodrie later this month.

The usual gnashing of teeth, hand wringing and general bed wetting from the moral preservation society. Folks actually looking to grass on our own fans....get a grip.

'mon the Young Team

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7 minutes ago, ymip said:

The inflammatory and overzealous behaviour of the Pittodrie stewards on Saturday is something which the club should be investigating.  There was absolutely no need for the stewards to react in the way they did and I would suggest they only reacted in this manner due to the fact that the group in question was relatively small in numbers and it gave them the perfect opportunity to throw their weight about.  As I said to one of the stewards on Saturday I'm sure they'll be as brave when Rangers are at Pittodrie later this month.

The usual gnashing of teeth, hand wringing and general bed wetting from the moral preservation society. Folks actually looking to grass on our own fans....get a grip.

'mon the Young Team

Exactly! mon the young team! **** everyone else who's a boring *******. Without us the club would be an even bigger shambles. no wonder no one wants to sign for us when you have to sit playing a game for 90 minutes in silence and no wonder no one wants to come to the games when the atmosphere is ****. Without us the games are even more dire and with you's giving us stick for doing what the club needs and that's atmosphere. belt up and actual give us praise for starting to create atmosphere and maybe even join in. ymip, i love you! well said my man. If anyone has a problem with what we do please come see us at the front of section E on Sunday and we will happily listen to whatever has to be said. Say it to us instead of slagging us on a forum. 

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34 minutes ago, ymip said:

The inflammatory and overzealous behaviour of the Pittodrie stewards on Saturday is something which the club should be investigating.  There was absolutely no need for the stewards to react in the way they did and I would suggest they only reacted in this manner due to the fact that the group in question was relatively small in numbers and it gave them the perfect opportunity to throw their weight about.  As I said to one of the stewards on Saturday I'm sure they'll be as brave when Rangers are at Pittodrie later this month.

The usual gnashing of teeth, hand wringing and general bed wetting from the moral preservation society. Folks actually looking to grass on our own fans....get a grip.

'mon the Young Team

Come off it now, people who weren't at the game always know best.

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25 minutes ago, nopyronoparty94 said:

belt up and actual give us praise for starting to create atmosphere and maybe even join in 

What, trying to damage property and shouting unnecessary abuse at members of the public and rival fans to goad them into fighting............perhaps not, or are you going to deny that this went on outside the ground? If that's your idea of creating an atmosphere then you are going about it all wrong!!

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1 hour ago, nopyronoparty94 said:

who else creates atmosphere other than the "young team" aka NSB

Plenty of other fans try and get behind the side. You're not the only guys starting chants.

As I say I like what you guys do and I can't say that I saw much wrong with what you guys were doing on Saturday which seemed to be the fault of the stewards acting completely out of proportion. But cut the sanctimonious attitude and thinking you're better than everyone else because you sing a few songs.

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4 hours ago, bdu98196 said:

 As for the stewards its their job, you need to respect and accept their decisions whether you like it or not, its called authority and respect - time to grow up!!!

I don't think this is entirely fair - people who abuse their authority don't deserve to be respected, and what I saw on Saturday looked very like stewards exceeding the boundaries of their remit, especially the ones who dived pretty aggressively into the group of supporters at the front.

The other stuff you mentioned seeing, the stuff after the game, is a different matter, obviously. As for all this whataboutery about who are the 'better' supporters...


Basil Brush 2.jpg

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I didn't witness what caused things to kick off on Saturday, but I did see one fan running over the top of the cover that was put in place down the front and another knocking a stewards hat off their head.  Regardless of how wrong the actions of the stewards may or may not have been, not everyone was as innocent as they're making out.

When you behave like that your credibility goes right out the window and people just won't listen to your claims of unfair treatment.

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18 hours ago, 12th Man said:


They might have been Perth fans check out Caley jags.com.

I saw them chasing some of our young boys but just ended with them banging on the windows of one of our buses with out it coming to anything.


Having looked at the photos on caleyjags.com I'm now certain they were at the St Johnstone end. They were being watched by the stewards when they surrounded one of the buses outside the ground. They later appeared out of Henderson Road right in front of me as I approached from the ground.

Human Rights or not I found these little neds intimidating enough to warrant recording evidence of their bad behaviour. I also took video footage along Longman Road but deleted the lot from my phone after they calmed down and seemed to pose no more of a threat by the time they got to Rose Street. 

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Some Saint Johnstone fans I follow on Twitter were talking about some of their fans (the Perth Pack :laugh: ) who were starting on OAP ICT fans and trying to challenge people on the bus to a fight so it seems quite likely it was away fans you saw that day @Row S.

EDIT: Apologies they are not called the Perth Pack. They are called FCU or Fair City Unity...

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4 hours ago, RiG said:

Some Saint Johnstone fans I follow on Twitter were talking about some of their fans (the Perth Pack :laugh: ) who were starting on OAP ICT fans and trying to challenge people on the bus to a fight so it seems quite likely it was away fans you saw that day @Row S.

EDIT: Apologies they are not called the Perth Pack. They are called FCU or Fair City Unity...

Well they can FCUK OFF

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