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Special General Meeting - Rescheduled date

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8 hours ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

I cant believe that Charlie didn't attend. He appeared to be the person in the know and a cert to be elected.

Of course you can, because you know quite well I'm not a CYJ member but, just as I'm not a member of any political party whilst still commenting and usually criticising the performamce of them all because of their effect on the country, I similarly feel perfectly entitled to comment on CJT and its effect on the club.


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Just now, Charles Bannerman said:

Of course you can, because you know quite well I'm not a CYJ member but, just as I'm not a member of any political party whilst still commenting and usually criticising the performamce of them all because of their effect on the country, I similarly feel perfectly entitled to comment on CJT and its effect on the club.


Unless you have written to the organisation resigning your membership, or received a renewal to which you did not respond (prior to this year) then you are member....as I have explained before.

That, of course, does not mean it is compulsory for you to have attended the AGM....but it does mean it was a choice not to have done so.

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Being aware that there are people who may be great candidates for the CJT Board, but who might be put off by the current situation or from not knowing/understanding exactly what's involved....would anyone be interested in a get together/Q&A with previous (and existing if the wished) board members so they can get a better idea of things?

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1 hour ago, CaleyD said:

Being aware that there are people who may be great candidates for the CJT Board, but who might be put off by the current situation or from not knowing/understanding exactly what's involved....would anyone be interested in a get together/Q&A with previous (and existing if the wished) board members so they can get a better idea of things?

Yes.  I think that would be very helpful.  It must be clear to anyone who has read through the various recent threads on CJT that significant work is necessary to get CJT functioning at a level where the Board can be seen as legitimately representing the supporters and where it would be able to defend any challenge of legitimacy in exercising its 10% voting right on the club's Board if there was ever a need.  Beyond that, there is much that a Supporters' Society  could be doing routinely in working with the club in the mutual interest of the supporters and club. 

There are 10 places on the Board for elected members and for some considerable time the Board has had substantially less than that. Clearly that impacts on what can be achieved. The more people who are prepared to serve on the Board the more there is that can be done.  I am certainly prepared to consider putting my name forward but | don't want to find myself in a position where nobody else new comes forward.  Were that to happen, it is unlikely I would be able to make any meaningful difference and I don't want to feel I am wasting my time.  There must be others who feel the same way.  Meeting to discuss how we feel and to learn a bit more about what is involved might well provide enough mutual support and encouragement to  allow sufficient people to put themselves forward to make a real difference.

If,  after learning a bit more about it, people decide that they don't want to stand for the Board after all, then at least they may be encouraged to provide some help and support in an unofficial capacity instead.  I would imagine those on the Board will be grateful for all the help they can get.  The more people who are willing to help out in some capacity or other, the easier it is for people to volunteer without feeling that everything is going to be dumped on them if they put themselves forward.  

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Holding a pre-Election forum to present the perceptions from current Board members (preferably ones also seeking re-election) and open questions sounds like a very good idea. If I lived closer then that is what I would be seeking. However DD - put your name forward and if there is not sufficient interest then pull out - with understandable reason. The thing that got me is that certain individuals have been butting in and putting people off with their tainted views with NO intention whatsoever of helping out.

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Maybe it’s time to put another tuppence worth in because the thread is getting a bit muddier and some of the other ones are going the same way. There are reasons that the old Board of Directors could not continue, all of them connected with the performance and accountability of that Board. They have all been stated in this forum. Not a single reason that I can identify was or is personal. The regulatory rules were unclear, the governance uncertain, there was little credibility left after two successive unsatisfactory AGM’s, no visible leadership and there appeared stasis in terms of activity and publicity. In that case, the entire Board should bear responsibility and if it is the wish of the people who attended and voted and this last EGM, resign. That is what happened. There is no personal dimension to this.

In terms of going forward, CJT needs strong leadership that is willing to put in the hard work and confront the issues. Supporters (at least in this forum) appear concerned about a long standing lack of communication by ICTFC, inconsistent policies and approach to young supporters, shortcomings in the matchday experience and the lack of a meaningful voice at a senior level within ICTFC. These are important issues. In my opinion, they need to be prioritised and addressed in sequence by an interim Board after the upcoming election. At least at that point CJT members will be able to have an informed debate about the way forward and who they want to take them in that direction. As an ex-Chair, I’d be happy to participate in that interim Board in any capacity except Chair.

At the moment, the only person showing any willingness to address the issues is Caley D and some of the criticism he’s presently attracting is grubby. His recent history of working for the club is something that should be used to CJT’s advantage, not as an object of scorn. He might well cause ructions in his way of putting his case but he has the tenacious character to front it up and take it on. He also might be able to contain any factionalism. He would make the Club take notice and for that I would support him.

At present, people know who Don is and most of you know who I am. I don’t hide behind an anonymous user name when putting my views forward. That isn’t the case with some others on here who appear to be taking an approach that damned the old Board but don’t really fancy the potential replacements that they imagine might be getting the nod as we speak. Heads up, there isn’t a big queue of people wanting this gig and I do think that with the technology at our disposal we can involve people living outside of the Highlands as Directors. So IHE, Kingsmills, Charles Bannerman, Caleyboy, Renegade etc. Stand for election and get involved in whatever capacity you can and influence what happens. It’s hard work but it is fun.

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Hopefully there is a lot of names put forward from people in Inverness and surrounding.  If an IV postcode is not a prerequisite, I would be very willing to put my name forward.

Avoiding a paucity of people to stand is essential, otherwise all the talk will have been just that.

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2 hours ago, davie said:

with the technology at our disposal we can involve people living outside of the Highlands as Directors. So IHE, Kingsmills, Charles Bannerman, Caleyboy, Renegade etc. Stand for election and get involved in whatever capacity you can and influence what happens. It’s hard work but it is fun.

In the same timezone might be workable, but across an ocean and 5 time-zones may be a stretch. I do however re-iterate that through CTO I am happy to assist in any way that I can. 

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15 minutes ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

So how to I put myself forward ?

Yeah...like you've ever been backwards at that!

The electoral management group should have details out in due course.

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3 hours ago, Glover said:

Hopefully there is a lot of names put forward from people in Inverness and surrounding.  If an IV postcode is not a prerequisite, I would be very willing to put my name forward.

Avoiding a paucity of people to stand is essential, otherwise all the talk will have been just that.

I agree that we need to avoid a paucity of people standing but it is also essential that those who put themselves  forward are prepared to do the work.  Assuming all the current Board stand for re-election then we need at least 6 other people standing to have a contested election.  More if any of the current Board decide not to stand.  

Given some of the comments I've made on this forum it is only right that I put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, and put my name forward.  I'm not entirely convinced by Davie's assertion that it's "fun", but if those elected can all commit to working hard with a shared sense of purpose, then they should find it rewarding.


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19 hours ago, davie said:

Maybe it’s time to put another tuppence worth in because the thread is getting a bit muddier and some of the other ones are going the same way. There are reasons that the old Board of Directors could not continue, all of them connected with the performance and accountability of that Board. They have all been stated in this forum. Not a single reason that I can identify was or is personal. The regulatory rules were unclear, the governance uncertain, there was little credibility left after two successive unsatisfactory AGM’s, no visible leadership and there appeared stasis in terms of activity and publicity. In that case, the entire Board should bear responsibility and if it is the wish of the people who attended and voted and this last EGM, resign. That is what happened. There is no personal dimension to this.


In terms of going forward, CJT needs strong leadership that is willing to put in the hard work and confront the issues. Supporters (at least in this forum) appear concerned about a long standing lack of communication by ICTFC, inconsistent policies and approach to young supporters, shortcomings in the matchday experience and the lack of a meaningful voice at a senior level within ICTFC. These are important issues. In my opinion, they need to be prioritised and addressed in sequence by an interim Board after the upcoming election. At least at that point CJT members will be able to have an informed debate about the way forward and who they want to take them in that direction. As an ex-Chair, I’d be happy to participate in that interim Board in any capacity except Chair.


At the moment, the only person showing any willingness to address the issues is Caley D and some of the criticism he’s presently attracting is grubby. His recent history of working for the club is something that should be used to CJT’s advantage, not as an object of scorn. He might well cause ructions in his way of putting his case but he has the tenacious character to front it up and take it on. He also might be able to contain any factionalism. He would make the Club take notice and for that I would support him.


At present, people know who Don is and most of you know who I am. I don’t hide behind an anonymous user name when putting my views forward. That isn’t the case with some others on here who appear to be taking an approach that damned the old Board but don’t really fancy the potential replacements that they imagine might be getting the nod as we speak. Heads up, there isn’t a big queue of people wanting this gig and I do think that with the technology at our disposal we can involve people living outside of the Highlands as Directors. So IHE, Kingsmills, Charles Bannerman, Caleyboy, Renegade etc. Stand for election and get involved in whatever capacity you can and influence what happens. It’s hard work but it is fun.


Believe me, you really don't want Caleyboy anywhere near this.

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Better add that my Pharmalogical supply is pretty expensive and the old adage is that Therapy + Medication is the best combination. We could try it out at the initial CJT meeting. Get Mr Rae along as well and return him to the Purple Heart days of the 70's. That may well get some changes in gear.

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Whoever takes this sorry mess over should think of a rebrand or name change

CJT is total naff and has tonnes of unwanted baggage with it

I’d personally rather join Hezbollah than caleyjagsforever the way this farce is acting out


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2 hours ago, Renegade said:

Should've been 'Caley Thistle United'.  Caley Jags Together is happy clappy, goody two-shoes clap trap.

It was named to represent the merger.....and that's not a joke.

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