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He was the most interesting and entertaining away fan that we have had on here fer ages. I could have communicated with him fer hours. It felt a bit like the good old days.

Why the **** should anyone feel guilty ? To me that was feckin banter. It is a sad reflection of the times we live in on the independent forums.

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As is the norm in todays Scotland, defending The Rangers from accusations of sectarianism from someone calling us huns, was deemed to be out of line.

I repeat....who fuelled the hun u-boats? who guided the hun luftwaffe to the UK? Who sent representation to Hitlers funeral? Which stadium was closed during WW2 for refusing to adhere to blackout laws etc?

Insidious media campaigns, stemming from 9 years of bitter defeat in a row & an opus dei quango in Holyrood & Westminster is bad enough, but censorship of open debate on an "anything goes" internet forum?


Remember, most of our grandparents fought the huns, and many of our parents fought their pals, the provos.

Its a sad state of affairs when history gets turned on its head but you're not allowed to argue the point.

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I repeat....who fuelled the hun u-boats? who guided the hun luftwaffe to the UK? Who sent representation to Hitlers funeral? Which stadium was closed during WW2 for refusing to adhere to blackout laws etc?

Whilst it is typical for Rangers fans to justify their attitudes with reference to distorted versions of events that happened long before they were born, I suppose you deserve credit for being 250 years closer to the present day than most of them.

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I repeat....who fuelled the hun u-boats? who guided the hun luftwaffe to the UK? Who sent representation to Hitlers funeral? Which stadium was closed during WW2 for refusing to adhere to blackout laws etc?

Whilst it is typical for Rangers fans to justify their attitudes with reference to distorted versions of events that happened long before they were born, I suppose you deserve credit for being 250 years closer to the present day than most of them.

I could always mention torbett....Hugh Dallas.....diverted aeroplanes...the Wolfe Tones at celtic park, and the inexplicably different reactions from ra sellik when Phil O'Donnel & Tommy Burns tragically died last season.

Who was it that defended celtic when the SFA were going to close them down in the 50s? The Rangers.

Were the tables to be turned would ra sellik have stood up for us? I think we all know the answer to that.

If we have contempt for that club, its for a multitude of reasons yngwie. They continue to cry "foul" & "bigot" whilst practising nothing but the same. My club is addressing its past (percieved) wrongs, whereas ra sellik continue to deny they are anything but a charitable organisation, whiter than white.....with a ******* war criminal at the helm.

None such allegations can (reasonably) be levelled at The Rangers.

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