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Time now to draw a line.

Alex MacLeod

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No doubt a lot of folk are tonight dancing in the streets of Inverness. I wish I felt the same but sadly I dont. I feel bad that I found myself in the position of being one of those who called for Brews sacking. I feel bad that things ever came to this stage. I feel bad that Inverness, for the first time, have had to sack someone. More so I feel embarrassed to be associated with some people who couldn't just stick to the on field shortfalls but who also felt the need to hurl personal abuse and attempt to slur the character of the man by continually trying to dig the dirt and latch on to rumour that had absolutely no foundation. Thankfully the vigilance of the moderators kept the dirt off the site.

It is a pity that things didn't work out under Craig and Malky. Their faliure just brings about more disruption to what is primarily a very disjointed team. Two or three wins and we'd be top six. They'd be heroes. Alas this is the nature of the beautiful game. They believed they could achieve. The achievement never came. Whether we would have been saved or not we'll never know. Whether we will be saved or not we need to wait and see. What is important now, though, is that everyone starts to pull on the one rope. That we all get behind the team and whoever takes over the reigns. And if that is to be Graham Bennett in the short term then so be it.

A new chapter begins on the history of this very young and interesting club. Lets all draw a line under the past and make this chapter worth reading.

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No doubt a lot of folk are tonight dancing in the streets of Inverness. I wish I felt the same but sadly I dont. I feel bad that I found myself in the position of being one of those who called for Brews sacking. I feel bad that things ever came to this stage. I feel bad that Inverness, for the first time, have had to sack someone. More so I feel embarrassed to be associated with some people who couldn't just stick to the on field shortfalls but who also felt the need to hurl personal abuse and attempt to slur the character of the man by continually trying to dig the dirt and latch on to rumour that had absolutely no foundation. Thankfully the vigilance of the moderators kept the dirt off the site.

It is a pity that things didn't work out under Craig and Malky. Their faliure just brings about more disruption to what is primarily a very disjointed team. Two or three wins and we'd be top six. They'd be heroes. Alas this is the nature of the beautiful game. They believed they could achieve. The achievement never came. Whether we would have been saved or not we'll never know. Whether we will be saved or not we need to wait and see. What is important now, though, is that everyone starts to pull on the one rope. That we all get behind the team and whoever takes over the reigns. And if that is to be Graham Bennett in the short term then so be it.

A new chapter begins on the history of this very young and interesting club. Lets all draw a line under the past and make this chapter worth reading.

Well said and also well done to the Mods

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Alex, a timely and sensible thread and one in which I share your sentiments. It's time for us all to look ahead and believe that we can stay in this league. Every game now is a cup final and we must play our part in every way we can to fight for survival. All is not lost and starting with a win at Tynecastle we can turn things around.

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Aye, that's a good post Alex.

Although I never really joined in the "Brewster out" campaign, I must admit I'm glad that the whole thing is over now, it was painful.

Perhaps he had "lost the dressing room" I don't know. We certainly did have good days under his leadership, but in football nowadays it's very much The King Is Dead Long Live The King.

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I have always said that personal comments about brewster were way out of line. Alex's post is something i wholeheartedly agree with. The man's commitment to the job (a perfect example in that he never walked away) is unquestionable. Unfortunately it didnt work out for him. Good luck to the man, hes served the club faithfully and i have nothing but thanks for him. Let us not forget the good times.

But now needs to be a reformation. The side needs to shake off its lacklustre ways and start showing the same commitment to Caley that the fans do. We need desperately to start operating as a unit.

I hope this is an end to all the moaning fans on here. You got what you wanted, only time will tell whether what you wanted in the short term matches up to what you want in the long term. Caley fans threatening to rip up your season ticket- why? What we need more than ever is support, a wall of noise from TCS and the away support. I live in portsmouth but i wouldnt swap my 3-4 games a season for the world. No matter who is the manager, be it Alex Ferguson or Terry Venables, Terry Butcher or Robbo, Caley is still Caley. Stop the moaning, start the support, start the great escape.

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I have to be honest and say I am glad he and Malky have gone while I do not like to see anyone lose their jobs I do care a lot more about ICT. I think some of the quotes on here are almost making out that Brew is the victim, the only victims would have been ICT if his incompetence had been allowed to carry on.

I never made any or tried to make any comments on his private life I am not interested in that but I did make comments on his inability to manage the club and I am glad I did.

Edited by stevico1
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It is sad that we have come to this but the removal of the management team was absolutely necessary.

We must ALL now get behind our team to ensure Premier League status for next year.


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Sacking Brewster and Malky was, unfortunately, a necessary evil.

I'm sure that the vast majority of the fans will get behind the new manager whoever he may be. That's always been the way with our fans in the past and it was only the extreme circumstances prevailing in recent weeks that changed that temporarliy.

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Quite happy to draw a line under the Brewster/Managerial issues, and for the time being we should all be focused on doing our bit to urge the team on to pulling us out of the mire.

There's still other issues which need to be addressed in regards the running of ICT, but they can wait a little longer.

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Lest we not forget - Brew should not be the proverbial lamb to the slaughter - there were others involved.

here here!

I propose The Immortal Howden Ender for Chairman of ICT. Rarely in such troubled times has one man consistently spoken so much sense

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