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This hysteria is all due to the resurgence of the Butcher factor - and long my it continue - I suspect that Butcher is milking it fer as long as he can do - and quite feckin rite. Lionel appears to be fast becoming a "cult" figure and RIG has got it spot feckin on - Imrie isnt and never will be a striker - and will not score many goals and will make basic errors but will work his feckin socks off - and long may that continue as well.

If they falter we have peeple to take their places - better footballers in fact - but Butchers psychology is very pleasing to my eye - but I reckon that he cold be equally as brutal.

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i was sorry for lionel during the partick game.(i had seen him before on setanta/celtic/rangers tv showing ict reserve games against the old firm and thought he would be out of his depth). didnt agree with so called ict fans booing/shouting for him to be taken off although happy he was hooked at half time.

butcher/malpas have forgotten more about footy than all the people on this forum put together know about the game, especially people who are not even at games. so as long as they select him it is good enough for me.

i think he has added to our defence along with mihadjuks. not so long ago were were crapping ourselves every time a corner or free kick came into our box(macguire,hastings playing). we have lost goals at back post due to hastings inability to jump or his lack of ability to head the ball.

lionels main problem is he does not know his own strength. have seen him play a 10 yard pass with 50 yard power on. his crosses can be well overhit also. at least they clear the first defender(i certainly would not want to get in the way of one of his heavier crosses) unlike our previous left back who can overlap only to trundle his cross along the ground or hit the first defender. to quote craig paterson on radio scotland a few weeks ago, "great play by ict, great overlap by hastings, but what a woeful cross.couldnt clear the first defender.dear oh dear."

also when lionel punts the ball it dosent go 20 yards along the ground to an opposing player. his run on saturday beating 3-4 hibs players before being stopped was awesome( if he wasnt stopped he would still be horsing up the a9 to wick at this moment)reminded me of barry wilson in his heyday(minus the skill) when you could give him the ball to take on a run and give the defence a breather. although his run in the first half down the stand side line ended going out of play it took pressure off our defence. long may he continue.

if we do loose a goal with lionel at fault hope we dont crucify him on this forum. some people seem to be waiting for his first mistake. didnt see anyone having a go at esson last week when he fumbled the ball on to wilkies thigh for dundee utd's goal. or the many other mistakes which led to goals this year. if lionel has a blip i'm sure butcher is more than capable of dealing with it.

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this guy reminds me of didier agathe, loads of pace but needs someone to tell him what to do and what to do with the ball, playing well tho and long may it continue!!!

juve were wanting to buy agathe for ?15m at one point, as long as lional keeps running i will be happy!!

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this guy reminds me of didier agathe, loads of pace but needs someone to tell him what to do and what to do with the ball, playing well tho and long may it continue!!!

juve were wanting to buy agathe for ?15m at one point, as long as lional keeps running i will be happy!!

;) :rotflmao: :thumb04: :018: Aye - lets stick into the realms of feckin reality.

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Rig, you deserve stick for your portrayal of Lionel. His cross come shot was from a much tighter angle than Imrie's free kick. Be a big guy, and hold your hand up and say well done Lionel. You can do it.

Well done Lionel :rotflmao:


Was he ever played wide left under Brew or was it the centre back roll?

He was deployed on the left hand side of midfield earlier this season.

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Got to be honest...he stills scares the ***** out of me everytime the ball goes anywhere near him. You don't know what the hell to expect. He might welly the ball out over the A9, take a fresh air swipe and miss connecting completely, or gather it and deal with it with a flash of skill you never knew the big man had.

He's entertaining that's for sure, not sure he's good for any dodgy hearts mind. Aye, he, like the rest of the team, has improved beyond all recognition, so fair play to him.

Be great to see him score a goal, though I suspect if one ever arrives it's going to be from one of his countless mishit crosses that someone decieves the keeper and drops uncannily into the corner of the net.

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Got to be honest...he stills scares the ***** out of me everytime the ball goes anywhere near him. You don't know what the hell to expect. He might welly the ball out over the A9, take a fresh air swipe and miss connecting completely, or gather it and deal with it with a flash of skill you never knew the big man had.

He's entertaining that's for sure, not sure he's good for any dodgy hearts mind. Aye, he, like the rest of the team, has improved beyond all recognition, so fair play to him.

Be great to see him score a goal, though I suspect if one ever arrives it's going to be from one of his countless mishit crosses that someone decieves the keeper and drops uncannily into the corner of the net.

Is this not Imrie??

Is this not Grantie

Is this not Esson

Four times MOM!! You have to wonder at critics that fail to see this players ability and continually wait for failure a la Imrie, Munro and Esson!

If he had carried out any of the above I wonder if we would have had a reaction? You bet, something like ''I told you this would happen, I warned Terry, I warned you on here''

We don't have a player that is faultless and therefore every player, if you wish, is a target and our big left back is no exception. What a real critic does, of course, is balance the good against the bad and our big boy, right now, is building up a lot of 'good' so is entitled to a little 'bad' at some time.


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We don't have a player that is faultless and therefore every player, if you wish, is a target and our big left back is no exception. What a real critic does, of course, is balance the good against the bad and our big boy, right now, is building up a lot of 'good' so is entitled to a little 'bad' at some time.


I agree 100%. It seems to me that certain posters on here can't wait for Zadi to mess up so that they can be first in with the 'I told you so' comments

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We don't have a player that is faultless and therefore every player, if you wish, is a target and our big left back is no exception. What a real critic does, of course, is balance the good against the bad and our big boy, right now, is building up a lot of 'good' so is entitled to a little 'bad' at some time.


I agree 100%. It seems to me that certain posters on here can't wait for Zadi to mess up so that they can be first in with the 'I told you so' comments

As long as they tell us so after we've maintained our SPL status.

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We don't have a player that is faultless and therefore every player, if you wish, is a target and our big left back is no exception. What a real critic does, of course, is balance the good against the bad and our big boy, right now, is building up a lot of 'good' so is entitled to a little 'bad' at some time.


I agree 100%. It seems to me that certain posters on here can't wait for Zadi to mess up so that they can be first in with the 'I told you so' comments

What a load of tosh - I have been critical cos I simply do not think that he is a full back and I am concerned that he is in a position where he will make a mistake that could really cost us. Long may he continue to flourish but history suggests that his playing well spells are short lived.

Castle Greyskull may well tell us if he really has the bottle for the fite.

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I think if the team plays well then Lionel plays well, simple as that.

We have played some great football over the last couple of weeks and in amongst that have taken some valuable results and the one common thing in every game is that Lionel worked his socks of and turned out some great performances.

Looking back on Saturday i don't really think anyone merited a man of the match award as everyone played below average, Lionel included but he was no worse than anyone else.

I would hate to see the guy make a mistake and i wouldn't dare wish upon any ICT player making an error that had bad consiquences as it would be horrible for both the team and the player. But Lionel was pritty much deemed a failure as soon as he walked in the door and under Brew he pritty much was but things have changed now and everyone has been given a clean slate and a chance to impress, Lionel included and i think its only right to back the player up while he is playing fairly well.

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We don't have a player that is faultless and therefore every player, if you wish, is a target and our big left back is no exception. What a real critic does, of course, is balance the good against the bad and our big boy, right now, is building up a lot of 'good' so is entitled to a little 'bad' at some time.


I agree 100%. It seems to me that certain posters on here can't wait for Zadi to mess up so that they can be first in with the 'I told you so' comments

What a load of tosh - I have been critical cos I simply do not think that he is a full back and I am concerned that he is in a position where he will make a mistake that could really cost us. Long may he continue to flourish but history suggests that his playing well spells are short lived.

Castle Greyskull may well tell us if he really has the bottle for the fite.

No, what is tosh - the long standing defender made a howler that you would like to see attributed to Zadi, our experienced keeper made a novice mistake that you would like to see attributed to Zadi and all we hear is wait, Zadi will make a howler that could really cost us - what in the heck did the two howlers on Saturday do but cost us and cost us dearly!!!

Be sure Zadi will make a mistake, we all do, but for me he has saved us in the past few games when others around him are making howlers and costing us points! But he is the one to be attacked - relentlessly.

We have our hate 'Rossco posters' - normally young laddies who are expecting 'Neville' like defending from a player in our wee team but this campaign, which may turn out to be correct if Zadi loses his confidence, is somewhat tedious.


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Yes, its amazing isn't it, Absent Friend. We could name countless howlers which have cost us points this season, by, for example, Duff, Esson, Grant, just for starters. But because Zadi might make one he is singled out by some for special attention. Long may his good run of form continue.

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:rotflmao: What a tedious pair of toshers !! Yet another doddery twosome who cant see the meaning behind the post. I am voicing a personal critical concern which is backed, to varying degrees, by most of the unblinkered posters on here. Zebidee is doing better than anybody expected and hopefully he will maintain his confidence and get through games unscathed. At the moment he deserves to be in there but I simply feel that the likes of McBain would be the better medium and long term answer.
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:rotflmao: What a tedious pair of toshers !! Yet another doddery twosome who cant see the meaning behind the post. I am voicing a personal critical concern which is backed, to varying degrees, by most of the unblinkered posters on here. Zebidee is doing better than anybody expected and hopefully he will maintain his confidence and get through games unscathed. At the moment he deserves to be in there but I simply feel that the likes of McBain would be the better medium and long term answer.

Aye, right!

Zadi is not doing better than expected - when he was reintroduced into the team we all felt it was a mistake but the management team were obviously aware and had worked on an area with him that has made a big difference - he has been turned into the best left back we have!

The posters on here, in varying degrees, accept that he has ably earned MOM title in the majority of games under Butch!!

Maybe I am tedious and a tosher BUT I accept Zadi for what he is at this time and have no 'Mystic Meg' predictions to offer re his future footballing behaviour, as you claim to have.

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Aye, right!

Zadi is not doing better than expected - when he was reintroduced into the team we all felt it was a mistake but the management team were obviously aware and had worked on an area with him that has made a big difference - he has been turned into the best left back we have!

He came into the team because Hastings was injured - I didn't think it was mistake - we don't have too many options in the LB position.

Fortunately he seized the opportunity to show exactly what he was capable of under the new management team -

The rest is history - he's one of the most exciting players we've ever had at this club.

I get the distinct impression he thrives on big occasions - he was our best player against Celtic..

Tonight he's got the perfect arena in which to showcase his skills.... He certainly won't let anyone down.

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He came into the team because Hastings was injured - I didn't think it was mistake - we don't have too many options in the LB position.

Fortunately he seized the opportunity to show exactly what he was capable of under the new management team -

The rest is history - he's one of the most exciting players we've ever had at this club.

I get the distinct impression he thrives on big occasions - he was our best player against Celtic..

Tonight he's got the perfect arena in which to showcase his skills.... He certainly won't let anyone down.

I hope that doesn't come back to haunt you.

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This is entertainment gents, would you prefer a stolid totally boring left back with no flair at all. Stuffy to a fault.

You go to the fitba to have a good time and a thrill. Zebi achieved more than that for you --he plays his heart out--what more can you expect---- eh? And he is on the winning team so to speak. In other words his contribution is massive because HE INSPIRES THE TEAM TO TURN IT ON ALSO!


Oops sorry about the caps. Fingers bitten down to the stubs today. LOL

Zebi for MOM in the cup.

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