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England look the business


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so old hat and boring.

So is hearing about 1966 every time the WC comes around.

And now they've qualified all we'll hear about on MOTD etc. is just how much chance England have of winning. A lot of people as Scots would like to think of this as none, and let them think that. There just as entitled to their opinion as anyone.

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I agree with everything you have just posted. It must be boring for Scots to listen to English go on about the team and their chance of glory etc etc. My point is though, they're not spouting anti Scottish rants all the time. They don't sit on MOTD slagging off the Scottish team, they merely get carried away with all the hype. So why must the Scottish always slag them off for this? Why not just let them get on with it and enjoy the moment when England get knocked out of the competition. As you have just stated everybody is entitled to their own opinions and the English are just stating theirs. They are not hurting anybody with these opinions or insulting anybody, so whats the problem? As to my boring and old hat comment, come on you must admit that the old "support anybody that plays them" line is wearing a bit thin. As I mentioned earlier I don't expect you to follow England but following their opponents is a bit childish really.

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People can support who they like, you hear it all the time with fans that are neutral in games involving the Old Firm still love seeing them get beat. Others are the same with England.

I'm quite happy letting people go on and on about England's chances in the WC, but like you're saying it does get boring hearing it all the time, and its not sour grapes because Scotland haven't made it again. But that is the sole reason I hope they don't win it, or even come close to winning it, just to silence the media hype.

Don't think anyone on here is Anti-English, most people on here will have English family and friends I bet. It's just they're fed up of hearing about 'them' all thee feckin time.

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I see...so a Soctsman is not allowed to air their views without being acused of being anti english, but an englishman can post derogatory stuff about southern Scots and thats ok. This doesnt suprise me. I find those who cry wolf are quite often the worst culprits for double standards.

Edited by SMEE
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A large part of the media problem is presenters and pundits forget they are on BRITISH national telly when they are waxing lyrical about the latest great Engurlish Football/Rugby/Cricket team exploits.As neebors of bragging windbags it's nice when the inevitable happens and humble pie is dished out.It's generally banter although some get overly bitter about the whole thing

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The way i see it...i have many English freinds...who i like.....but as has been pointed out...we are sick of all the OTT hype surrounding any English football acheivments. But it is highly satisfying watching them being humbled!

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Smee, Out of curiosity how old are you? This is not meant in any way to offend just curious. My "emergency appeal" joke was exactly that, a joke and if anyone was offended by it I will gladly appologise to them on here and even face to face if so wished. It was posted as a bit of fun and I'm sure that most on here are mature enough to realise that.

Dam, I'm sure there is mate but I will be the first to say it's wrong. I live in Scotland, Scottish wife, love being in Scotland and everything Scottish, well pretty much anyway. When I posted my first post of this thread it was meant as a bit of fun as a tongue in cheek poke at the way people moan about the English hype. Unfortunately certain people proved my point.

Heilandee, I agree with you. I think the British/English media do go over the top but why do so many Scots let it get them riled? Why not as I mentioned earlier let it go and enjoy Englands downfall when it comes?

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Well Oz.....my enjoyment of watching england get beat is just a bit of fun too. I glean a lot of pleasure from it. Thats as far as it goes with me. Its simply a sporting thing and not carried into everyday life

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I'll be supporting the team that plays the best football. as that is likely to be Brazil or Spain I won't have to disgrace myself by supporting the England team.

This don't forget is the team whose followers happily sing 'are you Scotland in disguise?' when they are murdering teams like Andorra. For that reason I hope they get gubbed. Their players are good but still overrated.

For 40 years I lived down there, most of it was great but I still heard plenty of jibes about 'sweaties' because people never guessed I was from up here (ask Caley100...you'd still never guess from my accent!), even some decent people I knew would lapse into tales about Scotland being full of benefit scroungers. The English media is pernicious but thankfully they have had little to really crow about on the football field...lets not change that, it'd be unbearable!

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England are Scotland's biggest rivals so why would I want our biggest rivals to win??

I will be supporting who every are playing England. My hope is that they lose every game and go out in the group stages.

Its not just the media I dont like, its their players, the team, their fans the country, everything! :D

F**k them

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England are Scotland's biggest rivals so why would I want our biggest rivals to win??

I will be supporting who every are playing England. My hope is that they lose every game and go out in the group stages.

Its not just the media I dont like, its their players, the team, their fans the country, everything! :D

F**k them

so you wouldn't subscribe to the idea of them losing 5-0 in the WC final in front of 3 billion people as being funnier ?

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To get back to the subject of the thread, yes I do think England look the business. They have often suffered in the past due to lack of depth in the squad and the failure to score as much as they should. They have also played too cautiously.

They may still be a bit vulnerable at the back but they look very strong in front of that. With Barry, Lampard and Gerrard they have got players of real quality and presence, all of whom can get forward and score. Lennon, Wright-Philips and Young are all players who can torment a defence whilst Rooney, Heskey, Crouch and Defoe can all score and are very different strikers offering different options for various circumstances. In Capello, they have a manager who is tactically sound, makes sure his players know what is expected of them and who adopts a positive attitude. Perhaps they are not the best in the world at the moment but they are up there and can win it on their day.

Football fans will want the World Cup to be all about great football and if their own team has not reached a particular stage will want to see the teams who are playing the most exciting football progress into the next stages. If England are one of the teams playing the best football, as they may well be, then support them and hope for more great football in the next game.

All the silly people out there should understand that the World Cup is the greatest football competition in the world and should be a celebration and festival of all that is good in the game. Instead of supporting your own moronic prejudices, how about supporting football?

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You predicted "anti-English" so I through the obvious line out there and you bit....that's fishing :lol:

I'm actually pretty apathetic in regards to footballing matters beyond those involving ICT and Scotland....and now we're out, i don't really care who wins it.

Also, for what it's worth, I think what some see as "Anti-English" is little more than simple neighbourly rivalry these days....although it may not have always been such.

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