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The Hollyoaks Thread


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Rig Laura and i cant drink tea/coffee as we then end up with to much blood in our alcohol system anyways we only drink at weekends but sundays are deffo hangover days and i never have the energy to fight my trolls over the tv remote ohhhh and i cant stand jaffa ckes they are minging yukkkkkkkk

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I shall provide daily Hollyoaks updates in this thread to keep you on track with all things going on in Chesters finest soap! There will also be intellectual discussion about the points raised in each episode. If no one can be bothered we will simply discuss who is hot and not! :015:

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Jambo and Finn rocked.

I liked Kurt Benson firstly. I think Rhys and Sarah are so cute. Supposedly there was meant to eb a rumour that her mother gets pregnant but a doubt it.

Justin is the hottie of the moment!!!

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rig thats great of you so if i miss an episode or 2 i can rely on you for an update and i will join in the intellectual discussions everynight if i can !!! well mean if im online

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Good stuff.

I am happy for Rhys and Sarah as well though I can't imagine many girls going back to a guy that had slipped one into their Mum but there you go.

First discussion topic - who has the nicest hair in Hollyoaks? I quite like the messed up 'I can't be arsed' look that Rhys adopts. Plus it gets him hot girls in school uniform. Another reason why his should win in my opinion.

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Monday May 29th

Justin boasted to Nicola and Nancy about how he had been ragging Becca. Becca told Jake right at the end after Nancy and Becca started fighting. Unfortunately none of their clothes had been torn off before Jake walked in. One of the blonde twins was tempted to drink AGAIN! but I think she resisted. I hope Jake gives Becca a good dose of the hairdryer treatment! :020:

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Cheers - soon I will have Freeview I believe so it won't bother me then but for now... :004:

I hope he slaps her with a fish. If there is one thing I can't stand (aside from tailgaters and folk who don't indicate) it's people who cheat on their partners :007:

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