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IT Shops in Inverness


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I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find the thread...

My mother, who throughout her working life was incapable of working a radio alarm clock, has decided she wants a laptop and internet access. Can anyone recommend anywhere in the Sneck or round about, where it would be possible to get a good deal, and where some of the sales assistants are over 14 years old and have some sympathy for someone who at present can barely use a mouse...

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Roberts PC Shop, I cant mind what the place is called but its over the river I think, He's local and also really good, he wont rip you off eather..

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Good on yer mum. Will keep her mind active by getting one. My dad did the same at age 70! And i thought i would be getting a lot more phone calls with problems than i have been getting!

You probably cant go wrong with PC World.

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Roberts PC Shop, I cant mind what the place is called but its over the river I think, He's local and also really good, he wont rip you off eather..

All I will say about that suggestion is, my dad took his pc in there (just over a year ago) as it wasnt working. They looked at it and told him it was knackered and would be cheaper buying a new one! :( Lets just say, i fixed it for about ?20

Edited by SMEE
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Ive not used drunk bobs shop in 15 years as I said, but I used Dell and find there aftersales to be fine (Overseas but the service numbers and the likes are handy if your not very PC and know what bits are fitted to your machine) the Vista problems I had, the guy emailed me with a job number and anytime I had bother with it i Emailed the guy and he called me that day to contine the fault finding), That and we use Dell at work so i get a good discount, and parts are easy to get my hands on..

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I think I know the guy you mean. I got a PC from his shop many moons ago. Very nice chap, and a caley man too.

But if it's just a dirt cheap laptop you're after, you'd be as well going to tesco extra and getting yourself an Acer Aspire.

Aye... and pray it dont go wrong!

Inv. computers in greig street, local business and very quick to sort problems, in my experience that is - i've bought 3 pc's and 3 laptops over the years, including one for my student daughter - and its still going fine after 2 years.

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Go to Reboot (registered charity) in the industrial estate in Forres tomorrow afternoon and you can pick up a reconditioned second hand one for way less than ?100 and then have your supper in the Mossat Arms before going to the game.


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I think there is a computer shop down the harbour front somewhere too (has another shop in Elgin too) which i believe is/was good prices for components. Might not do actual computers tho!

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Robert is a good guy (despite being a Rangers fan). I was a customer of his from the very early days in the Victorian market, through his stint in Church St and also when he moved to Greig St. Never had any problems with him at all.

It is true to say that you may get a cheaper deal in PC World or another big box store, but Bob offers things they dont, the biggest of which, for me, was being a long established local business where you can pop in and get things done rather than talk to some bored shop assistant with no knowledge or to a call centre in Mumbai. It also didnt harm my opinion knowing that despite his bluenose tendencies, he also financially supports ICT in terms of corporate sponsorship etc.

If you do buy a computer from him though .... make sure he hasnt embedded an MP3 of the Sash anywhere .... bugger did that to me on one of the first computers I bought from him back in his early days ...... never forgave you for that one Bob.

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Robert is a good guy (despite being a Rangers fan). I was a customer of his from the very early days in the Victorian market, through his stint in Church St and also when he moved to Greig St. Never had any problems with him at all.

Bonus question Scotty, do you recall where Bob's first shop was located?

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Nobody need take out insurance. Sale of goods act covers you. You just need to be clear about it and the sales person will back off!

I bought a laptop from PC World a couple of weeks back. Knew exactly what I was after and they had the cheapest price so I broke with my normal rule of using these places. Went in, spoke to sales lass and told her what I wanted and tried to haggle a discount (they knew I couldn't get cheaper so wouldn't budge....fair enough). I made it clear to her that I didn't want any extras, any insurance, any anti-virus etc.

Did that stop her? Did it hell...first off she tried to sell me Norton, I repeated I just wanted the laptop and could she bring it....then she asked if I needed insurance, I repeated myself again saying I wanted nothing else.....so she asked if I needed a bag or blank CD's etc....Was I speaking a foreign language? I told her that she was in danger of losing the sale by pestering me to buy other things at which point she handed me the extended warranty/insurance leaflet and told me to have a read of it whilst she went to get the laptop.....you couldn't make it up :P

The long and short of it is that everyone will have had good and bad experiences with most types of outlets and although I wouldn't have given them breathing space a few years back I would say that Dell probably offer the best "peace of mind" service that exists for the hardware.....especially if you're not entirely confident or tech savvy and willing to buy from somewhere like Ebay (which can be a minefield if your not careful).

I've never purchased from Inverness Computers myself, but I have set up wireless and things for a few people who've purchased from there and never heard any nightmare stories.

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Robert is a good guy (despite being a Rangers fan). I was a customer of his from the very early days in the Victorian market, through his stint in Church St and also when he moved to Greig St. Never had any problems with him at all.

Bonus question Scotty, do you recall where Bob's first shop was located?

Is this a trick question ? I remember 3 shops .... he had one in the Victorian Market, right on the "crossroads" of the walkways to Union St, Queensgate, Academy St and the even older part of the market where the joke shop was. I think its the place where you get hoover belts now (or was when I was last in Sneck). His place in Church St was up beside the Record Rendezvous at the High Street end and of course his Greig St shop is what used to be a spar where a relative of mine worked :P

Something is nagging in the back of my brain saying he may have had one before those - and it may have been very close to his current shop - but its not coming to me .....

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For after sales service I dont think Dell can be beat. Our grandson got a Dell for his birthday last year. Birthday saturday, opened and fired up the machine. Blue screen and nothing else. Phoned Dell who said someone would come on monday. On sunday got call from engineer who said he was in area and would come that day. Within two hours of that call laptop was sorted.

They live in Jersey.

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I think there is a computer shop down the harbour front somewhere too (has another shop in Elgin too) which i believe is/was good prices for components. Might not do actual computers tho!

Smee, think both shops still trade as Logic computers. The Elgin shop will build any computer to your specification and at very reasonable price. Numerous friends from RAF days have been very impressed by the standards of machines built.

Elgin shop is at Pinefield, on the A96 leaving Elgin on right hand side. Inverness one is virtually under the Railway bridge at the Harbour

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