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Kyle Allison


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More positives than negatives to be taken from today. 3 points the obvious plus but for me Bulvitus, Cox, Hayes & Sanchez look like they'll to very well at this level. Eagles -- I'm not sure. He looks clever with the ball at his feet but when faced with the option of actually going past a defender, he seemed to bottle it. Early days for him though. Good football played in one or two short bursts but didn't really look likely in the second half. Oh yes Granty had a few cracking blocks and looked like a captain today. Well done I.C.T. Can't forget the fans who created a decent atmosphere but please drop the Dundee Utd song.

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More positives than negatives to be taken from today. 3 points the obvious plus but for me Bulvitus, Cox, Hayes & Sanchez look like they'll to very well at this level. Eagles -- I'm not sure. He looks clever with the ball at his feet but when faced with the option of actually going past a defender, he seemed to bottle it. Early days for him though. Good football played in one or two short bursts but didn't really look likely in the second half. Oh yes Granty had a few cracking blocks and looked like a captain today. Well done I.C.T. Can't forget the fans who created a decent atmosphere but please drop the Dundee Utd song.

I previously had the same view regarding Eagles, first saw him in the Elgin friendly, I didn't think he was anything special but then he ran/weaved past 2 defenders and put a beautiful curving ball in the back of the net. I would say he is getting better in each game that I see him.

As for the singing, I would say the fans put out more songs than they would have heard at belladrum

Edited by 12th Man
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anyone explain why Kyle Allison appeared to be getting abuse from our fans today when he warmed up?

And what was the dundee utd song?

Fools Rush In - Elvis: Dundee Utd fans favourite since the 80's

Kyle Allison on receiving end of abuse as som of our fans are ignorant. At the time I didn't realise who the chants were aimed at.

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Good game for us over all, and job done getting 3 points in the bag, main worry today was up front, need someone there who can finish a fair percentage of any decent chances created, also need a little more composure on the ball when under pressure abit to much hoof ball at times.

But well done to the team and the new lads who all look capable at times of being useful additions to the team.

A good day out with the right result at the end.

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Id agree, more positives than negatives.

Positives: Cox first half performance, and end of second half.

Eagles, Sanchez and Hayes all had really good spells, so i think they will come into their own.

Getting 3 points off Dunfermline, one of the title contenders.

Negatives: Adam f'n Roony!!!!!!! What does he do, honestly? who told this guy he could play football? I have NEVER seen this guy do anything worthwhile. He can talk to the P&J that he wants to show what hes worth with a first team start and all the rest of it, but PLEASE, this guy has had far too many chances. Give me Barraboy anytime of the week! Cant wait til Foran comes back, Roony needs to be the last choice striker we have. What about THAT miss! One on one with the keeper. I knew he would miss it, i have no faith in the guy whatsoever!

And also we need to keep the pace up in the second half. First 15 minuites we were brilliant i thought, passing the ball, playing shots. We didnt come out for the second half though until the last 10 minutes. Never thought we had any chance of scoring. Well done for Cox and Imrie teaching the strikers how to hit a shot on goal.

Great day!!

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Also, how can i forget, Djebi-Zadi!!! Best first half he has ever had! I loved his play, apart from his mega kick that ended up in a corner, he did no wrong today! Thought he was the best bit of the game apart from Cox's wonder goal.

Also Munro, always worried about him alot, but he was consistent as today! Blocked all balls heading goal-bound. Brilliant.

Defence made few errors, so well done chaps!

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anyone explain why Kyle Allison appeared to be getting abuse from our fans today when he warmed up?

And what was the dundee utd song?

Fools Rush In - Elvis: Dundee Utd fans favourite since the 80's

Kyle Allison on receiving end of abuse as som of our fans are ignorant. At the time I didn't realise who the chants were aimed at.

Its a shame it was directed at our goalie, I thought it was aimed at Bayne for being an ex county player, I would never have thought it was for one of our own players.

Thumbs down for that, thumbs up for the rest of the noise.

If one of our players wants to get involved in that type of thing thats up to him, times are changing, society is a lot more liberal these days, if he wants to come out of the closet and be brave enough to say that he is a practising county fan then good on him for having the courage to admit it.

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I still have the smile on my face just now. What a result

I think we showed in small bursts that we can play some really good football. I think everyone looked good today apart from Eagles and Rooney. Eagles needs to actually go past the defender instead of cutting back all the time and Rooney needs to learn to hit the bloody target

Munro and Cox were the outstanding players and Lionel deserves and mention as well but everyone else I was really pleased with in all

I thought the support was almost fantastic today. It would have been if the idiots did not get on at Kyle Alison for supporting County. I think they knew him from school and were only singing it as a joke but thats not good enough. Who cares who he supports he is here to do his best as he can for Caley and we need to give him all the support we can give him and not give him childish abuse

Also what words are in the Dundee Utd song I dont remember singing it though to be honest I dont know which one it is?

My voice is only just starting to become clear now. Cant wait for the Dundee game now as I know there will be no singing as usual at home to Ayr next week

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Rock solid at the back today, no worries there at all, against worse teams we wouldve scored alot earlier today.

As for the Kyle Alison abuse, its fair enough in my book, the fans can do no wrong, its upto the player to show where their allegiances lie. If hes a self proclaimed Ross County fan then he should accept the abuse thatd be served up to him anywhere in Scotland, where a player claimed to support their wage payers rivals.

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Todays match against Dunfermline should of been remembered for the rsult, for the way a side who struggle to beat Montrose a fortnight ago now seem to be gelling into a united force in the First Division. But, the proceedings were dampened by the slightly bizarre showing of disrespect to Kyle Allison. Here is a young man trying to make his opportunity into the caley squad and now he finds himself being baraged with unnecessary insults. Is this the situation we're in where at home we don't usher a single word and away from home when we do start using our vocal chords the small majority finds the need to disrespect the players they're meant to support.

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This is being discussed on another couple of threads, but I think we should let this one run for a bit. Hopefully the offenders will be big enough to come on and apologise.

I have said it elsewhere, but it was completely unnecessary and spoilt what was otherwise a fantastic support.

Kyle is an up and coming keeper and like him or not he is an ICT player and shouldn't be subjected to abuse like that.

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I wasn't sure what was going on at first, which ex-county player were you guys talking about exactly! :boldblue:

C'mon lads, it's not on to have a go at our own players - leave it for the opposition.

How do you expect him to be confident in goal and do us proud when he's being subjected to that!

Mrs PB

Edited by Mrs Pauliebee
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Rock solid at the back today, no worries there at all, against worse teams we wouldve scored alot earlier today.

As for the Kyle Alison abuse, its fair enough in my book, the fans can do no wrong, its upto the player to show where their allegiances lie. If hes a self proclaimed Ross County fan then he should accept the abuse thatd be served up to him anywhere in Scotland, where a player claimed to support their wage payers rivals.

If we did that we'd be shouting abuse at the majority of our players... how many do you think are die hard ICT fans? Munro.... eh... Munro :boldblue: Can't remember Cowie receiving any sort of abuse like that and he was ex-County captain and a die hard fan.

The chants weren't just in relation to the team he supports/used to support, this was about one of our fans having some sort of altercation with Allison, allegedly. I am not trying to say that because the boy plays for ICT now he is some sort of saint... I remember the YTS players of my era, Gillfilan, Spider etc. and they were far far far from perfect but if Allison did have words with one of our fans then it's between that person & the player... There is no need for 20 of his mates to chip in and shout abuse from a stand, safe, 100yrds from the person it's directed at

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There must be more to it this....

It's not like Allison's the first player we ever signed with a County connection.

He's not. If the guy is a county fan, so what. If he's argued/ fought with someone about it so what. What got me was the "f off Caley don't want you" and the "F'ing gypsy" stuff. We ain't that discriminatory are we? we ain't that small minded are we? This is my last post on this rubbish. Great game yesterday, great result, great support. Yet again tainted by morons, that are even being defended in some other threads.

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This is hopefully the beginning of the end for this rubbish which only appeared to start when we hit the SPL. The levels of abuse that some of our own players/managers have had from so called fans has been ridiculous and been dismissed for too long by far too many people as "childish banter". It is not and needs to be policied by us as fans and the authorities. Looks like there are now a number of folk ready to stand up and be counted.

If we expect parents to take their kids to games and help build a new set of supporters it is up to us to give them an environment that encourages not breeds hatred, homophobia, racism or bigotry. Who cares what happens at other clubs, surely we are capable of delivering better?

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There is another angle to this, you will always get an element who have been dragged up with no respect, no morals etc, I will give you one example that I witnessed a few weeks ago, a mother using four letter words at her child in the superstore.

When this kid grows up, do you think he/she will think twice about using abuse at their own child, or a player from their chosen team!!

Unfortunetly thats life today, all you can do is point the error of their ways out to these people, as has been done, and hope that they learn from their mistakes.

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I didnt boo any ICT players yesterday, I never would, I'm just saying that the fans can do no wrong and if they want to boo then let them boo.

It might be childish and pointless but the same thing has been happening all over Scotland for decades now, nowt to worry about.

Edited by clacher_holiday2
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Rock solid at the back today, no worries there at all, against worse teams we wouldve scored alot earlier today.

As for the Kyle Alison abuse, its fair enough in my book, the fans can do no wrong, its upto the player to show where their allegiances lie. If hes a self proclaimed Ross County fan then he should accept the abuse thatd be served up to him anywhere in Scotland, where a player claimed to support their wage payers rivals.

Fantastic post of the quality I've now come to expect from many within CTO.

There are numerous examples of players all over the world whio end up playing for their boyhood heroes arch rivals without difficulty. Fortunately for them, this took place in parts of the world that have received the benefit of books and other forms of educational material. All this lack of opportunity and small man syndrome?!!!!!

I despair!!!

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I struggled to comprehend what it was about. The extremely foul mouthed attack was aimed at Allison and not bayne. Guys that was pretty pathetic. Overuse of the c swear is out of order in my book. It's not clever, it's not smart and it's not for ICT if you don't mind. To call one of our own playes A f'in c'in Dingwall gypsy b'rd is not acceptable. Grow up or stay at home.

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