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ESA proves that Labour has betrayed its core


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I have no fear of the grey men with cameras, bring it on. when I get to my tribunal and show these b up for the fools they are.

To all you spongers out there who are worried that their scams will be discovered and thus their beer money stopped I say I hope they do catch you and put you in prison where you rightfully belong. To those of you who are worried but have a genuine disability I say don't worry, you have nothing to hide and will likely as not be alright. Oh and by the way, if you are a scrounger and are on the lookout for some sympathetic support for your alleged case, don't come looking for it here, you wont find it.

why should the genuine disability people have to go though hell to get there money and spongers get it on the plate if you take drugs or drink they get money thown at them

Edited by Alex MacLeod
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As a matter of interest Don, how physically did you track that down? What I do when I get a project from a kid in school which I suspect may be plagiarised is to take a sample five or so consecutive words and Google them with inverted commas round them. In my case it usually, inter alia, comes up with link to a Wikipedia article which reads almost identically to sections of the "project". In this situation here, the source is clearly a little different.

The other thing I have to say I notice when I do this is the number of different sites that the technique leads to containing the same stuff, which does ask questions about how much genuinely original material there actually is out there on the net?

By the way... what the HELL is the original post on this thread actually about?

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Exactly what I did Charles.

On here, much as with you in class, you get used to what/how a person will say something and when people come out with things such as the opening post that don't match their normal style then it sets off alarm bells.

I'm in no way inferring that the OP is wrong in what they say or their ability to copy and paste is some kind of test of the extent of their disability (as they have just accused me of by PM), but if you're going to copy someone else and pass it off as your own, don't complain when you get caught out.

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Whether the OP is using his own words or not is hardly the point. The OP clearly feels that money fraudulently claim by people could be better spent. It's a serious topic but the culprit of this link gave us all a laugh - how on earth did he think he could get away with it?


As far as I'm concerned these folk might as well be going into the houses of the old and infirm and stealing money from their wallets and purses. It all boils down to the same thing. They should be treated as theives because that is what they are. And before any one accuses me of being a Daily Mail reader, let me say that exactly the same applies to those who evade their taxes.

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So someone doesn't like their taxes going to people who don't need it. Pfft! Who does? I'll bet he gets annoyed by MPs claiming expenses fraudulently. Know anyone that's happy about it (other than the MPs)? He probably also thinks, like, y'know, bad stuff an 'at is just like, y'know, seriously uncool!

Here's another story he might like to print: puppies and kittens are cute! It's probably more controversial. At least some people don't like animals.

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So someone doesn't like their taxes going to people who don't need it. Pfft! Who does? I'll bet he gets annoyed by MPs claiming expenses fraudulently. Know anyone that's happy about it (other than the MPs)? He probably also thinks, like, y'know, bad stuff an 'at is just like, y'know, seriously uncool!

Here's another story he might like to print: puppies and kittens are cute! It's probably more controversial. At least some people don't like animals.

Think your reading the wrong thing into the point of the thread. I think what he's trying to say is that there are many able-bodied persons out there that get all the benifits going handed to them on a plate whereas someone like he, with a registered disability, has to go through the third degree just to get the basics.

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Glanced at the front pages of the papers ina shop today.

One headline pointed out that we pay tens of thousands of wealthy ex-pats a winter fuel allowance whilst they are sunning themselves on the Costa del Sol etc, while another paper had the story of a single mum who gets ?100,000 a year from us to live in a ?2m house.

It might be a bit of Daily Mail style sensationalism, but there are very valid questions to be asked about the massive waste in the whole benefits system, and as a taxpayer I wish there was more targetting and scrutiny of claimants.

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