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Curfew on entry to pubs remains


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As the title suggests, the dinosuars in Highland council have decided to keep the draconian midnight curfew in place for entry to pubs. As long as these clowns remain to call the shots....Inverness will never move forward as a "City"

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Alex...as JB states...it includes premises like Hoots, Foxes and Mambo...none of which i would class as Nightclubs.....just pubs. But anyhoo...regardless, part of me agrees with you JB, you just have to make sure your in your pub of choice for midnight, but ad rather the curfew was scrapped and we were brought into line with other cities on Scotland. We are still a diddy, backward thinking, highland town at heart

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There is a protection racket within the licensing board in Inverness in that the interests of the chosen few are protected. This makes Inverness and laughing stock and only serves to cause more problems than it actually prevents.

I was out recently and had to queue for a certain Inverness nightspot. There was a queue all the way up the street with probably about 60 to 70 people behind my group of friends. After we got in just before 12 they stopped letting people in because it was midnight. What were those people supposed to do? a lot of them were angry because that was their night out over prematurely. These people are left roaming the streets angrilly and thats where problems arise. Also while queuing there was a lot of people trying to push to the front so they would get in by 12. This was dangerous in itself.

If you are lucky enough to get in somewhere and you are not enjoying your night there is no option to try somewhere else. As a result people stay in places they are not enjoying, this is how fighting starts and how people decide to gte so drunk they won't care if they are having a good tieme or not. It also serves to line the pockets of places like Johnny Foxes who in my opinion have too much say in how licenses are issued in the city. Look at the trouble Mambo's/Barbazza's/Maverick's had keeping their late license.

The council have patronised people in Inverness as well as lied to us with backwords reasoning as to why this ineffective, stupid, corrupt rule has been kept in place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the aim of the 12 o'clock curfew?

So pubs can keep you in after midnight in the knowledge you will have to stay there, lining their pockets, and can't go anywhere else but home. I'd say it was common knowledge that 1 or 2 of the big cheeses of pub ownership in Inverness were very much behind the 12 o'clock curfew remaining.

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