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Don't buy the excuse that the team need to gel , we are rapidly approaching the first quarter of the season played at least 4 games in the league cup , plus countless friendlies, the management have had plenty of time to work with the players.

Oh and by the way 7 of the players that finished the game today were playing last year, so let's not try and use the excuse of a completely brand new team needing to find their feet either.

Pure and simple the whole club has to up its game or face being in a relegation battle by December.

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It seems as though I'm the only one who found this afternoon to be thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. But then I was at my Grandson's first Birthday party. 

I wasn't the only one not there though. The  falling attendances are a real worry and they won't improve until there is a major improvement on the park. 

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Saturday 30th September.

Will I, 

1 - Go and watch ICT v QOS? Watch spineless, gutless, useless, over paid spoilt lightweights!!!!!

2 - Go to Camanachd Cup Final and watch real men, play with passion for their club and the sporting occasion? 

Me wonders!!!!!!

What really showed up today was an evident lack of care for 'the shirt' from far too many. Vigurs, Polworth, Bell and Trafford escape my wrath as they at least cared. The others didn't appear to. 

Tremarco's effort in winning a header at 3-1 down was an example of what effort and passion is required.

Ridgers and Baird. Do one. You're both useless.

OFW - return him to between the posts please. 

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1 hour ago, ymip said:

Pointless slating sub-standard signings for being sub-standard. They're simply churning out performances commensurate with their ability and the salaries we're offering. The outrage is that someone within the club has felt it appropriate to shell out two and three year contracts to guys who are quite simply never going to get us into promotion contention but that again seems to be in line with Yogi's recent comments regarding board members calling the shots on signings. I guess as we plummet through the divisions one or two of these players might ultimately find their level but wouldn't count on it. 

It was fantastic while it lasted but I think we are clearly raking over the dying embers of our meteoric climb from Highland League to Scottish Cup glory and should probably try to get our heads around a future consisting of part-time  lower league obscurity. A truly grim proposition but seemingly inevitable unless we see fundamental regime change and significant investment in the club by a wealthy benefactor with cash to burn.

Robbo has clearly taken on the gig on the basis that he'll work with whatever squad the club can throw together so is probably safe until the point they opt to throw him under the bus and install another patsy who accepts to work with the dross they've assembled on and off the park

Excellent post, we can trace this back to JH's time where we had a style and system even though it was not appreciated by large parts of the support the players knew what they were trying to do and stuck by the  system which won us the SC, 3rd in the league and 7th the following season which was marred by a horrendous injury list. This system was thrown overboard by the rookie Foran who had no experience as a Manager or even as an assistant, none , nil, nada. Now as last season there is no system, no understanding of how a team should play as a cohesive unit.

I agree with the 2nd para also, I slated Brechin and Dumbarton as possibly worse than ICT in this league, if we get beaten by the Sons next week watch out because Falkirk will not languish long in the lower half of the league, they have a good a pool of players.

Third para dead on, JR inherited a great squad from Patterson first time round and though his football at that time was a throwback to when JR played, the players he had were good enough to make it work but he was chosen this time as the cheap option having been out of the game for over a decade. If he manages to keep us in this league I would consider that a success.

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39 minutes ago, Caman said:

Saturday 30th September.

Will I, 

1 - Go and watch ICT v QOS? Watch spineless, gutless, useless, over paid spoilt lightweights!!!!!

2 - Go to Camanachd Cup Final and watch real men, play with passion for their club and the sporting occasion? 

Me wonders!!!!!!

Similar thoughts myself with train tickets already bought for QoS game. If Whitehill get a draw at Nairn next week I could be persuaded to stay local for the replay and see some Scottish Cup passion.  Mind you Nairn are obviously keeping all the passion back for next week as they lost 8-0 to Cove :laugh:

Was the goalie at fault for any this week?

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Our midfield trio are pretty swish, but that's no use to us if the defence are hopeless and the attack are impotent.  It's not clear from watching today what Robbo is doing to rectify these problems, as our issues have been pretty much the same since July.  


That back four and keeper have now conceded seven goals in two matches.  Three of the defenders have been at the club for more than a year, so it's not as if they need time to gel.  Raven seemed decent enough defensively today, but the other three were catastrophic.  McKay frequently loses concentration and either gets caught out of position or loses his man; Warren is now frequently bested in physical battles by players who he would have easily dominated 2 years ago, and has become slower than a week in jail; Chalmers is easily beaten by wide players and is so woeful in possession that I might change my username to 'Chalmersgivesitawayagain'.  Ridgers might have been quicker out for the second goal (that may be harsh - I'll need to see TV pictures to check) but was faultless for the first and third goals today which I suppose means improvement.


At the other end of the pitch, our complete lack of pace means that defences never have to worry about a ball in behind.  Bell's movement is clever enough to partially compensate for this, though I actually wondered if his goal today was a miscued cross, going by his bodyshape and Alexander's reactions.  Cooper just dribbles sideways till he either passes it backwards or loses the ball, while Baird has the opposite of the Midas Touch - anything he does seems to go wrong.  His linkup play is dreadful and so is his decision-making.  He's a player whose game is based around a lot of hard running, but now he's 32 and lost a yard he is completely toothless against a reasonably organized defence.  I can't remember the last time I heard a cheer for an ICT player being subbed, but he was so awful that even the lovely elderly couple on holiday from Plymouth who sat in front of me were slagging him off.


Meanwhile Trafford does a solid job of breaking up play, while Vigurs and Polworth both put in great shifts today, desperately looking for teammates in front of them to actually make enough space for a killer pass.  I felt desperately sorry for them.


Sadly, I don't think we've hit rock bottom yet.  Yes, we had lots of possession, and Livingston's three goals came from their first three chances...but did we make more than three clear-cut chances in all that time?  I don't think so.  And the three goals we conceded were either from corners or from not properly clearing corners (at least the third involved a quality finish, which makes a nice change).  Teams that can't defend set pieces are badly organized, and badly organized teams are usually badly coached.


The problems at the back will not be completely solved just by installing a competent left-back.  We know Elsdon is out of his depth, so unless Donaldson turns out to be the second coming of Franco Baresi we're screwed at centre-back for the near future.  And up front does anyone really expect Zzsuschchen or Oakley to be the answer?


In conclusion: this is just the pits.

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28 minutes ago, TheMantis said:

Similar thoughts myself with train tickets already bought for QoS game. If Whitehill get a draw at Nairn next week I could be persuaded to stay local for the replay and see some Scottish Cup passion.  Mind you Nairn are obviously keeping all the passion back for next week as they lost 8-0 to Cove :laugh:

Was the goalie at fault for any this week?

Ridgers not directly to blame. But he is crap. His distribution is shocking. He kicks it to wing backs who by the time they have brought it down opposition players are on top of them and ball taken off them. He makes me nervous in the stand, so god knows what his team mates feel like. He is not commanding at crosses or corners, which he should be given his size. He is welfare league standard.

Livi had Neil Alexander in goal. He was solid, competent and everything a goalie should be. Ridgers wasn't and is not.

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My assessment so far:

our strikers don't strike !!!!

our keeper doesn't keep !!!!

Our defenders don't defend !!!!

I'm no tactician but I believe these issues all need to be addressed!!

if we can't take points off Livi, then I can't see where they will come from!!!!!!!!!!!



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3 minutes ago, MuirtownJaggy said:

My assessment so far:

our strikers don't strike !!!!

our keeper doesn't keep !!!!

Our defenders don't defend !!!!

I'm no tactician but I believe these issues all need to be addressed!!

if we can't take points off Livi, then I can't see where they will come from!!!!!!!!!!!



Livvy have only lost once this season so they are full of confidence and energy so not as surprising as you think. Big worry is who on the fixture list can we beat on current form? Brecin? Dumbarton? 

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If my U14s defended as poorly as this lot I'd be mortified. For alleged "professional" footballers to be so defensively abject is simply beyond comprehension. We're shipping 3 or 4 goals every week with defenders switching off, failing to track runners and showing absolutely no willingness to meet balls in the air. What do they actually do at training all week?  

Looking on the positive side the club has enough footage from our weekly catalogue of ****-ups and bloopers to release a Christmas stocking blockbuster......perhaps a multi DVD version by Chrimbo.


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I missed today's game as returning from a week off, but "open all mikes" was depressing on the A9! Sounds like we need to get a grip and focus on getting points.

Assuming the Fon Williams position is irreversible, we probably need to stick with Ridgers as Mackay is out on loan.

Did we play 3 or 4 at the back today? Hopefully Tremarco is ready to start next week, so he and Raven are full backs, but centre backs seem to be our problem. None of Warren, Mckay, Elsdon and Donaldson are impressing.

Time for a back three of Raven, Warren and Tremarco?

Trafford, Vigurs and Polworth are first picks. We need wide players willing to track back if we go with 3 at the back. I would let Mulraney get a run with his speed, with Calder on the other flank.

Up front, Bell is the pick of the signings, with Oakley showing potential.

So my team for next week:


Raven Warren Tremarco

Mulraney, Polworth, Trafford, Vigurs, Calder

Bell, Oakley

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Just as well that the highlights were brief as they were painful enough to watch. Having been unable to attend the first three home games and read about how bad things have been to date, I have absolutely no dilemma about attending my grand-daughter's first birthday part on the 30th and missing the next home game as well. At this rate I might never use my season ticket. What a waste of £267!

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I've only used mine for the Morton game and the offer on the Brechin cup tie.  Not through choice but due to holiday and family commitments. Am I unique in not seeing us lose this season?

I plan to be at all future home games regardless of how we are doing. Either insanity or loyalty. Take your pick!!

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I'm sorry but anyone who states on this forum that any of Vigurs, Trafford and Cooper deserve a start in this ICT team need a WORD WITH THEMSELVES!! Vigurs especially was utter mince, how on earth can anyone defend such an inept performance. I can only think they forget the 80% of the game he doesn't perform for the tiny flashes he produces. The missed passes, flaky tackles and off the ball positioning was unforgivable. I made a point of watching him after reading some criticism, but the pundits are right. Look at our run of form when he is in the team. Polworth drove forward with intent but didn't have the ability to do anything at all useful as an end product. That is a terminal failure and he is destined for the likes of Elgin City. Bell looked good in the first half because he was fit enough to run about, he died in the second half. Warren was past it two seasons ago and he didn't even look like a footballer today. Brad Mackay, if you watch it back, didn't event lift his head to look where he was putting the ball and his distribution was so bad.  Positives for Ridgers and Raven today especially in the first half, Carl wasn't afforded enough time to make a difference and Oakley looked like misplaced enthusiasm. Trafford didn't make a positive pass or take a shot all day. 

I was shocked when viewing the warm up to see crosses being put into the box hit towards a striker only to see an empty net hardly rippled once despite several attempts, there were no defenders included as part of the exercise. Wow, what a sight. 

2k crowd all disappointed today. I cant blame Robbo, he is trying to mould a pot from sharn. 

A team with Doran, Tremarco and an on form Mulraney will make a slight difference. 

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25 minutes ago, Caley Stan said:

Big changes next week? Obviously Tremarco, perhaps Mulraney, but i'm not seeing anyone else on that bench to improve this team.

Unless he intends to use some of the younger lads. He said at the open night that we have some talented youngsters and if they are good enough they will be considered for the first team. 

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5 hours ago, DoofersDad said:

It seems as though I'm the only one who found this afternoon to be thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. But then I was at my Grandson's first Birthday party. 

I wasn't the only one not there though. The  falling attendances are a real worry and they won't improve until there is a major improvement on the park. 

So is Doofer now a Dad?

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Personally i thought the first half display was good. Crisp fast passing  and good movement up front should have been 3 1 caley at half time.  Niel Alexander had to make three good saves, baird should have scored,  and livi scored with one of only two crosses. Movement into channels around box was good with some real penetration. Overpassed sometimes but they created real threat but did not finish them off. Vigurs , polworth , trafford, cooper passing and workrate good with few missed passes. Really need more than goal highlights to see this. 

Second half was woeful. Confidence shattered in 7 minutes when second goal went in. Passing , movement defensive positioning all went to pot. In this period players  missed numerous simple passes heads went down people stopped wanting to recieve ball as pressure from crowd increased. Three notable exceptions for me here were raven polworth and bell. Who kept moving and demanding the ball. 

Defensive clearances and headers were very poor with everyone dragged into six yard line and no one defending the golden ten yards in front  of the box. Allowing easy repossession by livi. 

Need to sort defence and confidence urgently to compete in this league. Our second half performance again dipped badly is there something in all the fitness comments affecting performance?

Pretty disgusted by all the fans leaving early though. Must be a nightmare place to be a player with quiet support desserting you 15 minutes into second half. Cant help thier confidence.


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