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dont know if any of you remember but a couple of months ago i posted on the rumour board that dargo had already made up his mind where he was going. I was told by a very reliable source who has only been wrong on one occasion that well had an interest and had spoken to dargo in feb, march time. personaly i thought he may be wrong for a second time when malpas left but either a deal was already agreed and he just hadnt signed yet or the well management didnt have a say i dont know but im pretty sure dargo knew where he was going thus the reason he took the amount of time before he told inverness he wasnt signing, he didnt have to worry! If this is true then that is a pretty crappy thing to do as the club gave him a chance.  :33:

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What you said, in a topic called "Dargo signs with...." was:

Motherwell :009:

Heard last night, bit gutted but what can you do?

u guys probably already know but for those who didnt.

Which would be wrong. He has been linked with Motherwell and St. Mirren (as well as others) but so far has not signed anything with anyone. Would seem a bit odd to agree a deal with Motherwell as you speculated but still go to meet Gus MacPherson.

Still, that's what rumours are all about.

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the point im trying to make is that dargo knew a long time ago that he would be movin on so the whole speaking to saints thing is neither here nor there.

and how do you know he made his mind up "a long time ago" ???

Simple fact of the matter is that we know he has made up his mind to leave ICT but none of us have a clue when he came to that decision - unless of course he told that person directly. We can point to various comments in the press (unhappy with the constant subbing for example, or comments such as "I have enjoyed (past tense) my time at Inverness") and analyse them to reach a conclusion that may or may not be correct but we simply dont know.

The moaning about the whole saga started because people believed he was stringing the club along after the season had ended which was the time he himself had given for providing the club and its fans with an answer. I believe he did string us along, however, in slight defence of the player, we were only ever hearing one side of the story and only one side was setting deadlines. There is a **** of a lot more goes on behind the scenes than we ever get a sniff at news-wise and contract-wise which has led to the departure of more than one player over the years. Best contract offer outside the OF ? ... lets just say, I have my doubts.

If the player already knew where he was going, then its unlikely he would still be fannying around trying to get the best deal for himself ..... see ARTICLE. But at the end of the day thats his problem, not ours and we should be concentrating on the season ahead. We've already wasted too much effort and keyboard time on a player who doesnt want to wear an ICT shirt next season and I for one am now going to turn my attention to those that do.

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rig, the point im trying to make is that dargo knew a long time ago that he would be movin on so the whole speaking to saints thing is neither here nor there.

What?  :017:

You said he had signed a deal with Motherwell and had made his mind up about where he was going - clearly he hasn't.

If he had made his mind up a long time ago why would he waste time going to meet Gus MacPherson? Is he trying to cleverly deceive everyone into thinking he hasn't signed a deal with Well as you claim he did months ago? Perhaps it's all a smokescreen?

You have no point here because what you say is completely unfathomable.

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