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Feelings on Brewsters Return


How do you feel about the possibility of Brewsters Return as ICT Manager?  

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Sorry - North Star (Highland News for tinks) which maybe gets printed after? Beats me.

Hmm... just re-reading the article and I'm maybe reading too much into it. Les reckons fans will be happy if Brew comes back and does the job, but it doesn't explicitly state that was after the meeting.

Brew, though... just no... please, tell me it's not so.

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For some reason the entire press pack seemed to think that the fans would be falling over themselves at the prospect of Brewster returning.  OK, so it's not the first time they've been off the mark, but they missed it by the biggest possible margin on this occasion.

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Personally I dont understand all the fuss at the moment. Brewster has not been signed. He may be the one that the board feel is the best choice. I dont know. But I will say this much, if he is chosen then I sincerely hope he manages from the touchline and not the pitch. Craig Brewster done alright with us last time and I'm sure he's learned from his experiences since. He's had a further years coaching from the two Jimmies so who knows? This time next year we may all be wondering what the fuss is about.

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i have over the past few days managed to forgive the guy for leaving. calling him judas is more than a tad unfair.nobody in their right mind would not have jumped ship with the salary offered and the fact it was his home club.

only met him once but he comes across as a decent guy in my mind.

 However, i have a sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of him returning and something just stinks about it. i try to look at the positives, like he must really want to prove himself as a boss,great player etc etc but i think his best form as a player is behind him, he could be one injury away from the end, and as a boss alone its a huge risk, at least as much as coyle.

we need experience, we need warnock

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He did then go on to post 'Killie till I die' and revert to his Ayrshire roots - no blame attached, mind - but Al wasn't necessarily on an even keel back then.

Nor was he talking about the return of a manager who made a pretty good team look pedestrian and frankly boring (search for WriteOnCaley's lates if you want to see my feelings and those of most I talk to articulated to perfection) - he was talking about an untried manager being appointed to the post. Brew made us look crap, provided me with some of the worst 'entertainment' I've had outside a dentist's surgery and should not come back unless he's been rebuilt by the same guys who did Steve Austin.

If we stay up under Brew I'll feed one of my hats to Spiers at half time while playing mee's Peatbog Faeries mix to a disapproving crowd. Possibly :016:

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He did then go on to post 'Killie till I die' and revert to his Ayrshire roots - no blame attached, mind - but Al wasn't necessarily on an even keel back then.

Nor was he talking about the return of a manager who made a pretty good team look pedestrian and frankly boring (search for WriteOnCaley's lates if you want to see my feelings and those of most I talk to articulated to perfection) - he was talking about an untried manager being appointed to the post. Brew made us look crap, provided me with some of the worst 'entertainment' I've had outside a dentist's surgery and should not come back unless he's been rebuilt by the same guys who did Steve Austin.

If we stay up under Brew I'll feed one of my hats to Spiers at half time while playing mee's Peatbog Faeries mix to a disapproving crowd. Possibly :016:

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my message wasnt posted there?!

ill try again

If we stay up under Brew I'll feed one of my hats to Spiers at half time while playing mee's Peatbog Faeries mix to a disapproving crowd. Possibly :016:


the killie thing was just his only way of not turning his back on scottish football completely, as you say he wasnt altogether at the time and he felt really let down by alot of people he considered friends on this site, all in the past though and hes actually been to more ict games than killie since then (think hes been to rugby park once).  the guy is still an ict fan if he likes it or not, hes stuck with us, hes a stubborn person but he had to admit after we lost to hibs 2-0 away last year that watching any other team play couldnt be compared whatsoever to watching an inverness game for him, he still felt the same buzz he had done for his previous 12 years as a st holder.

no matter the specifics of the candidate in question, most seem to have a problem with the clubs outlook and lack of ambition in short listing brewster.  for making the same accusations bingo_legend was called a 'judas', 'scum', 'traitor' and received threats of violence, all because he said the appointment of christie would seriously jeopardise his enthusiasm for iict, which it ultimately did!

i hope there arent anymore casualties over this one, from personal experience i would have to plead with anybody thinking about turning their back on the cause, or indeed if you feel like you have to... just dont, youll regret it in the long run.

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i hope there arent anymore casualties over this one, from personal experience i would have to plead with anybody thinking about turning their back on the cause, or indeed if you feel like you have to... just dont, youll regret it in the long run.

:clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

I've said at one point today if Brewster was appointed the new manager, I would have to think about it as I dont think i could be ersed with the feeling of sickness every time i see him prancing around the ICT dugout.

However your post does make you realise, in the long run it would be a thing to regret if I was to turn my back, It would take a lot of forgiving of Brewster and im not sure if i'd be happy to bide my time biting my lip if we were to be struggling (something i genuinly think we will do under him if he was to return) but I would regret it if i was'nt there to give that extra support to the players on a matchday even if it was just as a higher number in the attendance. I would regret it even more if he was to actually be decent and i had'nt turned up just because I was too stubborn and went through with something i said in the heat of the moment when feelings amongst not only myself but many others are running high, its easy - far too easy to get carried away in a hype.

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It was not so much that Brewster left to better himself--who could complain about that?

But he did make  certain statements prior to his leaving which contrasted heavily with subsequent statements he made ? In short, hypocrisy which revealed previous insincerity. This is what galled most of the fans. and rendered himas his own worst enemy which was his downfall.

I predict that Warnock will not be appointed since I think that his (history) touchline antics and choice outrageous statements  have already turned off the ICT Management--the report of the meeting with the Shareholders' Trust mentions cryptically that the appointee's character and "CONDUCT" must fall-in with the standards already viewed as a requirement  for ICT senior staff.

As for Brewster I suggest that ICT WILL hire him . And will rue the day!  :018:

And by season's end the team will be in frantic relegation battles and he will not be successful. His playing days are well nigh over and he has not proved to be a successful and BRIGHT manager. A poster mentioned his after-game comments , above, and Charlie Christie was streets ahead in the clarity, lucidity and ambassadorial demeanour department in this regard compared to him.

However, if appointed we should  support him 100% from the start since every person deserves a second chance. I just don't think in this case that he HAS the character prescribed by our very own ICT Directors nor the smarts to hack it at Tulloch Caledonian Stadium. :symbol_question:

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If the worst comes to the worst and we end up with him back, I'd just like to urge everybody to stand by the team and give them all the support you can coz they're gonna need it in bucketfuls!!!

Just remember Brew will be here for only a season, if that, but ICT is for life!!!

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Guest TheSmiddy

Personally I dont understand all the fuss at the moment. Brewster has not been signed.

According to MFR, oh yes he has.  A great chance to raise the profile of the club has just left the building.

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Can anyone explain to me the events of the last few days as the more I think about it the more confused I get  :024:

IHE told us Brewster was a cert for the job indeed that the deal had been agreed in principal months previously. It certainly appears that Brewster was the person ever likely to actually get the gig.

So why waste time in reaching a decision that had already been made? If the powers that be truly think that Brewtser is the best man for the job why didn?t they come out and say it from the start?

Why have a meeting with the fans to gauge there thoughts when a decision had already been made?

Why go through the pretence of drawing up a shortlist and ?interviewing? candidates if you have your man already?

Did Warnock expressing an interest actually throw a spanner in the works??

Re-hiring Brewster was always going to be controversial but the way it?s been done really baffles me.

Smoke & Mirrors,

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I think Brewster has been there as a contingency plan throughout 2007 should Charlie need some time off.

A vacancy has arisen, the club have looked at other applicants, but knowing that Brewster was an acceptable fallback position should nobody more suitable emerge.

I do not doubt that the Board have made efforts, making approaches for Coyle, Lennon, and Warnock. However they were either not interested or non-starters due to financial demands or perceived lack of commitment.

The Board simply want what's best for ICT, does anyone doubt that? Have they ever let us down on a big decision?

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Here is another thought that I?ve not heard stated ? we desperately need an experienced centre back who can organise and sort out our team. How do the board think that bringing in Brewster will facilitate this: who is he going to sign? At best some duffer from his network ? Aberdeen, Dundee Utd, Greek Side, Killy ? really that is not the answer, if they were any good they would be playing for these teams.

Again I think we have been shafted on this. Call me cynical but I don?t hold out much hope for us landing a new defender inside the window and that will give Brewster the perfect excuse when he fails to deliver.

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