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ICT Ground Crew


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I know this has been brought up before, and some of you may have seen requests about it recently, but do have a read and consider if you can help.

Inverness Caledonain Thistle is keen to put together a Ground Crew who would be able to help get the pitch, stadium and its surrounds ready should severe weather strike in the run up to any home game.  In the past, last minute calls for volunteers have gone over the internet and local radio, but the club is now keen to see a properly trained and equipped group who can be called out when the need arises.  If you would like to be involved please contact the ICT Supporters' Trust on info@ictsupporterstrust.co.uk or call 07879 221569.

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Stunning response David.........................if I had a very long handled shovel. Come on guys!!!

A large proportion of the users who come on here are from out of town, and in my opinion, a lot of those who are in town are becoming more and more alienated by the club because of things like ticket costs, stewarding issues, PR blunder after PR blunder, lack of responses to legitimate queries, and a generally perceived lack of approachability. The only time the club seem to reach out to fans these days is when they want something !! God forbid that a fan wants something or has a question !!!

A better response might be received if fans knew what was in it for them..... Are they doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? Is this newly trained special force to be paid either in money or with free or reduced price tickets? And why is the supporters trust putting this together when the statement says "Inverness Caledonain Thistle is keen to put together a Ground Crew"?

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Quite right, Scotty.

I could volunteer to help but I won't, for exactly the reasons you have given - they want something from the fans but what about something in return.  I have written three times to Mike Smith, once about the Stewards, once about the new away strip and lately about the "brick in the wall", and have yet to even get the courtesy of an acknowledgement - if Management cannot respond to letters,  (even by proforma postcard) than I cannot respond to their request.

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i would love to volunteer, but unfortunately i cant garuntee at the moment that i would be able to help when needed. ergo no point in volunteering cos penny to a pound is that i wouldnt be able to help when needed

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The trust are doing it because the club has asked us to help them in this way.  I have to say that by way of payment or incentives nothing specific as yet has been offered.

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It wasn't all that long ago that fans would have been only too happy to assist in these things, it was par for the course that the club would give back to where they were getting from and no questions would have been raised over payment in any form.  But as some have said above and a point that I have made many many times...their is am unhealthy gap developing between club and fans which becomes more and more apparent every time these things crop up.

I don't know if the club realise just how much they have drifted away from the fans, nor do I know if they care, but a time will come when the club really do need the help of the fans for something major and the wake up call will come when they discover that the once reliable fans are no longer within easy reach.

The "Community Spirit" that once surrounded ICT is on it's last breath and only those with a hand on the reins of the club have the power to turn it back in the right direction.

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What a miserable greedy bunch......"whats in it for me". DJS if I am around and available I'm free. You know how to contact me.

A lot of people would probably do it for free, myself included if I were around. However, I think you may have missed my point ....

The point is that the club routinely seem to think they can snap their fingers and no matter how much disdain they treat people with they will still come running .... That is partly true but the number of people who are like that dwindles each time the club pull this stunt and they need to start rebuilding their relationship with fans who would be more than willing to walk over broken glass for them if they actually looked like they gave a f*** !!!

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The management and PR of the club is simply shocking. Most peeple would help out - it is courtesy to offer summat fer their labours.

...even a cuppa and a biscuit eh :symbol_exclaim01:

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I don't, and never will, ask for a free anything, not a cup of tea, or a biscuit, or even a Bovril, and I will help to move snow, or whatever, for free, to aid ICT, but - why should I, when ICT Management cannot even bother to reply to polite correspondence.

Co-operation works both ways - I'll help you but, you turn your back on me (more than once) - tough!  ICT Management are currently giving the impression that they believe they can ask fans to give of their time, but don't dare ask them to give something back - not even a 2nd class reply.

In the dim distant past, on umpteen occasions, I (and members of my family, and many many others) gave assistance at Telford Street Park (without being asked, and without thought of any payment of any kind - who would have even asked?) a "thank you" "well done" was enough and glad to see the game go ahead.  These days seem to have gone, worse luck, and circumstances have changed - Management is different and their views are obviously not the same - it is high time that those in ICT Management remembered how many of us have season tickets, how many pay at the gate, and we are the ones who eventually pay the wages of those in the upper floors of the Stadium.

ICT should remember the "small" people in the Club, or the "big" people may not be quite so big in the future.

Note:  I do apologise for getting long-winded - must be my age! x

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You tell 'em Eliza!! Sounds like the organization has a real communication problem, all this on top of all the ''on field'' disappointments/ lack of discipline, fans second guessing management, a high profile court appearance and shambolic, laughable stewarding.

Please note that I am not being too long winded, perhaps that may change next year when I reach your age!!

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